Course code MatZB008

Credit points 4

Wood Processing

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures28

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes12

Independent study hours68

Date of course confirmation10.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developers

author reserch

Edgars Bukšāns

Dr. sc. ing.

author lect.

Ulvis Miončinskis

Mg. sc. ing.

author lect.

Andis Ābele

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

Mate1033, Mathematics II

Mate4016, Mathematics I

MatZ2008, Wood Science

Replaced course

MatZ2017 [GMTR2017] Wood Processing

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to learn the design and principles of rational operation of woodworking machines and cutting tools, the characteristics of sawmills products, sawn timber grading, theoretical principles, working technology and equipment of log sawing, natural and kiln drying of sawn timber.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - to explain the concepts and regularities of sawmill technology, equipment and sawn timber grading, and sawn timber drying technologies.
Assessment - discussions in lectures, test in sawmilling technologies, test in wood drying technologies.
Skills - to measure the dimensions and to determine the volume of sawlogs and sawn timber, and to grade the sawn timber dependent on appearance and strength according to the standards, to formulate and to solve the issues related with wood drying.
Assessment - discussions in lectures, laboratory work in sawn timber grading, test in wood drying technologies.
Competence - to adapt and to evaluate woodworking machines, processes of sawmilling and drying of sawn timber.
Assessment - discussions in lectures, laboratory work in sawn timber grading and test in sawmilling technologies, test in wood drying technologies.

Course Content(Calendar)

In full time studies:
1. General information about woodworking equipment and tools (lectures, 3 h)
2. Design and operation of woodworking machines and cutting tools (lectures, 2 h)
3. Frame saws and band saws, their operation (lectures, 2 h)
4. Rip saws and their operation (lectures, 3 h)
5. Maintenance and repair of sawing tools (laboratory works, 4 h)
6. Principles of sawlog sawing (lectures, 1 h)
7. Characteristics and classification of sawn timber (lectures, 3 h)
8. Measuring and grading of sawn timber (lectures, 5 h)
9. Measurement of dimensions, determination of volume and visual grading of sawn timber (laboratory works, 4 h)
10. Moisture in wood and changes of physical properties of wood due to moisture content (lectures, 2 h)
11. Basics in kiln drying of sawn timber (lectures, 2 h)
12. Characteristics of drying agents (lectures, 1 h)
13. Wood drying technologies and equipment. Controll of sawn timber drying processes (lectures, 2 h)
14. Evaluation of wood drying quality. EDG guidelines. European standards (lectures, 2 h)
15. Technological calculations and practical problem solving solutions related with wood moisture content (laboratory works, 4 h)
In part time studies:
1. General information about woodworking equipment and tools (lectures, 1 h)
2. Design and operation of woodworking machines and cutting tools (lectures, 1 h)
3. Frame saws and band saws, their operation (lectures, 1 h)
4. Rip saws and their operation (lectures, 1 h)
5. Maintenance and repair of sawing tools (laboratory works, 2h)
6. Principles of sawlog sawing, characteristics and classification of sawn timber (lectures, 2 h)
7. Measuring and grading of sawn timber (lectures, 3 h)
8. Measurement of dimensions, determination of volume and visual grading of sawn timber (laboratory works, 2 h)
9. Moisture in wood and changes of physical properties of wood due to moisture content (lectures, 1 h)
10. Basics in kiln drying of sawn timber (lectures, 1 h)
11. Characteristics of drying agents (lectures, 1 h)
12. Wood drying technologies and equipment. Controll of sawn timber drying processes (lectures, 1 h)
13. Evaluation of wood drying quality. EDG guidelines. European standards (lectures, 1 h)
14. Technological calculations and practical problem solving solutions related with wood moisture content (laboratory works, 2 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

The result of the study course is assessed by exam consisting of:
1.test for woodworking machinery and tools;
2.written test and developed laboratory work on sawmilling technologies and grading of sawn timber;
3.written test on wood drying.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. Independent work - selection of wood processing machine and tools for performing a specific technological operation.
2. Independent laboratory works – measuring and grading of sawn timber.
3. Independent work - acquisition of wood drying technologies, measurement of wood moisture content and evaluation of wood drying quality.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1.Test for woodworking machines and tools - 33.3%.
2.Laboratory work and test on sawmilling technologies and grading of sawn timber - 33.3%.
3.Written test on wood drying - 33.4%.

Compulsory reading

1. Kozuliņš V., Tuherms H. Koksnes pirmapstrāde. Jelgava: Kokapstrādes tehnoloģijas centrs, 2004. 210 lpp.
2. Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology. Vācija: Springer International Publishing. 2023. ISBN: 9783030813154, 3030813150
3. Trübswetter T. Holztrocknung, Verfahren zur Trocknung von Schnittholz-Planung von Trocknungsanlagen, 2009. 204 p.

Further reading

1. Sleņģis M. E. Kokzāģēšanas instrumenti, to sagatavošana darbam. Rīga: LAK amatniecības lit. apg., 1998. 120 lpp.
2. Bowyer J.L., Shmulsky R., Haygreen J.G. Forest Products and Wood Science. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State Press, 2003. - 554 p.
3. EDG-Recomendation "Assessment of drying quality of timber", 1994, 27 p., pieejams

Periodicals and other sources

1.„Baltijas Koks” ISSN 1407-6667.
2.Koka nozares laikraksts „Holz-Zentralblatt”. ISSN:0018-3792.
3. (portāls par koksnes žāvēšanu).
4.Standartu katalogs


The study course is included in the compulsory part of the Forest Faculty professional higher education bachelor study program "Forest Engineering".