Course code MatZB006

Credit points 8

Sewing Technology and Design

Total Hours in Course200

Number of hours for lectures28

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes60

Independent study hours128

Date of course confirmation16.01.2019

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer

author lect.

Silvija Reihmane

Mg. paed.

Prior knowledge

MatZ1006, Material Science (Textile)

Replaced course

MatZ4017 [GMTR4017] Sewing Technology and Design

Course abstract

Goal: acquired knowledge, skills and competences in research, analysis and development of fashion design of sewn products, product design, technologies, practical production, production of technological documentation and presentation of work.
Fashion Design: Fashion Terminology. Means of expression of clothing design. Clothing styles and fashion trends. Fashion design development.
Making the sewn product:
design stages, get acquainted with constructive modeling, use of commercial cutters and application to individual products; with types of computer programs for construction, modeling; sewing technology, organization (sequence) of the product manufacturing process, types of product assembly units, artistic finishing of sewn products - design.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge – understanding of fashion design principles, clothing style and fashion ideas.
Understanding of the terminology and stages of sewing product design, construction and constructive modeling, types of computer programs for construction and modeling, sewing tools, sewing materials and determining their quantity, cutting, seam processing elements, organization (sequence) of the sewing product manufacturing process , on the types and technology of sewn product assembly units, on the types of decorative decoration and design of sewn products - presentations, practical works, work card
Skills – to critically analyze, compare and evaluate an analogous fashion design product; formulate the basic tasks of fashion design; develop and present a fashion design idea; plan the design, construction and modeling works of the sewn product; work with commercial cuts and adapt to an individual sewn product; critically evaluate and choose textile materials, work tools, seam processing elements, product assembly units and sewing technology according to the model design; develop technological documentation; practically make the sewn product - laboratory and independent works
Competences – able to justify and present the fashion design idea and project of a sewn product, able to safely and creatively apply constructive modeling and sewing technology in the development of a sewn product. Able to exhibit sewn products in a work show. Able to work with sources of information for professional development in fashion design and production of sewn products - development and defense of a course project, practically made sewn product.
Final assesment - Exam.

Course Content(Calendar)

In full-time face-to-face studies:
Fashion Design
1. Concepts: clothing, clothing, fashion, outfit, style. Functions of clothing (utilitarian, aesthetic, social). – 1 hour
3. Means of clothing design expression (silhouettes-shapes, proportion, balance, line, color, texture and print, materials and fibers). - 2 hours
5. Fashion news. - 2 hours
6. Basic tasks of fashion design (work stages): context, values, inspiration and research, means of expression, development of ideas, prototyping, testing. – 2 hours
7. Practical development of fashion design. – 8 hours
Fabrication of the Sewn Product
1. Design stages of the sewn product. (lecture) – 1 hour
2. Sewing machines and accessories: types, operation, care. (lecture, laboratory work) – 4 hours.
3. Construction and constructive modeling. (lecture, laboratory work) – 10 hours.
4. Design, modeling computer programs. (lecture) – 1 hour
5. Commercial sewing machines and their adaptation to an individual sewn product (lecture, laboratory work) - 4 hours.
6. Sewing technology terminology. Organization of the sewing product manufacturing process. Technological documentation. (lecture, laboratory work) – 4 hour
7. Sewing materials and determining their quantity. Trimming. (lecture, laboratory work) - 4 hours.
8. Elements of seam processing: manual work, machine work, hydrothermal treatment (lecture, laboratory work) - 5 hours.
9. Types of skirts, design and production technology (lecture, laboratory work) - 5 hours.
10. Types of trousers, design and manufacturing technology (lecture, laboratory work) – 5 hours.
11. Types of T-shaped clothing, design and production technology (lecture, laboratory work) - 5 hours.
12. Types of shoulder clothes, design and production technology (lecture, laboratory work) - 15 hours.
13. Practical Development of a sewn product - 20 hours.

In part-time correspondence studies:
Fashion Design
1. Concepts: clothing, clothing, fashion, outfit, style. Functions of clothing (utilitarian, aesthetic, social). – 1 hour
3. Means of clothing design expression (silhouettes-shapes, proportion, balance, line, color, texture and print, materials and fibers). - 1 hour
7. Fashion news. - 1 hour
6. Basic tasks of fashion design (work stages): context, values, inspiration and research, means of expression, development of ideas, prototyping, testing. – 1 hour
7. Practical development of fashion design. - permanent job
Fabrication of the Sewn Product
14. Design stages of the sewn product. (lecture) – 1 hour
15. Sewing equipment and accessories: types, operation, maintenance. (lecture, laboratory work) – 2 hours.
16. Construction and constructive modeling. (lecture, laboratory works) – 2 hours.
17. Design, modeling computer programs. (lecture) – 1 hour
18. Commercial sewing machines and their adaptation to an individual sewn product (lecture, laboratory work) - 2 hours.
19. Sewing technology terminology. Organization of the sewing product manufacturing process. Technological documentation (lecture, laboratory work) – 2 hour
20. Sewing materials and determining their quantity. Trimming. (lecture, laboratory work) - 2 hrs.
21. Elements of seam processing: manual work, machine work, hydrothermal treatment (lecture, laboratory work) - 2 hours.
22. Types of skirts, design and manufacturing technology (lecture, laboratory work) - 2 hours.
23. Types of trousers, design and production technology (lecture, laboratory work) – 2 hours.
24. Types of T-shaped clothes, design and production technology (lecture, laboratory work) - 2 hours.
25. Types of shoulder clothes, design and manufacturing technology (lecture, laboratory work) - 5 hours.
26. Practical Development of a sewn product - independent work

Requirements for awarding credit points

Developed and defended laboratory works
Independent works developed and presented
The design and practical production project of the sewn product was developed, presented and defended

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Fashion design research and ideas – presentations, collages and clothing design sketches/drawings
Design ideas for the sewn product - sketches, collage, mood board
Selection and purchase of sewing materials - practical
Production and modeling of the base structure/ commercial cuttings for individually made sewn products - practically made cuttings (lekally)
Manufacturing sequence of the sewn product - work card (technological documentation),
Sewing the sewn product - practical
Independent information source studies for in-depth study of fashion design and sewing production technologies and design possibilities.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Laboratory works - incl./excl.
Independent works - incl./excl.
Fashion design - in a 10-point system, according to the set requirements and criteria.
Sewn product - in a 10-point system, according to the set requirements and criteria.
Cumulative exam on completion of all parts.

Compulsory reading

Modes dizains:
1. Beijs B. (2013) Stila akadēmija. – Zvaigzne ABC
2. Ķestere I. (2007) Lietišķā etiķete. - Zvaigzne ABC
3. Magele B. (2004) Stila harmonija.- Jumava
4. Modes dizaina rokasgrāmata. (2014) – Zvaigzne ABC
5. NJ Stevenson. (2011) Modes vēsture. - Zvaigzne ABC
6. Palomo – Lovinska N. (2014) Pasaules ietekmīgākie modes dizaineri. – Zvaigzne ABC
7. Parute E. (2010) Stila un modes enciklopēdija. – Jumava
8. Roulands – Vorns L. (2002) Tērpi: enciklopēdija. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC
9. Vorslija H. Mode. (2013) 100 būtiskas idejas. – Jāņa Rozes apgāds
Šūtā izstrādājuma izgatavošana:
1. Holahena L. (2012) Kā izmantot, pielāgot un modelēt apģērba piegrieztnes. Zvaigzne ABC, 144 lpp.
2. Naita L. (2010) Šūšana. Rokasgrāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 256 lpp.
3. Smita E. (2011) Lielā šūšanas grāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 400 lpp.
4. Šūšana. Izsmeļoša šūšanas rokasgrāmata (2005) Madris,168 lpp.
5.Version 9.GRAFIS. Textbook part 1. (2003) Germany, Grafis – Software.
6.Version 9.GRAFIS. Textbook part 2. (2003) Germany, Grafis – Software.

Further reading

1. Dārlinga D. L. (2005) Mode, tērps un veiksme. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 54 lpp.
2. Designer Sewing Techniques. (2006) Laura TS
3. De la Fressange, Ines. (2017) Parisian Chic Look Book : What Should I Wear Today? – Flammarion, Jāņa Rozes grāmatnīca
4. Digest R. (2006) Step – by – Step Sewing Course. Rhoda K.
5. Dubska Ž. (2017) Rīdzinieces noslēpumi. Modes un stila lietpratējas rokasgrāmata. – Jumava
6. Drudi Elisabetta. (2015) Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings – Prestel, Jāņa Rozes grāmatnīca
7. Ebben. (2006) Sew Stylish Easy Sew Ideas for Customizing Clothin. Alice B.
8. Faerm S., (2010) Fashion Design Course: Principle, Practice and Techniques: The Ultimate Guide for Aspiring Fashion Designers, Thames@Hudson
9. Fogg Marnie. (2014) The Dress 100 ideas that changed fashion forever. – London: GOODMAN
10. GRAFIS. (b.g.) [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 06.12.2023.] Pieejams:
11. GRAFIS CAD Softwarehttps (b.g.) [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 06.12.2023.] Pieejams:
12. Kaledo Style. Technical Fashion design. (b.g.) [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 06.12.2023.] Pieejams:
13. Johnston Lucy. (2016) Fashion in Detail: 19th Century - Thames and Hudson, Jāņa Rozes grāmatnīca
14. LeachR., (2012) The Fashion Resource Book – research for design. – Thames@Hudson
15. LECTRA. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 06.12.2023.] Pieejams:
16. Lesīte I. (2013) Stila noslēpumi. – Rīga, Jumava
17. Leiškalne-Roka G. Ševeļovs D. (2018) Stils. – Rīga, Stila Ceļvedis
18. Magele B. (2006) Krāsa + forma = stils. Jumava, 64 lpp.
19. Matharu G., (2010) What is fashion design?- Roto Vision
20. Meijers – Stablē B. (2017) 12 modistes, kas izmainīja vēsturi. – SIA “J.L.V.”
21. Palma S., Šolca U. (2012) Tava stila rokasgrāmata. Apģērbs. Aksesuāri. Krāsas. – Jumava
22. Skara N. (2018) Mazliet modes un svaiga gaisa. – Jumava
23. Vasiļjevs A. (2016) Skaistums cauri gadsimtiem. – Jumava
24. Vasiļjevs A. (2014) Eiropas modes vēsture. – Jumava
25. Vasiļjevs A. (2012) Modes likteņi. – Jumava
26. Tétart-Vittu Francoise. (2015) The Costume History – Köln, Taschen, Jāņa Rozes apgāds
27. Rees Annuschka. (2017) Curated Closet: Discover Your Personal Style and Build Your Dream Wardrobe - Virgin Books, Jāņa Rozes grāmatnīca
28. Sposito Stefanella. (2017) Fabrics in Fashion Design: The Way Successful Fashion Designers Use Fabrics. – Promopress, Jāņa Rozes apgāds
29. Sims Josh. (2015) Icons of Women's Style - Laurence King, Jāņa Rozes grāmatnīca

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls "Pastaiga", ISSN 1407-3277
2. Žurnāls Vouge
3. Žurnāli “Burda”
4. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.
6. CLO | 3D Fashion Design Software (
8. Fashion Design Software | 2D/3D CAD CAM – Optitex
9. Browzwear: #1 3D Apparel Design Software
10. Assyst.Vidya - 3D fashion design software for apparel | Assyst
11. Gerber AccuMark CAD software for fashion design | Lectra
12. Tailornova | Online clothing design software
13. Marvelous Designer
14. Daz 3D Animation Studio Tools & Features | Daz 3D


Compulsory Course in Professional Bachelor Study Program "Design and Crafts"