Course code MatZB005

Credit points 5

Textile decoration technologies

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures14

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes42

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours79

Date of course confirmation13.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developers

author lect.

Zane Beitere-Šeļegovska

Mg. paed.

author lect.

Arita Kozule

Professional programme(līm.)

Prior knowledge

MākZ1003, Ethnography

MākZ1004, Composition and Colour Studies I

MākZ3025, Major Drawing IV

MatZ3066, Fashion and Style I

Replaced course

MatZ4019 [GMTR4019] Textile decoration technologies

Course abstract

During the study course, students improve the skills of accentuating a finished product with the help of decor, creating accessories that complement the outfit. The study course provides knowledge about various embroidery techniques (both for hand embroidery and decorative machine embroidery), about the creation of decorations on different materials, as well as the use of various traditional and non-traditional materials in decoration.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1.Students are familiar with various textile decoration techniques, ancient uses and modern solutions in designer collections, as well as the latest fashion trends - research work, visual material
2. Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, understand the compatibility and possibilities of materials - practically developed samples for the catalog/decor.
3. Able to create modern solutions in decorating of the finished product or made decors as accesorizes

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time studies.
Embroidery by hand.
1. Textile decoration, options, tools, materials- lecture 2 h
2. Fashion trends in textile decoration. Embroidery in designer collections- practical works 1h. Research work and presentation
3. Embroidery composition, color matching, care and storage - lecture 1h
4. Embroidery techniques, their traditional division, machine embroidery- lecture 1 h
5. Ethnographic white works. Hem stitches in the knitwear. Hem stitches with ribbons- Lecture 1h, practical works 4 h. Décor- embroidery on non-traditional material , samples
6. Embroidery with ribbons- practical works 3 h. Décor- floral composition, samples
7. Color embroidery- practical works 5 h. Décor- Mono (composition embroidered in one technique and one color), samples
8. Monograms, different techniques- practical works 3 h. Décor- monogram
9. Applications- lecture 1h, practical works 2 h. décor- embroidered fashion illustration in different techniques with application.
10. Covered stitches –lecture 1h, practical works 5h. Samples
11. Haute couture embroidery (luneville), embroidery on tulle- lecture 1h, practical works 3 h. Samples
12. 13. Other embroidery techniques (richelieu embroidery, affix works, lecture 1h, practical works 3 h
1. Decoration of textiles, options, options for using machine embroidery in works - 1 hour lecture
2. Machine embroidery techniques, introduction to machine embroidery – 1 hour lecture
3. Basic stitches in machine embroidery - 1 hour of practical work
4. Application of basic stitches in a simplified composition/work. 1 hour of practical work
5. Computerized machine embroidery – 1 hour of lecture, 1 hour of practical work
6. Fabric making technique (crazy wool) – 1 hour lecture, 1 hour practical work
7. Embroidery on different materials – 1 hour lecture, 2 hours practical work
8. Splicing 1h practical work
9. Embroidery technique 1 h of practical work
10. Richelieu technique 1h practical work
11. Through seams 2 h practical work
12. Embroidery with ribbons 1 practical work
13. Applications, their types. 1 hour of lecture, 3 hours of practical work,
14. Latest trends in the world in machine embroidery 1 h lecture, 2 h practical work

In part-time correspondence studies:
All topics indicated for full-time attendance are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the indicated hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

• 75% participation in lectures and practical work
• Presented research work
• Developed practical works, finished products presented

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Research Work and presenting of material- Textile Decoration in a Designer's Collections
Practical works:
1. Decor- embroidery on non-traditional material
2. Sample collection catalogue embroidered by hand (White works, color works, ribbon embroidery, monogram, application, covered stitches, embroidery on tulle), individual samples can be processed as decors.
3. Sample collection catalogue for machine embroidery works.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

An evaluation of the research work and its presentation in a 10-point scale, which is included in the overall assessment of study course.
Each practical work is evaluated according to the following criteria:
quality of work- 2 points
composition- 2 points
material compliance / suitability - 2 points
technique use / selection- 1 point,
color matching 1 point
creativity / special access - 2 points.
The score obtained is converted according to the 10-point scale for the assessment of study results. The final grade of the course (test with a mark) is the average mark for the results of all handicraft works, which can be affected by participation.

Compulsory reading

1. Wilhide E. The Complete Pattern Directory: 1500 Designs from All Ages and Cultures. 2018.
2. Naita L Šūšana un izšūšana. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2011. 256 lpp.
3. Dislere V. (2020). Dekoratīvā mašīnizšūšana. Metodika pašmācībai pieaugušajiem. Jelgava: LLU, 232 lpp.
4. Di Fidio G. C., Belini V. Izšūšana ar zīda lentītēm. Rīga: Jumava, 2012. 111 lpp.
5. Keegan L. The Sewing Machine Embroiderer's Bible. 2014.

6. Trott P. Three dimensional embroidery stitches. 2005.

Further reading

Thunder M. Embroidery designs for fashion and furnishings. 2014.
Vīnkalne D., Mallone G., Bite L., Kursiša Z. Vienvirziena izvilkuma izšūšana ar lentīti. Mācību līdzeklis. 2014. 33 lpp.
Madre I. Izšūšana. Rīga: VAGA, 1993. 190 lpp.

Karlsone A., Grasmane R. (2000). Mašīnizšūšana. Rīga: LAK Amatniecības literatūras apgāds, 72 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources
SlautaSchool video tutorials. Pieejams:
Needle’n’Thread . Pieejams:


The course is included in the compulsory part of the TF professional higher education bachelor study program "Design and Crafts" in full-time and part-time studies with the specialization Textile Technology and Design.