Course code MatZB003
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course96
Number of hours for lectures10
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes34
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation13.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Mg. paed.
InfT1036, IT in Design I
MākZ1004, Composition and Colour Studies I
MākZB001, Form Design
MākZB002, Composition and Colour Studies II
MatZ1006, Material Science (Textile)
MatZB001, Knitting Technologies and Design
MatZ2045 [GMTR2046] Crochet Technologies and Design
Students get knowledge and skills of crocheting, different techniques and patterns of it, understand availability of different materials (including recycled materials) and usage of it by it's properties; are able to use different crochet technologies where appropriate (considering to usage of product, expenses, production time, matrials etc.) in practise by making collection of textiles or parts of it, as well as using crochet technologies to create different contemporary and practical products of design, are able to sintesize crocheting with other textile technologies
Knows the range of materials suitable for crocheting, their properties; various crocheting technologies; creating models and cuts; material costs and quantity calculations, work development time planning (inspiration presentation, sample catalog, product)
Can develop products/collections or their parts according to project requirements from design to real product; chooses the most appropriate materials, techniques and technologies for a specific project, as well as synthesizes crocheting with other textile technologies; reads and develops technical cards; analyzes the technologies of the textile industry, follows their development and trends (sample catalog, product, board in the synthesis of textile techniques)
Able to create a sustainable product - practical and modern, cheaper to make, easy to maintain and easy to use. Able to develop technological maps and technological modes of product manufacturing. Able to present your performance (individual project)
Full-time studies:
1. Classification of crochet, types, materials and tools to be used - lecture 2 h, practical works 2 h (inspirational presentation)
2. Crocheting with a crochet hook. Types of patterns- lecture 2 h, practical work 1 h (sample catalog)
3. Mesh stitch crochet - lecture 1 h, practical work 2 h (sample catalog)
4. Form crochets, Expanding/narrowing crochet - lecture 1 h, practical work 2 h (sample catalog)
5. Synthesis of textile techniques - practical work 2 h (board)
6. Fabric and crochet connections. Types of decorative edges - practical work 2 h (sample catalog)
7. Individual project - source of inspiration is a plant - practical work 2 h (presentation of inspiration, sketch pad, samples)
8. Lace crochets. Motif crochets. Irish lace - lecture 1 h, practical work 4 h (sample catalog)
9. Romainian point laces - practical work 3 h (sample catalog)
10. Freeform crochet. Large format jobs. – lecture 1h, practical work 3 h (collectively formed decor)
11. Hairpin laces - lecture 1 h, practical work 2 h (sample catalog)
12. Tunisian crochet - lecture 1 h, practical work 2 h (sample catalog)
13. Development of the individual project, presentation - practical works 7 h
Part-time studies:
All topics indicated for full-time attendance are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the indicated hours
Attended at least 75% of all lessons.
Worked out and presented all practical works
Inspiration presentation on a theme choosed by lot
Catalog of patterns (patterns crocheted with different materials: single crochet, half double crochet (crocheting behind the edge of the back loop), double crochet (crocheting behind the edge of the front loop), mesh crochet, crocheted shapes (circle and square / triangle), laces, motif crochet, Irish laces, crochet on fabric, romanian point laces, Tunisian crochet, hairpin laces.
Board textile synthesis 30x 30 cm, “Nature motif” (various techniques, materials, textures, effects). View of nature choosed by lot.
Individual project - product, source of inspiration - plant / natural form (choosed by lot). The product must be functional, related to the plant (shape, color, structure, texture, etc.), crochet at least 50%. Research material in sketch pad, inspiration board, A3 visual board, advertising booklet.
he exam is cumulative, the assessment is made up of the fulfillment of all requirements and the average value of all obtained assessments.
Unexcused attendance below 75% may reduce (up to 2 points) the exam score.
Practical work assessment criteria (total 10 points):
•compliance with the task 2 points,
•all conditions met/contains all components 2 points,
•quality 2 points
•color harmony, composition, proportions 2 points
•timeliness 1 point
•outstanding performance/innovation/growth 1 point.
• Bārndena B. Tamborēšanas rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2014. 256 lpp.
• Gandertone L. Lielā rokdarbu grāmata. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. 256 lpp.
• Ītone Dž. Tamborēšana. 300 padomi, tenhiskie paņēmieni un amata noslēpumi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2013. 158 lpp.
• Stenfīlda L. 100 ziedi. Tamborēti un adīti. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2010. 128.lpp.
• Bārndena B. Tamborējumi. Rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2005. 256 lpp.
• Smita S. 150 tamborēti malu un rotājumu raksti. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2014.
• Raverly - a knit and crochet community. Pieejams:
• 1000+ ideas about Crocheting on Pinterest. Pieejams:
• Video tutorial crochet. Pieejams:
The course is included in the compulsory part of the TF professional higher education bachelor study program "Design and Crafts" in full-time and part-time studies with the specialization Textile Technology and Design.