Course code MatZ3068

Credit points 6

Tools and machines for wood processing

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Number of hours for laboratory classes16

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation15.10.2019

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer


Kārlis Pugovičs

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to acquire: Wood processing machines and their principal schematics, structure, properties and usability. Technological solutions and their impact on rational usage of forest resources.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - students know principal construction, main components, methodology of feed speed calculation of various wood processing machines and their characteristic technological solutions in factories.
Skills - students understand impact of different parameters on performance on wood processing machines and causalities, that define technological solutions in manufacturing conditions.
Competencies - students are able to identify different wood processing machines, their parts, cutting tool and parameters. Students are able to individually do necessary calculations for designing of the technological flow.
Knowledge, skills and competencies are assessed in tests, laboratory reports and final exam.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Wood material properties. 2h
2. Classification of wood processing machines. 2h
3. Calculation of specific cutting force. 2h
4. Band saws. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
5. Cutting tools for bandsaws. 2h
6. Feed speed calculation for bandsaws. 2h
7. Cross-cutting circular saws. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
8. Cutting tools for cross-cutting circular saws. 2h
9. Feed speed calculation for cross-cutting circular saws. 2h
10. Longitudinal cutting circular saws. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
11. Cutting tools for longitudinal cutting circular saws. 2h
12. Feed speed calculation for longitudinal cutting circular saws. 2h
13. Planners. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
14. Cutting tools for planners.2h
15. Feed speed calculation for planners. 2h
16. Drilling machines. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
17. Cutting tools for drilling machines. 2h
18. Feed speed calculation for drilling machines. 2h
19. Sanding machines. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
20. Cutting tools for sanding machines. 2h
21. Feed speed calculation for sanding machines. 2h
22. CNC processing machines. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
23. CNC processing machines. Schematics, properties and usage. 2h
24. Test I. 2h
25. Transportation machines in wood processing plants. 2h
26. Principal design of wood processing plants. 2h
27. Test II. 2h
28. Technological solutions in wood processing plants. Sawmills. 2h
29. Technological solutions in wood processing plants. Laminated material plants. 2h
30. Technological solutions in wood processing plants. Furniture production plants. 2h
31. Technological solutions in wood processing plants. Plywood manufacturing plants. 2h
32. Technological solutions in wood processing plants. Timber house manufacturing plants. 2h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Class attendance: not less than 75%.
Both tests were successfully written.
All companies were visited, reports were submitted and successfully defended. Successfully passed the final exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Preparation for tests. Analysis of the visited companies and preparation of the visit report.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final grade is made up of:
control tasks and defending the reports of the companies visited 50%;
final exam 50%.

Compulsory reading

1. Walker, J.C.F., Butterfield, B.G., Harris, J.M., Langrish, T.A.G., Uprichard, J.M. Primary wood processing. London: Chapman & Hall. 1993. 595 p.

2. Csanady, E., Magoss, E. Mechanics of wood machining. Sopron, University of West-Hungary Sopron. 2011.


Compulsory course for Bachelor’s study programme “Biosystems Machinery and Technologies” students