Course code MmehB014

Credit points 4

Technology in Machine Building

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures22

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes22

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours64

Date of course confirmation13.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author lect.

Jānis Galiņš

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

DatZ2044, Informatics I

DatZB002, Informatics II

Mate2033, Mathematical Statistics

MmehB004, Materials Science

MmehB017, Metal Processing II

MmehB020, Tolerances ans Standartization

VidEB012, Engineering Graphics

Replaced course

MašZ4032 [GMAS4033] Technology in Machine Building

Course abstract

The aim of course is to provide set of practical skills in technological processes and types of metal processing; Structure of the technological processes; Manufacturing types; Accuracy of dimensions and surface quality; Manufacturing of rough parts and their types. Processing of cylindrical, conical and flat surfaces. Treatment of drilling holes bores. Grinding of surfaces. Finishing techniques. Special combined treatment (electrical, chemical, mechanical).

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge of metalworking technological process design. (2 tests)
Skills of the type of treatment methods and technological parameters selection. (5 practical works)

Competence in evaluation of the treatment processes. (5 practical works)

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Requirements for preparation of technological documents according to the order. (3h)
2. Types of technological process and forms of organization. Perspective, route, individual and standard. (3h)
3. Types and stages of technological process operations. Choice of roughing, finishing and grinding operations. (3h)
4. Types of production. Individual, series and mass production. (3h)
5. Ensuring processing accuracy. Accuracy characteristics and categories. (3h)
6. Deformations of the technological system. Deformations caused by temperature and internal stresses. (3h)
7. The concept of bases. Basics of base selection. Principle of base matching. (3h)
8. Size chain and operation size recalculation. Determining the expected processing accuracy. (3h)
9. Surface quality ensuring. Surface roughness and its criteria. Factors affecting surface roughness. (3h)
10. Influence of surface quality on the performance of parts: abrasion resistance, fatigue resistance, etc. (3h)
11. Types of workpiece production. Casting, forging and rolled steel. Choice of workpieces. (3h)
12. The latest types of rolled steel cutting. Laser, plasma jet and water jet cutting. (3h)
13. Technological route and its meaning. The concept of differentiation and concentration of operations. (2h)
14. Machining of external cylindrical and conical surfaces. Choice of CNC machine. Methods for clamping workpieces. (2h)
15. Machining of internal cylindrical surfaces. Drilling, boring and reaming. (2h)
16. Machining of flat surfaces. Turning, milling, planing and shaping of flat surfaces. Choice of machine tools. (2h)
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.

Requirements for awarding credit points

1. Successful assessment in tests.
2. Passed practical works during workshops.
3. Evaluation of reports in classes.

Accumulative exam with a mark according to the results obtained in tests and practical works.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Practical work in the production of flat type parts using Mastercam.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. The student gets successful mark in the test if at least 50% of the questions are answered.
2. Practical works are done and defended in time.

The final mark consists of successfully written tests and defended practical work.

Compulsory reading

1. Haas Operator’s Manual, 2019. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 09.09.2019.] Pieejams:
2. Sandvik Coromant. Training Handbook. Sweden, 2020. 391 p.
3. Sandvik Coromant. Rotating tools. Sweden, 2020. 524 p.
4. Avotiņš J.. Metālapstrāde. Jelgava: LLU, 2009. 400 lpp.

5. Stephenson D. A., Agapiou J. S. Metal Cutting Theory and Practice. 2016. 970 p.

Further reading

1. Fischer U., Heinzlet M., Naher F. Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook. Haan-Gruiten: Verlag Europa Lehrmittel, Germany, 2010. 428 p.
2. Tschatsch H. Applied Machining Technology. Germany, Dresden: Springer, 2009. 370 p.
3. Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, David Cebon. Materials engineering, science, processing and design [e-book]. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2007. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 09.02.2018.] Pieejams: ar LLU IS kontu:
4. Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phule. The Science and Engineering of Materials (International Student Edition). 2006. 863 pp.

5. Robert L. Norton/ Design of Machinery with Student Resource DVD / Edition 5, 2011. - 612 pp.

Periodicals and other sources

Journal of Mehanical Engineering Science ISSN: 0022-2542.


Compulsory course for students of the professional bachelor study program “Machine Design and Production”.