Course code MmehB012
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation13.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
Mg. sc. ing.
MašZ3005, Technology of Materials I
MašZ3017, Machine Elements II
MašZ3031, Materials Science
MašZ4013, Technical Graphics I
MašZ4014, Technical Graphics II
MašZ4031, Metal Processing II
MašZ4041, Engineering Technology II
MašZ4042 [GMAS4043] Manufacturing of Devices and Tools
The aim of the study course is to get acquainted with the classification of devices, their basic, guiding, setting and auxiliary elements. Survey special devices of machine, stamps,molds, devices of fixing cutting tools. Devices for montage and control. Students acquire technology of manufacturing devices, cutting tools, measurement tools, utilisation of especially hard materials and economically justified of manufacturing process.
Knowlegde about the form of devices and tools, and those manufacturing technology. Assessment - test.
Skills to design of devices and tools, and developed to manufacturing technology. Assessment - test.
Competence in form of devices and tools, its production, rationale select and to put in to practice. Assessment - test and laboratory work reports.
1. Introduction. Device classification - 2h.
2. Workpiece basing - 2h; L.d. Device design with SolidWorks software.
3. Fixing of blanks - 2h; L.d. Route map development.
4. Basic, conductive, setting and auxiliary elements of the devices - 2h; L.d. Development of device assembly technology.
5. Special machine tools - 2h; L.d. Punch design.
6. Fastening devices for cutting tools - 2h; L.d. Calculations of punches and matrices.
7. Mounting and control devices - 2h; L.d. Punch assembly technologies.
8. Tool materials, their workability - 2h; Development of punch manufacturing technology.
9. Instrument classification - 2h; Mold design.
10. Punch design and manufacturing - 2h; Calculations of punches and matrices.
11. Mold design and manufacturing - 2h; Mold assembly technology.
12. Locksmith tools manufacturing technologies - 2h; Development of matrix manufacturing technology.
13. Measuring instrument manufacturing technologies - 2h; Tool design.
14. Heat treatment technologies for devices and tools - 2h; Development of tool manufacturing route.
15. Sharpening, marking and storage of tools - 2h; Heat treatment of tools.
16. Evaluation of the efficiency of technological processes - 2h; Tool quality assessment.
Systematic work in classes.
Timely development and defense of laboratory works.
Quality homework.
Homework; drilling rig design and manufacturing technology development; punch design and development of punch manufacturing technology; mold design and development of matrix manufacturing technology; locksmith tool design and manufacturing technology development.
Quality of homework performance and defense. Exam.
1. Graham T. Smith. Cutting Tools Technology. London. Springer. 2008. 642 p.
2. Avotiņš J. Metālapstrāde. Jelgava: LLU, 2009. 400 lpp.
3. Tabellenbuch Metall. Lektorat Ulrik Fisscher, Rautlingen. Lehrmittel, 43.Auflage. 2005. 422 S.
4. Boge A. Vieweg Handbuch Maschinenbau - Wiesbaden: F.Vieweg Verlag. 2008. 1700 S.
5. Vērdiņš G. Lekciju kurss: Ierīču un instrumentu izgatavošana. Jelgava. 2010. 80 lpp.
1. А.И.Барсов. Технология инструментального производства. Москва, Машиностроение, 280 стр.
2. Vērdiņš G.,Dukulis I. Materiālu mācība: mācību līdzeklis - Jelgava. 2008. 240 lpp.
3. V.Bērenfelds. Tehniskais minimums metālapstrādē. R: “Avots”, 1989. - 263 lpp.
4. В.С.Корсаков. Основы конструирования приспособлений, Москва, Машиностроение, 1983. 278 стр.
5. Encyclopaedia of materials: Science and Technology/ edited by K.M.Jurgen Buchow ... [et al.] Volume 1. Till 10., 2001., Elsevier Science Ltd, 9913 pp.
Compulsory course for students of the professional study program “Machine Design and Production”.