Course code MmehB004
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation24.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
MašZ3031 [GMAS3031] Materials Science
The aim of the study course is to get acquainted with the classification of construction materials, physical-mechanical properties, structure, application, alloy theory. They get to know the theory of alloys, iron - carbon condition diagram, thermal treatment theory and technology. Students learn of surface fastening of details, to acquire knowledge about alloy steels, non - ferrous metals and alloys, composite materials, non - metals materials, nanomaterials and fundamental principles of selection the materials.
Knowledge of the properties, heat treatment and application of construction and tool materials. Assessment - test.
Skills to choose materials for making parts and tools. Assessment - test and laboratory work reports.
Competence in the properties, marking and application of mechanical engineering materials and tool materials. As a result of successful completion of the course, the student acquires information about the structure, physical, mechanical, technological and operational properties of materials used in mechanical engineering; on the types and technologies of heat treatment of metals and alloys; on the principles for the selection of mechanical engineering materials. Assessed with successful passing of the exam.
1. Classification of materials – 2 hours;
2. Alloy theory – 2 hours;
3. Iron and its alloys – 2 hours;
4. Classification and marking of non-alloy steels – 2 hours;
5. Theory of heat treatment – 2 hours;
6. Basics of heat treatment technology – 2 hours;
7. Hardening, tempering, annealing technologys – 2 hours;
8. Surface treatment methods of details – 2 hours;
9. Alloy steels – 2 hours;
10. Non - ferrous metals and their alloys – 2 hours;
11. Tool materials – 2 hours;
12. Special materials – 2 hours;
13. Non-metallic materials – 1 hours;
14. Composite materials – 1 hours;
15. Nanomaterials – 1 hours;
16. Principles of material selection – 1 hours.
1. Metallography microscope MIM-7 – 1 hours;
2. Macro- and microanalysis – 1 hours;
3. Iron-cementite state diagram – 2 hours;
4. Determination of hardness by the Brinell method – 1 hours;
5. Determination of hardness by Rockwell method – 1 hours;
6. Determination of mechanical properties of metals – 2 hours;
7. Heat treatment of non-alloy steels – 2 hours;
8. Microanalysis of non-alloy stehl – 1 hours;
9. Cast iron microanalysis – 1 hours;
10. Classification and marking of alloy steels – 1 hours;
11. Classification and marking of non-ferrous metals – 1 hours;
12. Spark method – 1 hours;
13. Spectral analysis – 1 hours.
Part time extramural studies: All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar.
To obtain credit points, you must systematically attend lectures, develop and successfully defend laboratory work, complete homework, successfully write 4 tests and successfully pass an exam.
Students complete 64 homework on the physical and mechanical properties of metals, metallurgy, material marking, heat treatment, material recognition and prepare for tests.
Study results are evaluated according to the performance of laboratory work, completion of homework, quality of tests and successful passing of the exam
1. Vērdiņš G., Dukulis I. Materiālu mācība. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 240 lpp.
2. Tabellenbuch Metall. Mechanical and metal trades handbook. Ulrich Fischer ... et al. 2nd English ed. Haan-Gruiten: Verlag Europa Lehrmittel, 2010. 428 p.
3. Materiālu mācība. Metodiskie norādījumi laboratorijas darbiem. LLU, Jelgavā, 2004. 62 lpp.
4. Askeland D.R., Phule P.P. The Science and Engineering of Materials. International Sudent Edition. 2006. 863 p.
1. Ozoliņš J. Materiālu mācība. Rīga: “Zvaigzne”, 1978. 245 lpp.
2. Encyclopedia of materials: Science and Technology. Edited by K.M.Jurgen Buchow ... [et al.]. Volume 1-11. Amsterdam ... [etc.]: Elsevier Science Ltd., 2001.
3. Steel: A handbook for materials research and engineering. H.-E. Arntz ... et al. Berlin etc.: Springer; Düsseldorf: Verl. Stahleisen.
Compulsory study course in bachelor study programs “Machine Design and Production”, “Agricultural Engineering”