Course code MežZB026

Credit points 4


Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures18

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes26

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours64

Date of course confirmation21.02.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer


Kristaps Gruduls

Mg. silv.

Replaced course

MežZ3073 [GMEZ3075] Dendrometry

Course abstract

Aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge about the taxation of individual trees, their parts and forest stands. The study course consists of a practical and a theoretical part. The theoretical part deals with the methods used in forest taxation in determining taxation features and tools for measuring taxation parameters. In the practical part, the student acquires the necessary skills in data collection and processing, so that the obtained data can be used in forest management planning.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Acquires knowledge and understanding of forest taxation and its regulatory enactments, applied instruments and is able to perform inventory and calculation of individual sawn tree taxation elements - 1st test, practical work
2. Acquires knowledge about the taxation of growing trees, timber and stands - practical work
3. Gains knowledge and understanding of individual tree, forest stand growth, be able to calculate and determine them, - 2. test, practical work
4. Acquires knowledge about the organization of forest territories, practical taxation methods, be able to apply them both in calculations and in nature - practical work
5. Acquires knowledge about forest cartographic materials, use of GIS systems in forest taxation (to be able to apply them), to acquire knowledge necessary for preparation of felling stock, - 3rd test, practical work

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Necessity of forest taxation, division and concept of forest taxation. (Lecture -1 h)
2. Forest inventory objects, measurement units, and Accuracy. Instruments used in forest inventory (Lecture -2 h, practical work -2 h)
3. Methods of surveying a felled tree trunk. Methods of individual and group survey of round timber. (Lecture -2 h, practical work -2 h)
4. Taxation of growing trees, form numbers, form coefficients. Methods for determining the growing volume of wood. (Lecture -2 h, practical work -2 h)
5. Growth of a single tree. Tree growth course. (Lecture -1 h, practical work -1 h)
6. Test 1. The concept of forest taxation, tools, taxation of growing trees, timber and stacked materials. (practical work -1 h)
7. The concept, composition, structure of a forest stand. (Lecture -1 h, practical work -1 h)
8. Average diameter and height of forest stand. Methods of their calculation. (Lecture -1 h, practical work -2 h)
9. Methods of analysis of non-spatial and spatial structure of forest stand. (Lecture -1 h, practical work-1 h)
10. Methods and tools for measuring the parameters characterizing taxation objects, units of measurement and accuracy. Tools used in forest taxation. Laboratory a forest stand. Forest stand growth course. (Lecture -1 h, practical work -2 h)
11. Forest stand stock determination methods. (Lecture -2 h, practical work- 2 h)
12. Test 2. Stand taxation, stock determination and assortment. (practical work -1 h)
13. Requirements and methods for preparation of felling plans and felling assessment. (Lecture -2 h, practical work -2 h)
14. Inventory methods used in the forest sector. Necessity of forest inventory. Regulations in forest inventory. (Lecture -1 h, practical work -3 h)
15. Specifics of forest inventory in other countries. The latest technologies in forest surveying. National forest monitoring. (Lecture -2 h, practical work-2 h)
16. Test 3. Taxation methods and preparation of forest inventory documents. (practical work-1 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Must have completed all practical works and passed 3 tests. Exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent preparation for the control of knowledge by studying special literature and using the learning resources available in the e-study environment within the study course.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. All practical works must be completed and defended,
2. Successfully complete all three tests (test consists of 2 theory questions and 1 practical task, the calculation of which is acquired during practical work,
3. Students who have successfully passed the tests of at least 7 will be exempted from the examination.
4. Exam consists of 2 theory questions and 1 practical assignment.

Compulsory reading

1. West P. W. Tree and Forest Measurement. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 214 p.
2. Līpiņš L., Liepa I. Apaļo kokmateriālu uzmērīšana. Jelgava: LLU Meža fakultāte, 2007. 234 lpp.
3. Piermaria C. Advances in forest inventory for sustainable forest management and biodiversity monitoring. Edited by Piermaria Corona... et al. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. 441 p.
4. Maltamo M. Forest inventory: methodology and applications. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher, 2006. 362 p.
5. Liepa I. Meža taksācija. Jelgava, 2018. 236 lpp.

Further reading

1. Sarma P. Meža taksācija. Rīga: Latvijas valsts izdevniecība, 1948. 591 lpp.
2. Liepa I. Pieauguma mācība. Jelgava: LLU, 1996. 123 lpp.
3. Zālītis P. Mežkopības priekšnosacījumi. Rīga: LVMI "Silava": Et cetera, 2006. 219 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. LLU Raksti. Proceedings of LAU, ISSN 1407-4427.
Rural Sustainability Research. Former: Proceedings of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Berlin: Sciendo. ISSN: 2256-0939.
2. Starptautiskais zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry". ISSN 1392-1355.
3. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne". Pieejams: www.silava/mezzinatne/lv. ISSN 1407-270X.


The study course is included in the compulsory part of full-time and part-time studies of the professional higher education bachelor study program “Forest Engineer” of the Faculty of Forestry.