Course code MežZB021
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation12.03.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Dr. silv.
MežZ3003 [GMEZ3003] Forest Tree Improvement
Students learn theoretical base of forest trees improvement (breeding), become acquainted with processes and tasks of forest tree improvement, display of heritability and variation, phenotype and genotype. Students also learn the methods of tree breeding – the basis of selection, hybridization, clone, family, provenance and ecotype. They become acquainted with classification of trees and stands from the breeding perspective, as well establishing and management of seed orchards.
Knowledge and understanding of the forest breeding process, methods, and practical application; Skills to evaluate the results of progeny tests; Ability to predict selection effect.
Test 1 – Understands the importance of selection in forestry, knows how to evaluate the use of reproductive material in different regions of origin, can evaluate the importance of the effect of selection.
2nd test work - knows how to justify the importance of preserving genetic diversity and evaluate the criteria for the analysis of various diversity parameters, understands the basics of molecular genetics, the application of its methods in forest selection.
Independent work - material prepared and presented according to key words on the problems of the field of forest breeding, using scientific sources of information.
1. Aims of tree breeding, its historical development, components.6 h.
2. Heredity and heritability. Diversity of tree morphotypes. Heritability of specific traits. 6 h.
3. Phenotypes and genotypes. Heritability coefficient selection differential, genetic gain. 5 h.
4. Population genetics. Methods of tree breeding. Selection. 6 h.
5. Hybrid breeding. Controlled crossing of different tree species. Perspective inter- species hybrids. 6 h.
6. Tissue culture. Ecotypes and provenances. 5 h.
7. Progeny trials of forest tree species. 6 h.
8. Breeding or deciduous and coniferous trees. 5 h.
9. Types of tree and stands from tree breeding purposes. 6 h.
10. Seed orchards – types, establishment and management. Seed crop, it assessment and collection. 5 h.
Passed tests. Passed individual assignment.
Presentation (7-10 min.) and analysis of the scientific study in foreign language based on provided key words. Student understands the kay message of the study and can explain it to the pairs. Understands the topicality of the study in context of forestry of Latvia.
Grade is cumulative value from results of two tests and individual assignment (presentation). If not passed, written exam.
1. Forest Tree Breeding in Europe: Current State-of-the-Art and Perspectives. Pâques, Luc E (Ed.). Springer. 2013. 511 lpp.
2. Dreimanis A. Pazīmju iedzimšana un skaldīšanās pēcnācēju paaudzēs. Jelgava: LLA Mežkopības katedra, 2001. 14 lpp.
3. Dreimanis A. Izlase selekcijas darbā. Jelgava: LLA Mežkopības katedra, 2003. 9 lpp.
4. Dreimanis A. Kokaugu hibridizācija . Jelgava: LLA Mežkopības katedra, 2004. 15 lpp.
5. Misiņa M., Loža V. Ģenētika ar selekcijas pamatiem. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1991. 396 lpp.
Baumanis I., Jansons Ā., Neimane U. Priede: selekcija, ģenētika un sēklkopība Latvijā. Daugavpils: Saule, 2014. 325 lpp
Nature Climate Change ISSN 1758-678X
Global Change Biology ISSN 1365-2486
Mandatory course of the MF academic education bachelor's study program