Course code MežZB020
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation12.03.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Mg. sc. ing.
MežZB019, Forest Exploitation I
MežZ3079 [GMEZ3081] Forest Exploitation II
The study course provides knowledge about timber landings and relevant operations, different technological variants for energy wood production, low-grade and residual wood utilization technology. During the course students are acquainted with indices of different aspects, useful for assessment of alternative variants.
Students get
• knowledge about technology in stationary timber landings, energy wood industry, and for low-grade wood useful utilization.
• Skills how to make unbiased evaluation of technological variants are acquired.
• Gained competence is sufficient for decision making to choose appropriate development directions of forest management.
1 Classification and main indicators of timber warehouses.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
2 Timber unloading and stockpiling in warehouses.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
3 Timber sorting and processing operations: shredding, splitting, peeling.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
4 Stacking and loading of timber into further vehicles (Test 1).(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
5 Energy wood raw material preparation technology and tools.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
6 Uses of low-value and production residual wood.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
7 Determining the required number of workers and machines in felling works.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
8 Determination of Basic Technical, Technological and Economic Indicators of Logging (Test 2)(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
9 Types of timber primary transport, conditions of their choice.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
10 Types of energy wood raw materials and preparation technology.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
11 Energy wood quality.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
12 Types of timber stacking and storage.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
13 Timber transport equipment and technology.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
14 Wood chemical processing technology.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h)
15 Green biomass use technology.(lecturer 1 h, 1 h) 16 Knowledge test - exam.
All planned tasks according to the course plan (see 1 to 8) must be completed within the time allotted for independent studies
All planned tasks according to the course plan (see 1 to 8) must be completed within the time allotted for independent studies
The criterion is the percentage compliance with the 10-point grading scale. The assessment in any of the study results must not be less than 50% of 8 points, or it must be at least 4 points.
1. Cars A. Energoresursi. Rīga: SIA Baltic Communication Partners, 2008. 102 lpp.
2. Vasiļevskis A. Vispārīgas ziņas par kokmateriālu pirmapstrādes ražotni. Jelgava: LLU, 2002. 36 lpp.
3. Enerģētisko šķeldu ražošana no mežizstrādes atlikumiem. Rīga: LVMI Silava, 2008. 16 lpp.
4. Saliņš Z. Mežs - Latvijas nacionālā bagātība. Jelgava: Autora izd., 2002. 248 lpp.
1. Vasiļevskis A. Kokmateriālu pirmapstrādes iecirkņa projekts: metod. norādījumi. Jelgava: LLU, 2001. 49 lpp.
2. Buongiorno J., Gilless J. K. Decision Methods for Forest Resource Management. Amsterdam [etc.]: Academic Press, 2003. 439 p.
3. Meža izmantošana Latvijā - vēsture , stāvoklis, perspektīvas. Sast. Z. Saliņš. Jelgava: Meža izmantošanas kat., 1999. 270 lpp.
1. Baltijas Koks, ISSN 1407-6667
2. Meža Avīze, ISSN 1407-6187
3. SkogForsk Results, ISSN 1103-622
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the MF academic education bachelor's study program "Forest Science".