Course code MežZB003

Credit points 5

Forest Regeneration and Tree Breeding

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours79

Date of course confirmation10.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer

author Mežsaimniecības institūts

Baiba Jansone


Replaced course

MežZ2042 [GMEZ2042] Forest Regeneration and Tree Breeding

Course abstract

Course includes analysis of techniques and technologies of area and soil preparation, ways of forest regeneration, criteria of their application. Influence of tree species mixture, initial spacing and genetic and physiological quality of plant material on success of regeneration and stand characteristics is assessed. Basic principles and results of tree breeding are discussed. Most important methods of protection against biotic an abiotic damages and thinning of young stands, options to ensure high carbon sequestration and stimulate adaptation capacity, stability of stands are covered.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

During the course students gain knowledge about most important aspects of forest regeneration and afforestation and applicable techniques and technologies as well as basics of forest tree breeding. After the course students are competent to choose the most appropriated regeneration method, species composition, type of plant material, initial spacing and thinning regime in the practical situation. They are skilled to evaluate quality of stand protection and plant material. Students are competent to characterize the significance of using selected plant material and substantiate connection between forest regeneration and carbon sequestration in ecosystem and adaptation capacity of stand.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Types of regeneration, conditions (prerequisites) of their application, use. 2 lectures, 2 practical work
2. Promoting natural regeneration: rationale, methods. 2 L
3. Tree species and their mixture: selection, justification, establishment methods, types. 2 L
4. Density of young stands (initial density): choice, influencing factors, creation methods. 2L, 1 pr.w.
5. Methods of planting, justification of choice. 1 L
6. Forest planting and sowing: conditions, types of tillage, applied equipment. Planting season and types. 2L, 3 pr.w.
7. Planting material: genetic and physiological quality, types, preparation for planting. 3 L 2 pr.w.
8. The role of regeneration in the forest carbon balance. 1L
9. Protection of young plants against abiotic and biotic factors. 3 L, 3 pr.w.
10. Basic principles of forest tree breeding, results and their application in practice. 3 L, 3 pr.w.
11. Heredity and heritability. Diversity of tree morphotypes. Heritability of specific traits. 2L
12. Population genetics. Selection methods. Selection effect. 2 L
13. Seed orchards – types, establishment and management. Seed crop, it assessment and collection. 3 L 3 pr.w.
14. Potential negative impacts of climate change on young stands: abiotic and biotic factors. 3L
15. Possibilities to enhance adaptation of young stands. Introductory action. 2L 3 pr.w.

Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Participation in all external lectures. Passed tests. Passed individual assignment.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Presentation (7-10 min.) and analysis of the scientific study in foreign language based on provided key words. Student understands the kay message of the study and can explain it to the pairs. Understands the topicality of the study in context of forestry of Latvia.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Practices are provided in a format of external lectures and student needs to participate in all of them.
Participation in lectures at least 75%. Cumulative result from 3 tests and defended individual assignment.

Compulsory reading

Zālītis P., Jansons J. Mērķtiecīgi izveidoto kokaudžu struktūra. Rīga: LVMI "Silava" :Et cetera,2009. 80 lpp.
Zālītis P. Mežkopības priekšnosacījumi. Rīga: LVMI "Silava" :Et cetera, 2006. 220 lpp.
Mangalis I. Meža kultūras. Rīga: etcetera, 2004. 455 lpp.

Further reading

Baumanis I., Jansons Ā., Neimane U. Priede: selekcija, ģenētika un sēklkopība Latvijā. Daugavpils: Saule, 2014. 325 lpp
José G. Borges (2014) The Management of Industrial Forest Plantations: Theoretical Foundations and Applications. Springer. ISBN-13: 978-9401788984

Periodicals and other sources

BalticForestry. ISSN 1392-1355
Scandinavian Journalof Forest Research. ISSN 0282-7581


G0507 Forestry Engineer Professional Higher Education Bachelor's degree program, for full-time and part-time students