Course code LaukB006
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures18
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes26
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation12.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
MežZ2039 [GMEZ2039] Species and Habitat Protection
Study course examines the policy of environmental protection in Latvia, its prior problems. The biodiversity is described. Students obtain knowledge about development of vegetation in Latvia after ice-age. The boreal coniferous, European broad-leaved, Eurosibirian black-alder forests are analysed. Meadows, waters, bogs, mires, sea, seaside habitats are described. Species and habitats protection is inspected.The characterization, analysis and evaluation of Latvia's habitats are given.The management of habitats for the maintaining and contributing of biodiversity is analysed.
1.Knowledge – to define and characterize the Latvia's habitats and biodiversity associated with them, as well as groups of especially protected species – tests, practical works, seminars;
2.Skills – to describe and to distinguish structural elements important for biodiversity in habitats; obtain the identification skills of the plants and animals - tests, practical works, seminars;
3.Competence – to analize and evaluate the possibilities to maintain, to preserve and to manage the habitats - tests, practical works, seminars.
1. The environmental policy in Latvia (1 h). Priority issues (1 h). The concept of biodiversity (1 h).
2. Development of vegetation in Latvia after the Ice Age (1 h). Boreal (northern) coniferous forests (1 h). European nemoral broad-leaved forests (1 h).
3. Eurosibirian black alder swamp forests (1 h). Important places for biodiversity in forests (2 h).
4. The woodland key habitats (1 h). The habitat specialists and indicator species. The structural elements in the forest (1 h).
Test Biodiversity in the forest. Forest groups (1 h)
5. Meadows, their classification. The management of meadows (3 h).
6. Fresh water. Rivers. Lakes. Springs (2 h).
7. The mires and bogs, their classification. The protection of mires and bogs (2 h).
8. Marine and coastal habitats (2 h).
Seminar Habitats, their characterisation and management (2 h)
9. The legislation of nature conservation. European Union’s and Latvia’s protected habitats (3 h).
10. Species protection, problems and solutions (1 h).
11. The habitat mapping: the inventory of territory, analysis of habitats and their evaluation (2 h).
Test Species and habitat protection (1 h).
12. Spring migration of birds – bird watching (3 h). The determination of meadows birds and plants in nature (2 h).
13. The determination of forest plants and birds in nature (3 h).
14. The bat watching using ultrasound detectors (3 h).
15. The determination of swamp plants and animals (1 h).
16. The determination of coastal and freshwater habitats, their plants and animals in nature (2 h).
Seminar The problems and the solutions for species and habitat protection (3 h).
Part time extramural studies
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar.
Attended lectures and laboratory works in 75% volume study course "Species and Habitat Protection". Successfully written 2 tests. Exam.
The seminars: the preparation of the individual presentations about Habitats, their characterisation and management and The problems and the solutions for species and habitat protection.
The assessment of the study course is based on the cumulative assessment of the test and the seminars (the individual presentations). In the case of refinement of the mark, the student answers additional questions.
The test is successful if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly. The seminars (the individual presentations) are evaluated in accordance with the established assessment procedure (the content of presentation, presentation, discussion and answers to questions).
1. Latvijas biotopi. Rīga: Latvijas dabas fonds, 2001. 96 lpp.
2. Mežaudžu atslēgas biotopu rokasgrāmata. Aut.: V. Lārmanis, N. Priedītis, M. Rudzīte . Rīga: VMD, 2000. 127 lpp.
3. Sugu un biotopu aizsardzība mežā. D. Bojāre ... [u.c.]. Rīga: Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde, 2006. 96 lpp. Pieejams:
4. ES aizsargājamie biotopi Latvijā. Noteikšanas rokasgrāmata. Galvenais redaktors A. Auniņš. 2.izd. Rīga: LDF, 2013. 359 lpp.
2. Aktuālā savvaļas sugu un biotopu apsaimniekošanas problemātika Latvijā. Rīga: LDF, 2008. 162 lpp. Pieejams:
3. Purvu aizsardzība un apsaimniekošana īpaši aizsargājamās dabas teritorijās. Rīga:LDF,2008. 183 lpp. Pieejams:
1. Žurnāls "Vides vēstis". Rīga: Vides aizsardzības klubs. ISSN 1407-2939;
2. Rakstu krājums "Latvijas veģetācija". Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Bioloģijas institūts. ISSN 1407-3641
3. Rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne". Salaspils: LVMI Silava. ISSN 1407-270X;
Compulsory study course professional bachelor study program Environment and Water Management of professional higher education