Course code LaukB004

Credit points 4

Entrepreneurship in Forest Management

Total Hours in Course180

Number of hours for lectures28

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours64

Date of course confirmation12.03.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developer

author lect.

Lita Vanaga

Mg. oec.

Prior knowledge

MežZ4073, Forest Legislation

Replaced courses

MežZ4032 [GMEZ4032] Entrepreneurship in Forest Management

MežZ4072 [GMEZ4072] Entrepreneurship in Forest Management

Course abstract

Structure and organization of the Forest production process. Forest policy of Republic of Latvia. Entrepreneurship forms and its introduction in forestry and forest exploitation. Forest industry organization and planning in free market economy. Working time research methods and application.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knows the most important legislation in the forest sector. forms of commercial activity and their practical application. Test.
Can be used in practical work. Test. Responsibly evaluates the company's development opportunities.Practical work

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The essence of business, spheres and types in forest management (lecture 2 h)
2. 2 Production resources and their characteristics (lecture 2 h)
3. 3 Forest industry production organization. (lecture 1 h) 4 Forest policy. (lecture 1 h, practice 1 h)
4. Business environment, its characteristics and evaluation. (lecture 1 h)
5. Preparation (development) of a set of measures for starting the economic activity of the company. (lecture 2 h)
6. Organizational structure of company management. (lecture 2 h) 8 Basic principles of business planning. (lecture 1 h, practice 1 h) 9 Forms of commercial activity in forest management. (lecture 2 h)
7. Basic principles of company financial planning. (lecture 1 h, practice 1 h)
8. Production process control incl. production quality control organization in the company. (lecture 2 h)
9. Forestry and logging business planning. (lecture 2 h, practice 1 h)
10. Business plan and basic principles of its development (lecture 1 h, prakt.2 h) 14 Product sales and sales stimulation. (lecture 1 h)
11. 15 Personnel management in the company. 16 Evaluation of the company's economic activity (lecture 1 h, prakt.2 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Must be: 1) written and credited for two tests; and practical work, 2) passed the exam

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student develops a business plan related to the forest sector, which shows the student's skills.
apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. Students gain an understanding of
the planning of the activities of forestry enterprises, the functions and structure of the business plan.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Tests, defended practical work, permanent work and passed exam. The exam mark depends on the cumulative assessment of the semester; 1st test, 20 points, 2nd test 20 points, 3rd test 20 points, Exam in the form of a test 40 points.

Compulsory reading

1. Grīnfelds A. Meža darba izmaksas. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 31 lpp.
2. Purvgalis A. Uzņēmumu cenu politika. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 58 lpp.
3. Rurāne M. Ražošana. Rīga: Turības mācību centrs, 1998. 125 lpp.
4. Rurāne M. Uzņēmuma finanses. Rīga: Jumava, 2007. 266 lpp.

Further reading

1. Buongiorno J., Gilles J. Forest management and economics. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 2001. 285 p. 2. Barovs P. Biznesa plāni: kā tos uzrakstīt un īstenot. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008. 213 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Žurnāls "Baltijas koks" ISSN 1407-6667
2. Žurnāls „Kapitāls” ISSN 1407-2505
3. Laikraksts "Meža avīze" ISSN 1407-618


The study course is included in the compulsory part of the academic education bachelor's study program "Forest Science".