Course code LauZB028
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes28
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation30.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science
Mg. agr.
LauZ4095, Animal Nutrition
LauZ4146, Physiology of Domestic Animals
LauZ4244, Animal Breeding and Breeding Plans
LauZ4247 [GLAU4248] Horse Breeding
In the study subject students are acquainted with questions, that are connected with the biological special traits of horses, a characterization of different horse breeds and choose for a specific direction of use. Students acquires the judging methods of horses, the features of breeding tehnologies and the possibilities to use for equestrian sports.
After completing the course student will have:
• knowledge about direction of use of horses, breeding, reproduction, breeding technologies, directions of development of breeds, horse productivity and performance testing. Successfully done individual work, written exam.
• skills to organize work in horse breeding farms and riding clubs, realize the selection work, manage documentation Practical works has been successfully completed.
• competences to discuss about tendencies of horse breeding in the world, analyze breeding tehnologies and understand situation in branch in national and EU level. Successfully passed written exam.
1.The economic significance of the horse breeding. Equestrian sports. Lectures 2h, practical works 3h.
2.The evolutionary theory of horses. Horses breeds and breed classification. Constitution. Lectures 2h.
3.The features of horse anatomy and physiology, connection with performance. Lectures 2h.
4.The development of the horse breeding in Latvia. Lectures 2h.
5.The description of horse. Coat colours and markings. Lectures 2h, practical works 3h.
6.Documentation in horse breeding. The identification methods. Lectures 2h.
7.Performance testing of horses. The determination of horse pedigree, type and measurements. Lectures 2h, practical works 3h.
8.The significance of conformation and testing methods. The judging of conformation. Lectures 2h, practical works 3h.
9.Performance testing methods.The judging of quality of sport horse gaits and free jumping. Lectures 1h, practical works 3h.
10.Selection methods in horse breeding. Selection and mating strategies. Breeding objectives. Lectures 2h.
11.Horse breeding in Latvia. The breeding programmes. Lectures 1h, practical works 3h.
12.Local endangered breeds and the preservation of the breeds. Lectures 2h, practical works 3h.
13.Horse welfare. Lectures 1h.
14.The housing systems of horses. Horse barns. Lectures 2h, practical works 4h.
15.The features of horse care, keeping and feeding. Lectures 2h, practical works 3h.
16.The physiology of horse reproduction. Herd structure and reproduction planning. Lectures 1h.
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
Written exam successfully passed. Lecture attendance is recommended, practical work attendance - obligatory. All practical works have to be worked out and checked, public presentation of individual work realized and presented.
The student realizes individual literature studies on the topic chosen as a result of a teacher-student agreement. The student collects the information and present to the audience.
Written exam successfully passed. The practical works checked and accepted as successful. The exam is not allowed without accepted practical works and public presentation of individual literature studies.
1. Davies Morel M. C. G. (1999.) Equine reproductive, psychology, breeding and stud management. – Cambridge: CABI Publishing,– 450 p.
2. Seržāns A. (1986.) Zirgkopība. - R.: Zvaigzne, - 222 lpp. 3. Warren J., Borton A., Hintz H. (1997.) The Horse. – 2nd ed. – New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.,– 860 p.
1.Baltakmens R. (2000.) Latvietis un viņa zirgs. - R.: A/S "Valters un Rapa", - 383 lpp.
2.Baltakmens R. (1990.) Bērie, sirmie, dūkanie. - R.: Zinātne, - 210 lpp.
3.Bowling A. T. (1997.) Horse genetics. – Wallingford: CAB International,–200 p.
4.Schacht Ch. (2012) The sport horse conformation. - Trafalgar Square North Pomfret, Vermont,- 136 p. 5.The genetics of the horse (2000.) / A. T. Bowling, A. Ruwinsky. – Oxon: CABI Publishing,– 527 p.
Latvijas Lauksaimniecības datu centrs, audzēšanas programmas un nozares likumdošana
Latvijas Šķirnes zirgu audzētāju asociācija
Latvijas Zirgaudzētāju biedrība
Pasaules Sporta zirgu audzēšanas federācija
For study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Zootechnics in Breeding.