Course code LauZB027
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes28
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation30.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science
Dr. agr.
Mg. agr.
Vete2023, Animal Anatomy and Physiology
LauZ2050 [GLAU2050] Poultry
The study course acquaints the students with the topics, related to the situation of poultry in the Latvia, the biological and economically useful properties of poultry, the characteristics of poultry breeds and crosses, their selection for the production of eggs and meat, and knowledge on feeding, breeding, biological and economical features of poultry for the production of highly valuable and economically profitable produce of poultry husbandry, welfare requirements and technologies in the poultry husbandry.
The aim of the study course is to learn the biological and economically useful properties of poultry, to analyze the possibilities of using poultry of different species, breeds/crosses in the production of products, the peculiarities of their feeding and keeping.
The students know to breeds and crosses of poultry, feeding and welfare requirements. The students well as know how to use literature and knowledge for the acquisition of economically profitable produce of poultry husbandry. Successful passed tests.
The students acquire knowledge how to apply correctly the biological peculiarities of poultry for the production of highly valuable and economically profitable produce of poultry husbandry, as well as the students are acquainted with the technologies applied in the poultry husbandry. The students are able skills to evaluate, to explain and discuss on the issues of poultry husbandry. Successful completion practical works.
As a result, the students are competent to select the most suitable poultry breed and breeding and feeding technology for specific production conditions, to analyze the quality of the obtained products Successful passed exam.
1. The situation in poultry farming in Latvia. National economy of poultry. Origin of poultry. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h)
2. Breeds and types classification of poultry, their characteristics. The most suitable breeds of poultry, crosses for egg and meat production. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h)
3. Anatomy and physiology of poultry, its relation to productivity. Constitution and exterior of poultry. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h)
4. Selection importance in poultry farming. Characteristics of biological and economical features of poultry. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h) Test 1 on the poultry farming, biological and economical features.
5. Peculiarities and basic principles of poultry nutrition. The role of certain nutrients in poultry nutrition. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h)
6. Feedstuffs and feed supplements and their use in poultry feeding. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h)
7. Incubation, its technological peculiarities. Food egg production technologies. Preventive measures on the poultry farm. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h).
8. Poultry meat production technologies. Meat quality evaluation of poultry. (L-3 h; Pr.w.- 3 h) Test 2 on the basic principles of poultry feeding and production technologies
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
To ensure access to exam test, students have to comply with course requirements, i.e. amount of classwork, tests about certain topics, practical works in accordance with course cpecification have to be evaluated positively.
During each practical work, students receive individual tasks that need to be performed and defended. In practical work in poultry students perform 3 independent tasks, which are placed in e-studies and perform a practical work tests in e-studies.
Successful evaluated test and exam. Practical work is evaluated in accordance with the task-specific assessment procedure.
1. Pieci B. un L. Pieci. Vistkopība. Zvaigzne ABC. 2011. 95.lpp.
2. Ozola E., Līkopa M., Nudiens J. Putnkopība. Rīga. Zvaigzne. 1990. 295.lpp.
3. Latvietis J. Lopbarība. SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. Ozolnieki. 2013. 308.lpp.
4. Grīslis Z., Garkāvijs F., Sprūžs J. Lopkopība. Rīga, Zvaigzne. 2001. 356 .lpp.
5. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieki un to produkcija bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā. Monogrāfija. Sigulda. Sigra. 2006. 159-213.lpp.
1. Mājputnu avīze. Lauku Avīze. 1998. 77.lpp.
1. Dzīvā sēta. Lauku Avīzes Tematiskā avīze.Nr.1 (174), ISSN: 1407-4338. Rīga. 2010. 62.lpp.
2. Latvijas Lopkopis. Ozolnieki. LLKC. Apgāds.
3. Praktiskais Latvietis. Latvijas Mediji. ISSN 14073358.
4. Poultry Science. ISSN: 0032-5791.