Course code LauZB001
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation13.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
LauZ3125 [GLAU3125] Fundamentals of Engineering Work II
The study course deals with the specifics of engineering work, the engineering problem solving strategies and methods, an efficient organization of engineering work, and the requirements of engineering work formatting and to use acquired knowledge in elaboration of engineering work related with speciality.
Knowledge - about the systemic approach to the engineering problem solving, research methods and techniques, theoretical and empirical studies, research result’s acquisition, processing and evaluating methods;
Skills - to choose the research topic, the research objectives and hypothesis of research, to search and process an information, to choose an appropriate research methodology and to realize it, to process the study report and to present it;
Competence - working in group or independently, to find the specialty-related problems and give their solutions, as well as to convince others and argue own viewpoint.
Full time intramural studies:
1. Engineer, engineering work, research levels. (2 h lect.)
2. General strategy for solving engineering tasks, organization of engineering research. Research methods and techniques. (2 h lect.)
3. Criteria for selection of research topic. Systems and their analysis in engineering, system features, structure and types. (1 h lect., 1 h pract.w.)
4. Systems, their hierarchy and links in systems. Technical systems, their classification and features. (1 h lect., 1 h pract.w.)
5. Compilation of engineering algorithm. Development of engineering work as a system scheme. (1 h lect., 1 h pract.w.)
6. Principles of system analysis. clarification of the task and formulation of the goal. (1 h lect., 1 h pract.w.)
7. Sources of information, searching for information, processing. Annotated description of the literature. (2 h pract.w.)
8. Preparation of analytical review. Hypothesis development and substantiation of work direction. (2 h pract.w.)
9. Selection or development of research methodology. Theoretical research. (2 h lect.)
10. Model, its definition and the need for creation. Types of models and tools. Optimization. (2 h lect.)
11. Empirical research, its types and methods. Structure and classification of test equipment. (2 h lect.)
12. Forms and examples of empirical research results. Processing of research results. Methods of mathematical statistics. (1 h lect., 1 h pract.w.)
13. Analysis of research results and evaluation of research effectiveness (2 h pract.w.)
14. Preparation of conclusions and recommendations. Report, its structure, compilation and design. (2 h pract.w.)
15. Presentation and implementation of results, analysis of presentations. Copyright protection. (1 h lect., 1 h pract.w.)
16. Preparation of engineering work presentation and presentation of engineering work results. (2 h pract.w.)
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Test with a mark. All practical works have been developed; four tests have been successfully completed, an engineering paper has been developed and presented. Each test is evaluated in a 10-point system. Tests can only be performed at the specified times. The evaluation of the test depends on the average evaluation of the two-semester tests and the evaluation of the engineering work.
Preparation for tests and practical works, as also preparation of engineering work.
A student can obtain a successful grade for a test if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly. The test mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the average marks of the tests.
1. Garrison, Ervan G. A history of engineering and technology: artfull methods. – 2nd ed. – CRC Press ltd., 2004. – 348 p. (Pieejama pie kursa atbildīgā mācībspēka)
2. Holman J.P. Experimental methods for engineers: 6th edition. – McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2005. – 616 p. (Pieejama pie kursa atbildīgā mācībspēka)
1. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ekonomikā. Risinājumi ar SPSS un Microsoft Excel: mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2003. – 352 lpp.
2. Bredberijs E. Izcilas prezentācijas prasmes. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. – 139 lpp.
3. Apele A. Prasme runāt publiski. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2011. – 135 lpp.
4. Dionne, J.P. Presentation Skills for Scientists and Engineers. Springer, 2021. – 130 p.
5. Berger, P.D., Maurer, R.E., Celli, G.B. Experimental Design: With Application in Management, Engineering, and the Sciences. Springer International Publishing, 2017. – 639 p.
Compulsory study course in the professional bachelor's study program "Applied Energy Engineering" in the full-time and part-time studies.