Course code LauZ3198
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation25.01.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Soil and Plant Science
Dr. agr.
Mg. agr.
Bc. agr.
Students gain insight into the resources available and needed for the production of agricultural products in basic agricultural sectors. Gains an idea of agricultural production methods, their suitability for agro-climatic, soil and animal welfare conditions, as well as cross-compliance requirements. Gains an idea of the factors that make up the yield of agricultural products: genetic, physiological and environmental. Gains insight into the diversity of crop and livestock species their use and product quality assurance options.
Knowledge – general knowledge of agricultural production methods, their compliance with agro-climatic, soil and animal welfare conditions, as well as the formation of crop and livestock products grown in Latvia and their use to obtain quality products;
Skills – to understand the most suitable method for crop cultivation and animal breeding under the specific conditions, to calculate the resources necessary for the production of agricultural products, to create a plan of technological measures for cultivation of specific crop and livestock species, to evaluate ongoing production processes, productivity and product quality; Competence – to apply the knowledge acquired at the level of ideas about the production of crop and livestock products in one's professional activity.
1. Methods and conditions of agricultural production – Test 1
2. Crop growing technologies, provision of conditions and their production volume – Test 2
3. Skills to recognize field crops and grass species – practical work
4. Are able to prepare a presentation and informative materials about the cultivation technology of the field crop or horticultural species chosen by the student – seminar presentations
5. Knows the technology of growing, care and use of garden plants, are able to evaluate their yield and quality – Test 3
6. Productivity of livestock, housing and feeding systems for animal production – Test 4
1. Necessary and available resources for the production of agricultural products. (L. 1h.)
2. Types of crop production, production volumes. European Union and National regulatory documents regulating the production of crop production. (L. 2 h.)
3. Agricultural databases and informative materials on crop production in Latvia. (L. 1h. Pr.w. 1h)
4. Methods of agricultural production. (L. 2h.)
5. Growing of crops for food, feed, energy and raw materials for industry. (L. 2h. Pr.w. 1h)
6. Characterization of soil properties and methods of improving its fertility. Soil mapping. (L. 2h. Pr.w. 2h)
7. The most suitable species and varieties of arable and horticultural plants for the conditions of Latvia. (L. 2h. Pr.w. 1h)
8. Nutrient supply options for crops. Possibilities of pest control. Characteristics of the integrated pest management system. (L. 1h. Pr.w. 2h)
9. Plan of agrotechnical measures for growing arable crops. Crop rotation, sowing norms (Pr.w. 2h)
10. Volumes of agricultural production (cultivation and sales) in Latvia and the Baltics (Europe)
(Possibilities for growing arable crops for obtaining a certain amount of production. Calculation of the area of sown grasslands required for fodder provision in the holding. Possibilities for growing field and covered vegetables for obtaining a certain amount of production. Possibilities for growing berries for obtaining a certain amount of production. L 3h Pr.w.5)
11. Types of livestock production, production volumes. Animal husbandry policy and regulatory European Union and National regulations. (L. 2 h. Pr.w. 2 h)
12. Agricultural databases and informative materials on the production of livestock products in Latvia. (L. 2h. Pr.w. 2h.)
13. Diversity of livestock species, breeding technologies and use for production. Monitoring of farm animals in Latvia. (L. 3h. Pr.w. 2h)
14. Types of cow production, keeping technologies, productivity and welfare evaluation indicators, possibilities of their accounting, analysis and use. (L. 3 h. Pr.w. 2h)
15. Pig production, its acquisition and sale, types of production, keeping technologies, productivity and welfare evaluation indicators, possibilities of their accounting, analysis and use. (L. 2 h. Pr.w. 2h)
16. Types of sheep and goat production, husbandry technologies, productivity and welfare evaluation indicators, possibilities of their accounting, analysis and use. (L. 2h. Pr.w. 2h)
17. Types of poultry production, housing technologies, productivity and welfare evaluation indicators, possibilities of their accounting, analysis and use. (L. 2 h. Pr.w. 2 h)
Test 1. Methods and conditions of agricultural production (Pr.w. 1 h)
Test 2. Crop production technologies, provision of conditions and production volume. (Pr.w. 1h)
Test 3. Livestock productivity, housing and feeding systems for production. (Pr.w. 1h)
A passing grade is required in 3 control tests, all practical works and 2 independent works must be completed and credited.
Written exam. The exam grade is obtained if all the tests and independent works in the study course have been successfully completed and the practical works have been credited.
If the mark in all the tests and independent works is 7 points or higher, a cumulative examination grade may be obtained.
All tests and practical works must be passed. Skills are assessed by the results of the practical work, the conclusions drawn from it and the explanations given. Late practical works must be completed in accordance with the LBTU procedure and failed control works must be retaken within the time specified by the lecturer.
The student independently studies and compiles information, prepares and presents 3 presentations on the given topic.
Presentations are prepared on the following topics:
- description of the situation of the productive animal sector of different species in Latvia;
- characteristics of non-traditional livestock farming. Each student chooses to characterize non-traditional farm animal species;
- description of the field or horticultural growing technology chosen by the student.
Literature studies, processing and design of practical work results.
Group work during practical classes.
Preparation for tests.
Independent works are evaluated with a mark after the presentation of the prepared material on a 10-point scale.
There are 3 tests in the study process, they are evaluated with a mark on a
10-point scale.
Only presentations and tests that have been evaluated with at least 4 points are included.
Practical works after their development are evaluated with passed or failed.
The final grade is calculated taking into account the average grade of the independent work presentations (50%) and the average grade of 3 tests (50%).
It is possible to obtain an assessment in the study course if all practical works have been developed and passed, tests have been successfully passed and presentations have been given.
1. Augkopība. A. Ružas red. Ruža A., Adamovičs A., Bankina B., Bērziņš A. u.c. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 374 lpp. Ir LLU FB ~120 eks. Pieejams:
2. Augļkopība. Red. L. Ikase. Dobeles novads: LV Augļkopības institūts, 2015. 544 lpp. Ir LLU FB 25 eks.
3. Bankina B., Gaile Z. Ziemāju labības un to slimības. Jelgava, LLU, 2014. 104 lpp. Ir LLU FB 60 eks.
4. Dārzeņkopība: lauka dārzeņu audzēšana: rokasgrāmata. A. Dembovskis, I. Drudze, M. Gailīte u.c. Pūre: Pūres Dārzkopības izmēģinājumu stacija, 2007. 284 lpp. Ir LLU FB ~ 50 eks.
5. Ilsters A. Aprīkojums un izmaksas cūkkopībā. Rīga: LLU Ulbrokas Zinātnes centrs, 2001. 171 lpp. Ir LLU FB 15 eks.
6. Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana. J. Priekuļa red. Jelgava: LLU, 2012. 240 lpp. Ir LLU FB ~ 50 eks.
7. Norvele G., Kairiša D. Rokasgrāmata aitu audzētājiem. Latvija: Biedrība "Latvijas Aitu audzētāju asociācija", 2011. 97 lpp. Ir LLU FB 25 eks.
1. Bioloģiskās augkopības pamati. Sast. I. Miške, D. Brutāne, I. Žola. Nordik, 2007. 254 lpp. Ir LLU FB 5 eks.
2. Bruto seguma aprēķins zemnieku saimniecībai 2009.-2021. gadi. LLKC- Ozolnieki. Ir LLU FB
3. Ciltsdarba programmas govkopībā, cūkkopībā, aitkopībā, kazkopībā, zirgkopībā. Pieejams:
4. Labas lauksaimniecības prakses nosacījumi Latvijā. Atbildīgais par izdevumu P. Bušmanis. Jelgava: LLU, 1999. 103 lpp. Ir LLU FB `150 eks.
5. Latvietis J. Lopbarība. Jelgava, 2013.308 lpp. Ir LLU FB 50 eks.
6. Riekstiņš A. Laukkopība. Talsi: Valsts Stendes GSI, 2008. 416 lpp. Ir LLU FB 50 eks.
7. Skagale G. Dzīvā sēta: cūku, aitu, kazu, trušu un putnu audzēšana. Rīga: Lauku Avīze, 2010. 64. lpp. Lauku Avīzes Tematiskā avīze. Nr.1 (174). ISSN: 1407-4338 Ir LLU FB 2 eks.
1. AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5164.
2. Latvijas Lopkopis. Ozolnieki. LLKC izdevums.
3. Profesionālā dārzkopība. APP “Dārzkopības institūts”, pieejams tiešsaistē:
4. Saimnieks LV. Rīga: TEE BIO, 2004- ISSN 1691-1598.
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