Course code ĶīmiB009
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes20
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation30.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Ķīmi1004 [GKIM1004] Chemistry
„Chemistry” program focuses on generality of the chemical elements and compounds, transformations and properties of inorganic compounds. Introduction to organic chemistry. The structure, classification, isomerism of organic compounds, type of reactions. Chemistry of polymers is related to physical-chemical properties of polymers used in constructions, decoration materials, binding agents and adhesives. To improve knowledge and skills training materials, individual work-tasks and laboratory works which illustrate the importance of chemistry in ones field are provided.
After completing the course student will have: knowledge and understanding of compounds, their properties, generality of transformations and practical significance – lectures and tests; knowledge basis to help in further studies and self-perfection; skills to think analytically and be creative to apply in practice generality of chemistry in both studies and ones professional work – laboratory works and its reports; competence to acquire, select and evaluate new information in an equitable fashion independently and use it to solve issues related to use of chemical compounds – reports of laboratory works.
Classification, nomenclature and properties of hydrocarbons.
Lecture. Classification, nomenclature and use of hydrocarbons. (1h)
Lecture. Chemical properties of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon derivatives. (1h)
Laboratory: Detection and combustion of hydrocarbons. Test: Properties of hydrocarbons (3h).
Alcohols and Phenols. Aldehydes and ketones. Classification, nomenclature and properties.
Lecture. Alcohols and Phenols. Aldehydes and ketones. Classification, nomenclature and use. (1h)
Lecture. Chemical properties of alcohols, phenols, aldehydes and ketones. (1h)
Laboratory: The chemical reactions of alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. Test: Properties of alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. (3h)
Organic acids. Classification, nomenclature and properties.
Lecture. Chemical properties of organic acids. (1h).
Laboratory: Common and different characteristics of organic and inorganic acids. Test „Properties of organic acids”. (3h)
Fats and lipids. Classification, nomenclature and properties.
Lecture. Fats and lipids. The classification and nomenclature. Physical properties of fats and lipids(1h).
Lecture. Chemical properties of fats and lipids. Drying and non - drying oils. Natural pernicas. (1h).
Laboratory: Soap making and properties. Test: Properties of fats and lipids. (2h)
Carbohydrates. Classification, nomenclature and properties.
Lecture. Classification of carbohydrates. Monosaccharides. (1h)
Lecture. Polysaharides. Natural polysaccharides and their derivatives. (1h)
Laboratory. The qualitative determination of reducing sugars. The chemical properties of sugars. Test. Carbohydrates and their properties. (2h)
Lecture. Classification of polumers. The structure and nomenclature of polymers. Polymerisation. (1h).
Lecture. polycondensation. The absorbtion of water in polymers. Adhesives. Various materials of polymers. The burning of polymers. (1h).
Laboratory. Identification of unknow polymers. Test: The classification and chemistry of polymers. (2h).
Wood composition. Making a paper.
Lecture. The compounds of wood. Paper production. (1h).
Laboratory. Using wood to obtain different preparations. Test. Chemistry and composition of wood. (3h)
Laboratory. Development of delayed works.
To receive a course grade, students must perform the following criteria:
•Students must perform all laboratory works and submit laboratory reports;
•Students must write all tests during the semester (at least 4) and complete exam (at least 4). If the average mark in the tests is not less than 7 and no more than two tests are overwritten, the exam may not be taken.
Preparing for test and practical works. Reading scientific literature, analysing results of experiments.
The final grade of the study course is calculated using a marking scheme:
•tests (80%);
•reports of laboratory works (20%);
All laboratory work must be inducted and included in laboratory work protocols. Each of the above course activities forms a certain percentage of the total mark. The student must obtain a successful assessment (at least 4 points) for each course activity (tests and homework). The course is completed if all the above conditions are met.
1. Čakste I. Vispārīgā ķīmija. Jelgava: LLU, Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. 66 lpp.
2. Kūka M. Lipīdi. Jelgava: LLU, Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. 46 lpp.
3. Kūka M. Ogļhidrāti. Mācību līdzeklis MF studentiem. Jelgava: LLU, Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. 58 lpp.
4. Čakste I. Polimēru ķīmija. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. 66 lpp.
1. Breitmaier E., Jung G. Organische Chemie:Grundlagen, Stoffklassen, Reaktionen, Konzepte, Molekülstruktur.- Stuttgart; New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2005. 1000 lpp.
2. Грандберг И.И. Органическая химия. Москва : Дрофа, 2002. 671 lpp.
3. Painter P.C., Coleman M.M. Essentials of polymer science and engineering. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: DEStech Publications, 2009. 525 lpp.
1. Zinātnisko rakstu meklētājs „Google Scholar Beta” [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 22.11.2011.]. Pieejams:
2. Zinātnisko rakstu meklētājs: „SCIRIUS for scientific information only” [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 22.11.2011.]. Pieejams:
3. Ilustrētā Zinātne. Rīga: Mediju grupa TOPS. ISSN 1691-256X.
The course is included in the full-time and part-time studies of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences of professional higher education bachelor study program “Woodworking”.