Course code ĶīmiB006

Credit points 2

Organic Chemistry I

Total Hours in Course60

Number of hours for lectures14

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes8

Independent study hours32

Date of course confirmation30.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course developer

author Pārtikas institūts

Viesturs Kreicbergs


Prior knowledge

Ķīmi2016, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry I

Replaced course

Ķīmi1010 [GKIM1010] Organic Chemistry I

Course abstract

The aim of the study course "Organic Chemistry I" is to acquire knowledge about the structure, properties and distribution of organic compounds common in food - alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, amines, carboxylic acids and polyfunctional compounds in natural and food products. In laboratory works, they learn to prove the chemical properties of compounds.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After studying the course, the student will have:
in-depth theoretical knowledge of the structure and properties of hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, amines, carboxylic acids, hydroxy acids and amino acids that make up food products – lectures and tests;
skills to check the properties of alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, amines, carboxylic acids and hydroxy acids – laboratory works;
competence – the ability to use independently acquired knowledge and skills to explain various processes, in connection with organic substances – independent and laboratory works.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction to organic chemistry - (L 1h)
2. Structure and properties of hydrocarbons (L 1h). Introduction to laboratory work
3. Monofunctional compounds - (L 1h). Homework - solve the tasks of the 1st test
4. Spirits - (L 1h). Structure and properties of hydrocarbons - 1st test.
5. Phenols - (L 1h).
6. Aldehydes, Ketones - (L 1h). Alcohols and phenols - (Lab. work 2h). Homework - solve the tasks of the 2nd test.
7. Amines - (L 1h). Alcohols and phenols – test 2.
8. Carboxylic acids (L 1h). Aldehydes, ketones and amines – (Lab work 2h). Homework - solve the tasks of the 3rd test
9. Esters and amides - (L 1h). Aldehydes, ketones and amines – test 3
10. Polyfunctional compounds - (L 1h). Carboxylic acids - (Lab. work 2h). Homework - solve the tasks of the 4th test
11. Hydroxy acids - (L 1h). Carboxylic acids, esters, amides – test 4
12. Amino acids - (L 1h).
13. Optical isomerism - (L 1h). Hydroxy acids - (Lab. work 2h). Homework - solve the tasks of the 5th test

14. Hydroxy acids and carboxylic acids in food - (L 1h). Polyfunctional compounds - test 5

Requirements for awarding credit points

A test can be received if:
• developed and defended all laboratory works (50%)
• successfully (at least 4 points) all tests are written (50%).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. The student independently prepares for five tests, solving tasks.
2. The student independently prepares five protocols of laboratory work and after the development of the work, completes them in order to defend it.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The test is passed when five tests have been successfully written (at least 4 points) and all laboratory works have been defended.

Compulsory reading

1. Baltess V. Pārtikas ķīmija. - Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 1998. - 478 lpp.
2. Kreicbergs V. Organiskās un pārtikas ķīmijas pamati. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. - 228 lpp.
3. Kūka M. Organisko savienojumu nomenklatūra. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. - 72 lpp.
4. Kūka M. Ogļhidrāti. Mācību līdzeklis organiskajā ķīmijā. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. - 58 lpp.
5. Kūka M. Lipīdi. Mācību līdzeklis organiskajā ķīmijā. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. - 46 lpp
6. Meirovics I. Organiskā ķīmija. - R: Zvaigzne 1992. - 526 lpp.

Further reading

1. Belitz H.-D., W. Grosch, Scheiberle P. Lehrbuch der Lebenmittelchemie, 6. Aufgabe. Berlin etc: Springer – Verlag, 2008. - 1118 S.
2. Bülle J., Hüttermann A. Das Basiswissen der organischen Chemie. Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme, 2000. - 466 p.
3. Clayden J., Greeves N., Warren S., WothersP. Organic Chemistry. New York: OXFORD, 2007. - 1512 p.
4. König B., Butenschön H. Organische Chemie: Kurz und Bündig für die Bachelor – Prüfung. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH, 2007. - 445 S.
5. McMurry J. Organic Chemistry, 7th Editition. – Belmont: Thomson Learning, Inc., 2008 - 1191 p.
6. Sorrell T.N. Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition. Califfornia: University Science Books, 2006. - 988 p.
7. Valters R. Organiskā ķīmija (pamatkurss), - Rīga , RTU izdevniecība, 2007. - 187 lpp.
8. Vollhardt K.P.C., Shore N.E. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Funktion, 5th Editition. – New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2006. - 1254 p
9. Под ред. Ивина Б.А. и Пиотровского Л.Б. Opганическая химия: в вопросах и ответах. Caнкт-Петербург: Наука, 2002. - 510 c.


Compulsory study course for full-time students studying in the first cycle professional study programme “Food technology”..