Course code ĶīmiB003

Credit points 5

Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry II

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes40

Independent study hours79

Date of course confirmation28.11.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food

Course developer

author Pārtikas institūts

Māra Dūma

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

Ķīmi2016, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry I

Replaced courses

Ķīmi2001 [GKIM2001] Analytical Chemistry

Ķīmi2002 [GKIM2002] Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry II

Course abstract

The course’s “Inorganic and Analytical chemistry II” aim is to give theoretical and practical skills for qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances. In qualitative analysis, a systematic analysis of cations and anions is performed. In the quantitative analysis, theoretical foundations of methods of titrimetry - neutralization, redoxymmetry, as well as gravimetry, spectrophotometry and potentiometry are studied, appropriate laboratory work was performed. Students are introduced to the general physico-chemical characteristics of food products.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge and critical understanding of methods for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of chemical compounds. (Test No 1., 2., 3., 4.).
Skills to evaluate and choose the most suitable methods for analyzing food products and perform these analyzes – laboratory works.
Competence to objectively evaluate new information, to be able to independently find and select it, and to use it when dealing with issues related to the analysis of chemical compounds in practical work - protocols of laboratory works, tasks of independent work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Subject of inorganic and analytical chemistry. Qualitative analysis. Acid-base analysis method. Preliminary tests. (Lecture 1 h) 1. Analysis - anions and cations from 1st group. (Laboratory works 2h).
2. Group 1, 2 and 3 cation separation and detection reactions (Lecture 1h). 2. Analysis – anions and cations from 1st and 3rd groups (Laboratory works 3h).
3. Group 4 and 5 cation separation and detection reactions (Lecture 1h). 2. analysis - anions and cations from 1st and 3rd groups (Laboratory works 2h).
4. Reactions of anion separation and proof (Lecture 1h. Analysis 3 - anions and cations from 1st , 3rd , 4th and 5th groups. (Laboratory works 3h).
5. Quantitative analysis. Volume analysis, classification of its methods (Lecture 1h). 3. Analysis - anions and cations from 1st , 3rd , 4th and 5th groups. (Laboratory works 2h).
6. Methods for quantification of KOH and HCl (Lecture 1h). 1.test. for ion detection reactions. Quantitative composition of solutions (Independent work-discussion seminar 3h).
7. Direct and indirect titration. Complexonometry (Lecture 1h). Preparation of solutions of different concentrations (Laboratory works 2h).
8. Oxidimetry (Lecture 1h). Quantitative determination of KOH (Laboratory work 3h). 1st independent work on the ways of expression of the substance concentration.
9. Oxidimetry. Sedimetry (Lecture 1h). 2nd test on the quantitative composition of solutions. pH of solution (Independent work-discussion seminar 2h).
10. Gravimetry (Lecture 1h). Quantitation of Fe (Laboratory work 3h). 2nd independent work on the pH of the solution.
11. Physico-chemical analysis methods. (Lecture 1h). 3rd test on the pH of the solution. Determination of ammonium chloride (laboratory work 2h).
12. Optical analysis methods (Lecture 1h). Determination of water hardness (Laboratory work 3h).
13. Optical analysis methods (Lecture 1h). Determination of humidity (Laboratory work 2h).
14. Electrochemical analysis methods (Lecture 1h). Photometric determination of substances (Laboratory work 3h). 3rd Independent work on physico-chemical analysis methods.
15. Electrochemical analysis methods (Lecture 1h). 4th test on physico-chemical analysis methods. Photometric determination of substances (Laboratory work 2h).
16. Chromatographic methods (Lecture 1h). Potentiometric titration Laboratory work 3h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Test with a mark is formed follows:
• All laboratory works must be completed;
• Analysis of obtained results in laboratory work and preparing laboratory work reports;
• Developed independent works;
• Successfully write four tests on theory.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1st Independent work - solving tasks related to the ways of expression of the quantitative composition of a substance - mass part of a substance, molar and equivalent molar concentration;
2nd Independent work - solving tasks related to the pH of the solution and related calculations in acid and base solutions;
3rd Independent work - literature studies and preparation of homework on the topic Physical-chemical methods of analysis.
Independent work also included processing of results obtained in laboratory work and processing of laboratory work reports.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The total evaluation of the study course consists of the evaluations of the written tests, as well as a part of the quantitative analysis works is evaluated with a mark. Laboratory work reports and independent work tasks must be pass. Each of the above course activities forms a certain percentage of the total mark:
• tests 50%;
• laboratory work reports 40%;
• independent work 10%
The student must obtain a successful assessment (at least 4 points) for tests and laboratory works to be assessed with a mark. Laboratory work protocols and independent work tasks must be pass. The final grade of the course is posted if all the above conditions are met.

Compulsory reading

1. Jansons E. Analītiskās ķīmijas teorētiskie pamati: mācību grāmata. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2006. 307 lpp.
2. Putniņš J. Analītiskā ķīmija: lekciju kurss. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2007.
3. Dūma M. Kvalitatīvā analīze. Metodiskie norādījumi un laboratorijas darbu apraksti. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 17 lpp.
4. Druviete B., Dūma M., Truksne D. Kvantitatīvā analīze. Metodiskie norādījumi un laboratorijas darbu apraksti. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 46 lpp.

Further reading

1. Jansons E., Meija J. (2002). Kļūdas kvantitatīvajās noteikšanās. Rīga. 155 lpp.
2. Matiseks R., Šnēpels F.M., Šteinere G. Pārtikas analītiskā ķīmija. Pamati, metodes, lietošana. Tulk. Dr.ķ;īm. I.Jākobsone, Dr.ķīm. M.Jākobsons. Rīga:LU, 1998., 456 lpp.
3. Druviete B., DūmaM., Truksne D., Analītiskās ķīmijas uzdevumi ar risinājumiem un vingrinājumiem. Jelgava: LLU, 2008, 88 lpp.
4. Analytical chemistry. A modern approach to analytical science. Ed. By Mermet J.M., Otto M., Valcarcel M. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2004, 1181 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Atbilstoša profila zinātnisko rakstu krājumi un žurnāli.
2. Materiāli e-studiju vietnē.


Obligatory course for students of the second-level professional higher education study program "Food Technology"