Course code HidZM001
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours76
Date of course confirmation14.11.2023
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. sc. ing.
HidZ5026 [GHDR5026] Hydrological Modeling
The aim of the study course is to provide students with opportunities to improve their knowledge of water cycle by taking into consideration the impacts and interactions of natural and anthropogenic factors. A set of knowledge and skills on methods and tools for measuring, calculating, forecasting and modeling hydrological parameters, as well as the applications of geographic information systems in analysis and visualization of hydrological processes are acquired during the study course.
Upon the completion of this course students will have:
1. Knowledge and understanding in hydrology in terms of fundamental concepts, up-to-date research directions, and formation processes of natural waters - Test 1;
2. Ability to obtain, process, analyze and interpret results of hydrological measurements, as well as to apply theoretical and practical knowledge in evaluation and modeling of hydrological processes. Skills to use geographic information system software in determination, analysis and visualization of characteristics and hydrological regimes of water bodies - Test 2;
3. Competences to visualize results of hydrological processes modeling on a thematic map – Formal test.
1. Introduction to hydrology, explanation of terminology, water cycle in nature (2 h).
2. Hydrology of rivers, lakes and bogs, the factors affecting hydrological processes (2 h).
3. Formation and characteristics of runoff in rivers (2 h).
4. Preparation and analysis of level-discharge relationships and hydrographs for hydrological observation stations (2 h).
5. Basic principles and applications in modeling of hydrological processes (2 h). Test 1 - the acquired theoretical knowledge.
6. Determination of catchment characteristics for a given river - acquisition, processing and analysis of geospatial information on the hydrological network and catchment area (2 h).
7. Determination of catchment characteristics for a given river - acquisition, processing and analysis of geospatial information on the digital elevation model (2 h).
8. Determination of catchment characteristics for a given river - acquisition, processing and analysis of geospatial information on the land use (2 h).
9. Determination of catchment characteristics for a given river - acquisition, processing and analysis of geospatial information on the soil properties (2 h).
10. Preparation of cross-sections for a given river (2 h).
11. Application of hydrology tools using a geographic information systems software (2 h). Test 2 - the acquired practical skills in the preparation of geospatial information.
12. The METQ model for hydrological processes modeling – structure, input data and setup (2 h).
13. Calibration and validation of the METQ model for hydrological processes modeling (2 h).
14. Analysis and interpretation of the results of hydrological processes modeling (2 h).
15. Application of the results of hydrological processes modeling in flood risk assessment (2 h).
16. Representation of the results of hydrological processes modeling on a thematic map (2 h). Formal test – the maps of flood risks with different exceedance probabilities should be prepared.
Formal test with a grade.
Two tests and one formal test must be passed according to the tasks and evaluation procedures specified for each work.
Student must independently prepare for two tests and one formal test using the information presented in all lectures and practical works and recommended literature.
The final evaluation (100 points) upon completion of this study course will consists of the class attendance (10 points), Test 1 (20 points), Test 2 (20 points) and formal test (50 points).
The grades will be assigned based on the cumulative number of points obtained during the semester using the following scale:
4 - 41 ... 45 points;
5 - 46 ... 55 points;
6 - 56 ... 65 points;
7 - 66 ... 75 points;
8 - 76 ... 85 points;
9 - 86 ... 95 points;
10 - 96 ... 100 points.
1. Sarma B. Upju hidroloģija. Noteces un hidrometrijas pamati. Rīga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1960. 203 lpp.
2. Zīverts A. Hidroloģija. Ievads un hidroloģiskie aprēķini. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 104 lpp.
1. Dixon B., Uddameri V. GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2016. 545 p.
1. Herschy R.W. Streamflow Measurement. 3rd edition. London, New York: Routledge, 2009. 507 p.
2. Sarma B. Hidrometrija, hidroloģija un noteces regulēšana. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1990. 189 lpp.
1. SIA Envirotech mājaslapa [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 03.11.2023.] Pieejams:
Komentārs: detalizētas norādes par apskatāmo informāciju un tās atrašanās vietām tiks sniegtas nodarbību laikā.
2. ESRI mājaslapa [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 03.11.2023.]. Pieejams:
Komentārs: detalizētas norādes par apskatāmo informāciju un tās atrašanās vietām tiks sniegtas nodarbību laikā.
3. Latvijas ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūras mājaslapa. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 03.11.2023.]. Pieejams:
Komentārs: detalizētas norādes par apskatāmo informāciju un tās atrašanās vietām tiks sniegtas nodarbību laikā.
Academic master’s study programme “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” full-time studies