Course code HidZB001
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Number of hours for laboratory classes8
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation12.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
HidZ2010 [GHDR2010] Hydraulics I
Subject provides knowledge of the fluid, its characteristics and the forces at work. Existing peace deals with fluids and fluid movement both laminar and turbulent regime, as well as the hydraulic resistance to flow and their calculation. Acquainted with the channel calculations.
Knowledge and understanding of basics concepts of hydraulics course, under consideration of the regularities of the liquid at rest and in motion. Evaluation of completed and defended laboratory works and permanent works. Skills to the size of hydraulic measurements and apply knowledge of water management calculations, hydrotechnics, water supply and sewage systems. Evaluation of completed and defended laboratory works and permanent works. Competence to be able to analyze information on the liquids, it flows to the hydraulic pipes and construction estimates. Assessment with written test.
Full time intramural studies:
1 Determination of main hydraulic parameters.(2h)
2 Average speed calculations.(3h)
3 Channel selection. (2h)
4 Calculation of the exponent discharge part. (3h)
5 Determining Normal Depth. (2h)
6 Critical depth in the tray. (3h)
7 Calculating the level coordinates. (2h)
8 Determining the type and type of curve. (3h)
9 Calculation of the energy recovery well. (2h)
10 Main dimensions of a three-stage crash. (3h)
11 grade I calculation. (2h)
12 grade II calculation. (3h)
13 Chalk Calculation, Required Dimensions. (2h)
14 Calculation of the surface level in the III. (3h)
15 Length of installation curve. (2h)
16 Determining the under water level Connection Type. Necessary post-band calculations. (3h)
Part time extramural studies: All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Laboratory and practical work has been submitted and successfully defended. Test must be passed. Regular work in the audience, 75% attendance.
1. The student must independently acquire theoretical knowledge of the next subject of the lecture and be able to discuss the lecture with the teacher.
2. The development of practical works takes place in the audience. The descriptive part of the work to be submitted, the graphic material and the design thereof shall be performed independently in conformity with the task, the regulations for the drawing up of student work and other instructions.
3. The development of laboratory works takes place in the audience. The descriptive part of the work to be submitted, the graphic material and the design thereof shall be performed independently in conformity with the task, the regulations for the drawing up of student work and other instructions.
1. Generally. The assessment of the study course depends on the amount of points obtained during the term. In total, you can get a maximum of 100 points, equivalent to 10 balls.
2. Works to be carried out:
a. four practical works, each with up to 10 points (a total of 40 points);
b. four laboratory works, each with up to 10 points (a total of 40 points)
C. participation in all classes (maximum 10 points in total, 100% attendance);
D. practical work in the e-study system has been submitted within the specified time period (a total of maximum 10 points);
3. Conditions for the overall assessment:
• 3 balls if less than 50 points have been obtained during the term;
• 4 for 50... 54 points;
• 5 for 55... 59 points;
• 6 for 60... 69 points;
• 7 for 70... 79 points;
• 8 for 80... 89 points;
• 9 for 90... 95 points;
• 10 for 96... 100 points.
Crediting in writing at the end of the exam shall be organised for those students who have obtained a lower mark than 8 (very good) in the practical, laboratory work and tests in total assessment.
1.Lediņš V. Ūdensapgāde un kanalizācija. Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2007. 208 lpp. 2. Ухин Б.В., Мельников Ю.Ф. Инженерная гидравлика. Москва: Изд. Ассоциации строительных вузов, 2007. 343 с. 3. Dirba V., Uiska J., Zars V. Hidraulika un hidrauliskās mašīnas. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1977. 366 lpp.
1. Tilgalis Ē. Notekūdeņu savākšana un attīrīšana. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 239 lpp. 2. Lielpēters P., Dorošenko R., Geriņš Ē. Fluidtehnika. Rīga: RTU, 2005. 183 lpp.
2. Merkle, Thomes, Schrader, Thomes, M, & Schrader, B. (2000). Hidraulika: pamatlīmenis / D. Merkle, B. Štraiders, M. Toms; tulk. G. Birzietis ... [u.c.]. Rīga: Festo.
1. Latvijas Būvniecība: ceļvedis būvniecības nozares virzītājiem. Rīga: LILIT ISSN 1691-4058. 2. Enerģija un Pasaule. Rīga: SIA Enerģija un pasaule ISSN 1407-5911.
Compulsory course Professional Bachelor Study Program "Environment and Water Management" (full time and part time studies)