Course code FiziB008
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation12.03.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mathematics and Physics
Dr. phys.
Fizi2037 [GFIZ2037] Physics and Meteorology
The course consists of two parts - physics and meteorology. This includes lectures, laboratory work and unassisted studies. Physics gives an understanding of the conditions necessary for the existence of biological objects: water, heat, gas exchange and light. The Meteorology shall provide knowledge of physical processes in the atmosphere which determine weather conditions and growth conditions.
After completing the course, students will have:
knowledge of the regularities considered in the course of physics and critical understanding of their applicability to describe real processes considered in their specialty (2 tests);
skills to perform measurements of physical quantities and perform calculations in the research of their field, to summarize and analytically describe the results (8 laboratory works, their calculations);
competence to evaluate the results of measurements and calculations, to look for solutions to problems (defense of 8 laboratory works).
1. Introduction. Kinematics. Subject matter of the meteorology (3h).
2. Dynamics. Composition of the atmosphere (3h).
3. Kinematics of rotation. Solar radiation (3h).
4. Rotation dynamics. Photosynthetic active radiation (3h).
5. Surface tension. Temperature regimes for soil and water basins (3h).
6. Capillary action. Atmospheric air temperature mode (3h).
7. Viscosity of fluids. The balance of the atmosphere (3h).
8. Flows of fluids and gases. Humidity of the air (3h).
9. Temperature and heat. Rainfall (3h).
10. Heat exchange processes. Soil humidity (3h).
11. Diffusion. Wind (3h).
12. Osmosis. Atmospheric circulation (3h).
13. Electromagnetic radiation. Time and forecasting it (3h).
14. Light. Air masses (3h).
15. Spectral analysis. Adverse weather events (3h).
16. Summary (3h).
The exam must be passed. Conditions for taking an exam:
1/ Meteorological part, is required to collect 50% of the maximum possible score, summing up the score; tests in theory (maximum 2 x 10 p) and average evaluation of laboratory works (maximum 10 p);
2/ In the physics part, it is necessary to collect 50% of the maximum possible score by summing up the score; tests in theory (maximum 2 x 10 p) and the average score of laboratory works (maximum 10 p).
1. Study literature independently according to the course plan.
2. Laboratory work should be processed and counted.
The overall assessment in the course is determined as the weighted average of the grades obtained from the Physics and Meteorological Parts.
A student can obtain a successful mark for a test or exam if he / she collect at least 50% of the points in the assessment.
Students who have acquired at least 60% of the maximum possible score during the entire semester can receive an accumulative score.
1. Fizika visiem.
2. Fizika. A.Valtera red. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1992. 733 lpp.
3. Pandalons V., Iljins U. Meteoroloģija. Jelgava, LLU, 1999-2001. 3 daļas. 173 lpp, 175 lpp, 168 lpp.
1. Giancoli D. C. Physics Principles with Applications. 6th Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc, 2005. 946 p.
2. Pandalons V., Pelēce I. Meteoroloģijas terminu vārdnīca. Jelgava, 2003. 150 lpp.
3. Ahrens C.D. Meteorology Today. New York: West Publishing Co., 1991. 331 p.
1. Žurnāls "Terra" Rīga: Latvijas universitāte ISSN 977-1407-7191"