Course code FiziB001
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation13.11.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mathematics and Physics
Dr. phys.
Fizi2009 [GFIZ2010] Physics
The course deals with the concepts of physics and the laws that are important for understanding the movement of heat and humidity in buildings and its enclosing structures.
In laboratory work, students become more familiar with the different heat transfer processes and the basic principles of measuring the physical values characterizing them, as well as learn to evaluate the results of their work.
Knowledge of physical values of heat and humidity
Skills to assess heat loss in building envelope structures and the possibility of condensation of moisture
Competence to assess the construction's compliance with climatic conditions
1. Temperature, internal energy and amount of heat (3h lect., 4h prakt., 3h lab.)
2. Physical state of the substance (3h lect., 4h prakt., 3h lab.)
3. Air humidity, its characteristic values (3h lekc., 4h prakt., 3h lab.)
4. Types of heat exchange (3h lect., 4h prakt., 3h lab.)
5. Temperature distribution in a multi-layer wall (3h lect., 4h prakt., 3h lab.)
6. Calculation of moisture condensation rate (3h lect., 4h prakt., 3h lab.).
Written exam: extensive answers to 5 theory questions
The exam is passed if the student has acquired 50% of the program.
Only students who are in the semester are admitted to the exam:
1. Defended all laboratory work
2. Performed independent work
1. Independent work. An individual assignment will be given in e-learning.
2. Laboratory work calculations, evaluation of results, formalization and independent acquisition of relevant theoretical questions.
The exam is done if at least 50% of the questions are answered right.
1. Valtera A. red. Fizika. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1992. 733 lpp.
2. Materiāli e-studijās
Giancoli D. C. Physics Principles with Applications 6th Edition . Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education International/Prentice Hall, 2005. 946 p.
1. Terra. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte ISSN 977-1407-7191
Compulsory Course for the First level professional higher educational
programme “Civil Engineering”