Course code EkonM013
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation25.01.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
The study course provides knowledge about the theories of idea management, the principles and methods of creating and managing ideas, and design thinking approaches. In the study course, methods of creating, developing and evaluating ideas are learned, their role in innovation and management is analysed. In the study course, competences in assessing the suitability of ideas in various management situations, managing ideas and the principles of creating and developing design thinking are learned.
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge, understanding and skills in the application of idea management and design thinking methods in management processes and creation of innovations, and competencies for the development of idea management and design thinking methodology in the organization.
1. Knowledge of the theories, approaches and principles of idea management - test.
2. Knowledge of design thinking methods, principles and importance in managing the organization - independent assignment, test.
1. Can apply various ideas generation and management methods and approaches - practical assignment, independent assignment.
2. Understands the interaction and differences of idea management, creativity and innovation – practical assignments.
3. Can choose, critically evaluate and apply different design thinking approaches according to the specifics of the organization - practical assignment, independent assignment.
1. Able to evaluate the importance of design thinking in the management of the organization in various aspects - strategy creation, change and challenge management, problem solving and team management - practical assignment, discussions in groups.
2. Able to independently develop ideas and design thinking approach appropriate for the organization - independent assignment.
1. Idea concept. Theories of idea management. Idea management methods and approaches. Interaction of idea, creativity and reality (lecture – 2 hours).
2. The role of creativity in management, building creative cooperation. Creative industries and creative economy. Innovation and creativity - basic conditions of modern business success (lecture - 1 hour, practical work - 1 hour).
3. Idea management systems (IMS). Idea generation, development, improvement and evaluation. Selection of ideas that create innovations (lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour).
4. Teamwork-based methods for idea generation (lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour).
5. Types of creativity and innovation training and development of an appropriate approach for the organization (lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour).
6. Design thinking - approaches, principles and differences from other thinking approaches. Implementation and management of design thinking in the organization (lecture – 2 hours, practical work – 1 hour).
7. Stages of design thinking and their use in strategy creation and change management. Design thinking and challenge management (lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour).
8. Design thinking as a standard in problem solving, creating innovations and leading teams (lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour).
9. Analysis of customer values and behaviour as a basis for design thinking. The interaction of solutions and behaviour change. Development of human-centred solutions – assessment of social, emotional and physical needs (lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour).
10. Idea management and design thinking support structures and resources. Tools used in design thinking, their development in the organization (lecture – 1 hour, practical work – 1 hour).
11. Test (practical work – 1 hour).
12. Presentation of independent assignment (practical work – 2 hours).
Formal test.
A "passed" evaluation can be obtained by obtaining at least 60 percent of each assessment component.
The evaluation consists of:
- 20 points for the test - test on all topics of the study course;
- 40 points for 2 practical assignments – 1st practical assignment (20 points) on the topic: development of idea management training methodology for the organization; 2nd practical assignment (20 points) on the topic: development of a design thinking approach implementation plan in the organization;
- 40 points for an independently developed and presented assignment (for the development of an independent assignment – 20 points, for the presentation of an independent assignment – 20 points) - development of an organization idea from idea creation to determination of implementation principles.
Practical, independent works and control works can be submitted only in the time provided for them.
Studies of study course’s materials and literature.
Preparation and presentation of practical and independent tasks.
Preparing for tests.
Study course assessment is a formal test, evaluation “passed” consisting of cumulative results from study course assessments.
1. Deichmann D. Idea Management. Perspectives from Leadership, Learning and Network Theory. Doctoral dissertation, ERIM, Conservation and Society, 2012, p. 215. Pieejams:
2. Miķelsone E., Rubeze T., Babris M., Babre A.M. Ideju Vadības ABC. Rīga: Ideju inovāciju institūts, 2023, 130 lpp. Pieejams:
3. Sanzo K.L. Design Thinking: Research, Innovation, and Implementation. NC : Information Age Publishing, 2021, p. 254.
4. Westerski A. Semantic Technologies in Idea Management Systems: A Model for Interoperability, Linking and Filtering. Doctoral dissertation. Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2013, p. 258. Pieejams:
5. Amirkhanpour M. Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, p. 332.
6. Machado C., Paulo D.J. Innovation Management: In Research and Industry. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2015, eBook. Pieejams: EBSCO datubāzē.
1. Gallagher A., Thordarson K. Design Thinking in Play: An Action Guide for Educators. Alexandria, Virginia : ASCD. 2020, p. 166.
2. Duhigs Č. Ieraduma spēks. Kāpēc biznesā darām to, ko darām, un kā to mainīt. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2019, 447 lpp.
3. Kūlis M. Finis veritatis? Par patiesību un meliem. Rīga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2021, 430 lpp.
4. Bērkmans O. 4000 nedēļu laika pārvaldība mirstīgajiem. Rīga: Izdevniecība Helios, 231 lpp.
5. Gledvels M. Sarunas ar svešiniekiem. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2023, 319 lpp.
6. Kriek D. Team Leadership: Theories, Tools and Techniques. Randburg: KR Publishing, 2019, p. 465.
1. Dienas Bizness : nedēļas laikraksts: ISSN 1407-2041.
2. Forbes. "SK Media" SIA. Forbes. Rīga: ISSN 1691-6018.
Elective study course for ESAF master's study programs.
Elective of free choice study course for master's study programs of other faculties.