Course code EkonB020
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures22
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes22
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation07.03.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Mg. proj. mgmt.
Mg. oec.
VadZ2044 [GVAD2044] Enterpreneurship
Students gain an understanding of the nature and constituents of entrepreneurship, the economic activity system in Latvia, the entrepreneurial environment as well as practical skills needed to start up the entrepreneurship, the phases and specifics of the life cycle of an enterprise, micro, small and medium enterprises and their role as well as the economic situation in Latvia. Students also acquire basic theoretical knowledge and an understanding of business planning.
Students acquire an understanding of document management and the regulatory requirements, document circulation, the document management system and the groups of documents, deadlines for documents, electronic documents and signatures. Students build up an understanding of and skills in identifying differences among the document groups in the document management system, as well as of the requirements for the development, design, archiving and destruction of documents, official marks and properties and the forms and types of file nomenclature.
1. Students will be able to: demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the principles, legal aspects and problems of entrepreneurship in Latvia - study, an examination.
2. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the purposes of designing a business plan and the objectives and key functions of the business plan as well as the design process - practical assignments.
3. Generate and underpin a business idea and do activities to start up a business by using the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired - independent work.
4. Identify, analyse and group entrepreneurial environment factors - practical assignments.
5. Explain and reasonably discuss matters regarding the entrepreneurial environment and micro- and small enterprises as well as the most important phases of the enterprise life cycle - discussions during classes, an examination.
6. Independently acquire, select and analyse information and use it in designing a business plan - practical assignments.
7. Explain and present the research results to others - presentations of the independent work.
8. Start up a business - practical assignments, independent work.
9. Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given and meet the deadlines – Independent and practical assignments.
10. Participate in group work - Independent and practical assignments.
11. Present their own or the group’s opinions – Independent and practical assignments, group work.
12. Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the substance of document management and the most important document management processes, the terminology, the effects of document details and marks on the legal force of the document – Independent and practical assignments, test and examination.
13. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the document management system and the document groups it comprises, the requirements for the development and layout of the documents - Independent and practical assignments, examination.
14. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the principles of work with electronic documents - Independent and practical assignments, examination.
15. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the requirements for document files, document file nomenclature and document archiving - Independent and practical assignments, examination.
16. Produce a derivative of an original document, which has legal force, and attest its genuineness in accordance with the requirements of relevant legal acts - Independent and practical assignments.
17. Find, comprehend and practically apply legal provisions for document management - Independent and practical assignments, examination.
18. Manage the flow of documents and perform the functions of the persons (institutions) involved in document management - Independent and practical assignments, examination.
19. Use the document management system and the groups of documents it comprises and identify differences among the document groups - Independent and practical assignments, examination.
20. Produce documents of the groups comprised by the document management system as well as their derivatives with legal force – Independent and practical assignments, examination.
Basic terms of entrepreneurship and the economic activity system in Latvia (lecture – 1 hour)
2. Starting up a business (lecture – 2 hour, practical – 1 hour)
3. Ways of implementing a business idea and innovations (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 2 hours)
4. Creating the image of the company (lecture – 2 hours, practical work – 2 hours)
5. Entrepreneurial environment (lecture – 1 hour)
6. Firm (name) and the formation of the firm (practical – 1 hours)
7. Choice of a site for doing business (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hours)
8. Life cycle of a business (lecture – 1 hour)
9. Business insolvency, process of reorganization and liquidation (lecture – 1 hour)
10. Design process and content of a business plan (lecture – 2 hour, practical – 6 hour)
11. Laws and regulations governing document management. Details and Service Notes of a Document Influencing the Legal Force of a Document. (Lecture 1 hour, practical – 1 hour)
12. Technical requirements for document drawing up and document language. (Lecture 2 hour, practical – 2 hour)
13. System of administrative documents and the groups of documents forming this system. (Lecture 1 hour, practical – 1 hour)
14. Original document and derivative of a document. (Lecture 1 hour, practical – 1 hour)
15. Electronic documents and signatures. (Lecture 1 hour, practical – 1 hour)
16. Document management processes in organization. (Lecture 1 hour, practical – 1 hour)
17. Document files and nomenclature of files. (Lecture 1 hour, practical – 1 hour)
18. Archive and archiving requirements. (Lecture 1 hour, practical – 1 hour)
Examination – All the topics (in session)
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
The Mark consist of:
• 30% individual and group independent and practical assigments
• 25% individual and group independent and practical assigments
• 5% registered attendance
• 40% examination – All the topics
10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
Study course materials and literature studies.
Preparation of practical and independent work.
Preparing for examination.
Examination mark is an accumulating mark of all course marks.
1. Alsiņa R. Mācies plānot. Biznesa plāna pamati. Rīga: Kamene, 2000.75 lpp.
2. Uzņēmēja rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Jumava, 2009. 376 lpp.
3. How to Plan Business? / Aina Muška, Līga Paula, Lāsma Līcīte, Dina Popluga. Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas through the production and exploitation of medicinal and aromatic plants: manual / [Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte] / - Jelgava, 2018. - 130.-258.lpp. - ISBN 9789984482958
4. Muška A. Uzņēmējdarbības plānošana.Rīga: SIA KIF „Biznesa komplekss”, 2005. 93 lpp.
5. Muška A. Uzņēmējdarbības pamatkurss. Rīga: KIF „Biznesa komplekss”, 2005. 120 lpp.
6. Dokumentu izstrādāšanas un noformēšanas kārtība: 04.09.2018. MK noteikumi Nr.558 ("LV", 177 (6263), 06.09.2018.) [stājas spēkā 07.09.2018.]
7. Dokumentu juridiskā spēka likums: 06.05.2010. LR likums ("LV", 78 (4270), 19.05.2010.) [stājas spēkā 01.07.2010.] ar grozījumiem
8. Arhīvu likums: 11.02.2010. LR likums ("LV", 35 (4227), 03.03.2010.) [stājas spēkā 01.01.2011.] ar grozījumiem
9. Elektronisko dokumentu likums: 31.10.2002. LR likums ("LV", 169 (2744), 20.11.2002.; Ziņotājs, 23, 12.12.2002.) [stājas spēkā 01.01.2003.] ar grozījumiem
10. Kalve I. Dokumentu pārvaldība no A līdz Z. Rīga: SIA „Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2013. 316 lpp.
1. Biznesa atveseļošana. Autoru kolektīvs. Sērija: Harvard Business Review on. Rīga: Izdevniecība Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008. 150 lpp.
2. Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas.Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2009. 330 lpp.
3. Vīksna A., Baroniņa R. Mani septiņi soļi biznesa uzsākšanai. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009.112 lpp.
4. Uzsākt biznesu. / «Lessons Learned» grāmatu sērija.-Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009.- 104 lpp.
5. Janitēna Z. Ievads dokumentu pārvaldībā. Rīga: SIA „Lietišķās informācijas dienests”, 2017. 240 lpp.
1. Dienas Bizness un tā pielikumi – Saldo, Lietišķā Diena, Top 500 u.c.
2. Biznesa plāna paraugs (paplašināts) -
3. Biznesa plānošanas teorētiskie aspekti -
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