Course code EkonB018

Credit points 5


Total Hours in Course

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours79

Date of course confirmation21.04.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science

Course developer

author lect.

Laura Joma

Mg. paed.

Prior knowledge

JurZ2026, Basics of Law

VadZ2035, Document Management

Course abstract

Students gain knowledge and understanding of the nature, content and environment of commercial activities. Understands the importance of resource efficiency and investment in the development of commercial activities. Acquire practical skills in the commencement of commercial activities, evaluation and determination of development opportunities. Students acquire the skills to determine and analyse commercial activity according to its environment and influencing factors.
Objective of the study course – to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills for commencing commercial activities.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knows and understands the nature, concepts and meaning of commercial activity – examination, independent works, practical assignments.
2. Knows and understands the legal aspects governing commercial activities - examination, practical assignments.
3. Knowledge and understanding of environmental factors of commercial activities, indicators thereof and methods of analysis - examination, independent and practical assignments.
1. Be able to identify, group and analyse the business environment and factors influencing it - examination, independent and practical assignments.
2. Be able to characterise the base of laws and regulations corresponding to a particular form of commercial activity – examination, independent and practical assignments.
4. Be able to develop legal documents of commercial activity – company founding documents, co-operation agreements, trademark patenting documents – independent and practical assignments.
5. Be able to determine and characterise the resources necessary for commercial activities - examination, independent and practical assignments.
6. Be able to plan responsibly the tasks assigned - independent and practical assignments.
7. Be able to engage in group work and present their views and those of the group - practical assignments.
1. Be able to define and provide their solutions for commencing commercial activities – examination, independent and practical assignments.
2. Be able to commence his or her commercial activity - examination, independent and practical assignments.

Course Content(Calendar)

In full-time face-to-face studies:
1. The nature, basic concepts and meaning of commercial activities. Economic activity system in Latvia (lecture 1 hour)
2. Common and different characteristics of economic, business and commercial activities (lecture 1 hour)
3. Subjects of commercial activity (lecture 1 hour)
4. Processes for the establishment and registration of commercial operators (lecture 2 hours, practical assignments 5 hours)
5. 1. independent work – Drawing up of documents for the founding of a capital company- presentation (practical assignments for 2 hours)
6. Reorganisation and liquidation proceedings of commercial operators (lecture 1 hour)
7. Regulatory basis regulating commercial activities (lecture 2 hours, practical assignments 2 hours)
8. Types of commercial transactions and corresponding contracts (lecture 2 hours, practical assignments 2 hours)
9. 2. independent work - Normative acts and sectoral analysis governing the activities of company X- presentation (practical assignments 2 hours)
10. External environment of commercial activity, indicators and influencing factors thereof, methods of analysis thereof (lecture 2 hours, practical assignments 4 hours)
11. Internal environment of commercial activity, indicators thereof and influencing factors (lecture 2 hours)
12. Decision-making process and impact on the internal environment of commercial activity (lecture 1 hour)
13. Design thinking methods for analysis of the internal environment of commercial activity (lecture 2 hours, practical assignments 3 hours)
14. Business Environment analysis method (SVID method) (lecture 1 hour, practical assignments 2 hours)
15. Business models used in commercial activities and their impact on the type of activity of the enterprise (lecture 1 hour)
16. 3. independent work - Environmental analysis of company X - presentation (practical assignments 2 hours)
17. Resources of commercial activity, efficiency of utilisation thereof (lecture 2 hours, practical assignments 2 hours)
18. Linear and circular economy in commercial activities (lecture 2 hours, practical assignments 2 hours)
19. Socially responsible commercial activities. Criteria for identification of a social enterprise and procedures for registration (lecture 1 hour, practical assignments 2 hours)
20. 4. independent work - Opportunities for the development of company X – presentation (practical assignments 2 hours)

In part-time off-site studies:
All topics specified for full-time presence are implemented, but the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified hours.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Four independent works must be developed and presented during the study process:
1. independent assignments - the drawing up of documents for the founding of a capital company.
2. independent assignments - analysis of the regulatory enactments regulating the activities of company X and the sector.
3. independent assignments - environmental analysis of company X.
4. independent assignments - opportunities for the development of company X.
Student must complete all the practice sessions.
A successful examination shall be passed at the end of the study course.

The final assessment of the study course depends on the assessments of the results to be achieved in the study course, i.e. the accumulative assessment consisting of the total number of % obtained. 10% corresponds to one ball on the scale of evaluating the results of 10-ball studies.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student independently prepares 4 presentations on the basis of regulatory enactments regulating the activities of one freely selected company and the sector, environment and development possibilities. The student shall independently develop the founding documents of the capital company and prepare for an examination regarding the theoretical substance acquired throughout the course.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final assessment of the study course depends on the assessments of the results to be achieved in the study course:
1. independent assignments – 10%
2. independent assignments – 10%
3. independent assignments – 20%
4. independent assignments – 15%
Practical assignments – 5%
Exam - 40%

10% shall form 1 ball of the final assessment of the study course.

Compulsory reading

1. Komerclikums. Publicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 158/160 (2069/2071), 04.05.2000, „Ziņotājs”, 22, 01.06.2000. Pieejams:
2. Par individuālo (ģimenes) uzņēmumu un zemnieka vai zvejnieka saimniecību. Publicēts: Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 6/7, 13.02.1992. Pieejams:
3. Otola I., Grabowska M. Business Models. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020. 222 p.
4. Paul W., Dorron O. The Business Environment : Themes and Issues. Ed.: Second edition. Oxford : OUP Oxford. 2011. 475 p.
5. Paul D., Cadle J., Eva M., Rollason C., Hunsley J. Business Analysis Fourth edition. Swindon, UK : BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT. 2020. 402 p.
6. Paul D., Cadle J., Hunsley J., Reed A., Beckham D., Turner P. Business Analysis Techniques : 123 Essential Tools for Success. Swindon, UK: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT. 2021. 355 p.

Further reading

1. Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistra mājas lapa //
2. Valsts ieņēmuma dienesta Publiskojamo datu bāzes mājas lapa//
3. „Latvijas Vēstnesis” mājaslapa. Pieejams:
4. EUR- Lex Piekļuve Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktiem mājaslapa. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. Scopus datubāze. Pieejams:
2. Web of Science datubāzes. Pieejams:
3. ScienceDirect Freedom Collection datubāze. Pieejams:
4. EBSCO eBook Academic Collection datubāze. Pieejams:
5. EBSCOhost datubāzes. Pieejams:
6. Wiley Online Journals datubāze. Pieejams:


Field theoretical basic course and information technology study course (Part B2) for the professional Bachelor study program “Entrepreneurship and Business Management”