Course code EeTkB003
Credit points 5
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours79
Date of course confirmation13.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
Fizi1009, Basic Physics
Mate1029, Mathematics I
ETeh2019 [GETH2019] Applied Electrical Engineering
The aim of the study course: to obtain the basic laws of electric circuits, basic concepts of direct and alternating current, basics of electrical measurements, transformers, electric heat and mechanical energy sources, electrical equipment control and protection equipment structure and basic principles of operation.
Knowledges - fundamentals of Electrical engineering , electrical measuring methods, fundamentals of industrial electrical machines - laboratory works, exam.
Abilities - to perform the calculation of basic parameters for electrical equipment, to make a reasonable choice of electrical equipment, operation of electrical equipment and understanding of circuits schemes – laboratory works, exam.
Competence - to choice electric equipment and operation parameters, evaluation of parameters and choice of optimization solutions – the quality of laboratory work performance and defense, exam.
1. Electrical circuit and its characteristics. Direct current. (Lecture - 2h)
2. Basic laws and operating modes of the electrical circuit. (Lecture - 1h)
3. Basics of electromagnetism. (Lecture -2h)
4. Alternating current generation and its characteristics. (Lecture -1h)
5. Line and vector diagrams. The concept of resistance. AC consumers. (Lecture - 2h)
6. AC power. (Lecture -1h)
7. Three-phase systems. Star and delta circuits. (Lecture-2h)
8. Three-phase system power. (Lecture - 1h)
9. Measurement of electrical parameters. (Lecture 3h)
10. Transformer structure and operation, losses. (Lecture -2h)
11. Construction and operation of three-phase asynchronous (induction) machines (Lecture - 3h)
12. Power factor, its compensation (Lecture - 2h)
13. Single-phase asynchronous machines. (Lecture - 1h)
14. Starting and protection of asynchronous motors. (Lecture.-1h)
15. Direct current machines. Synchronous machines. (Lecture - 4h)
16. Principles of electrical circuit control and protection equipment. (Lecture - 4h)
Laboratory works:
Single-phase current, voltage measurement. 2h
Measurement of active power and resistance. 2h.
Active and reactive AC consumers. 3h
Electrical energy measurement. 2 h
Three-phase AC network structure. 3h
Three-phase consumer active power measurement. 3h.
Transformer and determination of their efficiency. 3h
Determination of fluorescent lamps power factor. 3h
Starting an asynchronous motor with a magnetic starter. 3 h
Part time studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Written exam.
Exam consist of three tasks:
1. DC, magnetic and AC circuits: laws, parameters;
2. AC machines, equipment, devices;
3. DC machines, protection of electrical equipment.
A student shall be admitted to the examination only if all laboratory works has been credited.
Students draw up reports on laboratory work and prepare to defend them. Preparing for the exam.
The assessment of the study course examination shall consist of the sum of the number of points obtained for each examination question answer:
- the correct comprehensive, broad answer: 3 points,
- a correct answer with small incompleteness or errors: 2 points,
- a reply containing only basic concepts without clarification or containing material errors: 1 point,,
- there is no answer, the answer is wrong, there are very bad errors in the answer: 0 points.
By getting 9 points, there is the possibility of conducting interviews that result in a 10 – excellent mark being obtained if the student shows the appropriate knowledge and understanding. By demonstrating excellent knowledge in the development and defence of laboratory works, a successful examination mark may be raised.
1. Ģ.E.Lagzdiņš. Pamatkurss elektrotehnikā. «Jumava», Rīga. 2004. – 217 lpp.
2. Klegeris I.Ž. Lietišķā elektrotehnika: studiju materiāli. Lekciju konspekts. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 81 lpp.
2. L.Spūlis. Elektrotehnika un elektrības izmantošana. Mācību metodiskais materiāls. Višķi. 2012. - 303 lpp.
1. Priednieks Ē. Elektriskās ķēdes un to vienādojumi. Rīga: RTU, 2002. 100 lpp.
2. Zemsprieguma elektriskie aparāti. A.Baltiņš u.c. Rīga: Jumava, 2007. 348 lpp.
Studiju materiāli, kas atrodami LBTU e-studijās mājas lapā.
Compulsory study course is included in professional higher education bachelor study program "Applied Energy Engineering".