Course code EeTkB002
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures22
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10
Number of hours for laboratory classes12
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation13.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
EeTkB003, Applied Electrical Engineering
EeTkB004, Electronics and Communications Engineering
ETeh4050 [GETH4051] Basics of Automatics
The purpose of the study course: to acquire the principles of automatic control of processes and equipment in the bioeconomy sector, the interrelation between automation and efficient energy use. Students get knowledge of automatic control systems (ACS), construction and operation, acquire skills in compiling ACS operation algorithms, creating ACS elements operation algorithms, transition processes modeling and optimization of specific elements. During laboratory and practical works, skills are gained about the peculiarities of the application of various types of automatic control principles (P, PID, adaptive control, etc.) for efficient management of production facilities.
Knowledge – about the structure, basic elements, principles of operation of technological objects and processes of the bioeconomy industry, about the criteria for evaluating the quality of the operation of the ACS and the basis for selection, about the theoretical and practical issues of improving energy, agricultural and woodworking objects. Knowledge will be assessed in practical works and an exam;
Skills – to create ACS operation algorithms and mathematical models of characteristic stages, to use simulation programs (Matlab Simulink and similar) for creation and modeling of ACS systems, to check transition processes of technological objects and interaction of ACS, to compile practical ACS (laboratory) models. Skills are assessed in practical work, laboratory work and independent work, as well as control tests in the study process and in the exam;
Competences – to evaluate the quality and efficiency of AVS operation, factors influencing the choice of ACS. Competences are assessed in the study process and in the exam.
In full-time face-to-face studies:
1. Introduction to automation. Automatic control systems (ACS) and control objects in energy, agriculture and woodworking. (lecture – 1h)
2. Principles of automatic control: program control; after perturbation; after deviation; combined and adaptive control. (lecture – 1h)
3. Automation of production processes. Tasks and hierarchy of computerized management. Economic rationale for automation. (lecture – 1h)
4. Static properties of ACS components. Characteristic curves of linear, non-linear and astatic devices. (lecture – 2h, practical works – 1h, laboratory work. – 1h)
5. Compilation of static equations. Modeling of static characteristic curves. (lecture – 2h, practical works – 1h, laboratory work – 1h)
6. Designs and characteristics of series, parallel and feedback circuit of ACS components. (lecture – 1h, practical work – 1h)
7. Dynamic processes in ACS. Methodology and examples of compiling dynamic equations of static devices. Time constant ACS. (lecture – 2h, practical work – 1h)
8. Operator method for studying dynamic processes of ACS. Laplace transform. Operator equation and transfer function. (lecture – 1h)
9. Examples of analysis of transition processes of ACS components. Thermoresistor and thermocouple heating modeling. (lecture – 1h, laboratory work– 4h)
10. ACS type stages, their original equations, operator equations, transfer functions and transition processes in the simulation environment (lecture – 1h, practical work – 1h)
11. Non-inertial stage, first-order inertial stage, integrating and differentiating stage. (lecture – 2h, practical works – 1h, laboratory work – 1h)
12. Second-order inertial stage, oscillation stage, integrating actuator. Stage of transport delay. (lecture – 2h, practical works – 1h, laboratory work – 1h)
13. Types of ACS operation, their simulation models – two-position, P.PI, PID, adaptive control (lecture – 2h, practical works – 1h, laboratory work – 4h)
14. Error of ACS. ACS frequency characteristics, stability criteria and stability improvement. (lecture – 1h)
Laboratory work:
1. Thermoresistor, its characteristic curves (2 h)
2. Thermocouple, its characteristic curves (2 h)
3. Inertial parameters of the heating element ACS (2 h)
4. Two-position automatic control systems (2 h)
5. P regulator (2 h)
6. PID controller (2 h)
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Successful assessment:
Completed and defended all 6 laboratory works.
Submitted (sent, uploaded in the e-study environment) 6 practical works.
Passed exam at the end of the study course.
Students must prepare for practical works:
1. Characteristic curves of linear, non-linear and astatic devices
2. Compilation of static equations. Modeling of static characteristic curves
3. Dynamic processes in ACS. Methodology and examples of compiling dynamic equations of static devices. Time constant of ACS
4. First order inertial stage (heating element)
5. Second order inertial stage, oscillation stage, integrating actuator. Stage of transport delay.
6. Types of ACS operation, their simulation models – two-position, P. PI, PID, adaptive control
Students must to prepare reports of laboratory work, they should prepare for their and to prepare for the exam.
All practical work must be handed in, all laboratory work must be completed and passed (if even one work is missing, a positive assessment will not be posted),
The final evaluation:
Practical work – passed/failed
Laboratory work – passed/failed
Exam at the end of the study course - grade at least 4
1. Šnīders A. Automātiskās vadības pamati: mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 159 lpp.
2. Šnīders A., Leščevics P., Galiņš A. Tehnoloģisko iekārtu automatizācija: mācību-metodiskais līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 60 lpp.
3. Dzelzītis E. Siltuma, gāzes un ūdens inženiersistēmu automatizācijas pamati. Rīga: RTU, 2005. 414 lpp.
Šnīders A. Automātisko sistēmu modelēšana: mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 136 lpp.
Žurnāls “Enerģija un Pasaule”.
Compulsory course for the professional higher education bachelor study program “Applied energy engineering”, full -time studies – 6th semester, part-time studies – 9th semester