Course code EeTk3001
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures14
Number of hours for laboratory classes18
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation25.09.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Fizi3003, Physics for engineers I
Mate3025, Engineering mathematics I
The aim of the course is to learn basic electrical engineering concepts, basic laws of DC circuits, basics of AC, measurements of electric parameters, operations principles of transformer and electric motors, basics of electronics.
1. Knowledge - basics of electrical engineering, construction and operational principles of electric motors and transformers, basics of electronics – laboratory works, tests.
2. Skills - to calculate basic electrical parameters of electric devices, their choice, to analyse basic electronic and electric circuits – laboratory works, home works, tests.
3. Competence - to evaluate operation mode of electric devices and their operation improvement solutions –laboratory works, tests.
1. Direct current basics. (2h)
2. Analyses of electric circuit calculations and operation mode. (2h). 1st homework.
3. Alternating current basics. (2h)
4. Production and transfer of electric energy. Construction and operation of transformer. (2h)
1st test – Electrical engineering basics, calculation and measuring of electric parameters.
Laboratory works – Electric parameters measuring, Three phase circuit, transformer. (8h)
5. Semiconductor diodes, their types, operating principles. Oscilloscope and function generator. Dynamical properties of rectifier (2h). 2nd homework.
6. Bipolar transistors, their operating modes and typical connections, transistor amplifiers. (1h)
7. Optoelectronics – LEDs, photodiodes, photo transistors, their applications. (1h)
8. Harmonic oscillation and pulse generators, timers and signal generators. (1h)
9. Operational amplifiers and comparators, typical circuits and calculations. (1h)
2nd test – Basics of electronics, types of semiconductors, their curves and applications.
Laboratory works – semiconductors and their use (2h); operation with oscilloscope and function generator(2h); bipolar transistor (2h); linear voltage regulator (2h); operational amplifier (2h)
Assessment - credit. In order to pass the course. Test should be successfully passed(at least 50%), complete and defend laboratory work, and complete homeworks.
1. homework. Calculation of electric circuit parameters.
2. homework. Calculation of semiconductor circuits.
The course assessment consists of test, homework and laboratory works cumulative assessment.
To pass the tests, at least 50% of the tasks should be completed correctly.
Homework is assessment is made according to homework instructions.
Laboratory work assessment depends on its completion level and defend quality.
Assessment consist of the sum of the following parts – 50% tests average mark, 20% - homework mark, 30% - laboratory work mark.
1. Bird J. Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology. 6th edition. New York: Routledge, 2017. 526 p.
2. Sang-Hoon K. Electric Motor Control: DC, AC, and BLDC Motors. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2017. 426 p. E-grāmata. Pieejams:
3. Klegeris I. Ž. Lietišķā elektrotehnika: studiju materiāli. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 78 lpp.
4. Galiņš A. Elektrozinību teorētiskie pamati. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 120 lpp.
5. Lagzdiņš Ģ.E. Pamatkurss elektrotehnikā. Rīga: Jumava, 2004. 217 lpp.
6. Leščevics P., Galiņš A. Elektronika un sakaru tehnika: mācību līdzeklis lietišķajā elektronikā. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 121 lpp.
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the second level bachelor’s study programme Biosystems Machinery and Technologies. 1st year 2nd semester.