Course code Citi3066
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures25
Number of hours for laboratory classes39
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation20.06.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Ķīmi3021, Food Biochemistry
Medi2004, Nutrition
PārZ3100, Hygiene Management in Hospitality
The aim of the study course is to obtain knowledge of the production of food products, including raw materials, technological characteristics and factors affecting quality. Acquires knowledge about production of cereal, meat, dairy and vegetable processing products, production technologies of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. In laboratory work, students acquire practical skills in preparing food products and evaluating quality indicators.
At the end of the study course, students will get:
Theoretical and practical knowledge of food production technologies and quality indicators - lectures, laboratory works, 1st and 2nd test.
Knows the basics of the physiology of sensory evaluation and the methods of sensory evaluation of food – 3rd test and laboratory work.
Skills to analyse and explain the main technological stages of food products and evaluate quality indicators according to the field of hospitality - laboratory works
Understands the importance of sensory evaluation tests in evaluating the quality of food products and can demonstrate a scientific approach and analytically describe information, possible solutions to problems - laboratory work.
Able to independently obtain, select and evaluate information on the composition of food products, quality indicators, in order to be able to make a selection in a hospitality company - independent work.
In full-time studies:
Introduction lecture on food production in Latvia. Lecture – 1 h.
Insight into food legislation - regulation of quality indicators, labelling of food products Lecture – 1h
General information on sensory evaluation. Basics of sensory physiology. Lectures – 3 hours. Odour recognition, basic taste, colour and structure tests, determination of sensitivity threshold for basic tastes. Laboratory work – 4h.
Methods used in sensory evaluation. Lectures – 2h. Use of Discriminative, Descriptive and Emotional methods for different products. Laboratory works – 6h.
Organization of sensory assessment. Sensory marketing in hospitality. Lecture – 1 hour.
Beverage production technologies. Types of soft drinks, technological process, evaluation. Lecture – 1h, laboratory work – 2h
Types of beer, technological process, evaluation, connection with food. Lecture – 2h, laboratory work – 2h.
Types of wine, technological process, evaluation, relationship with food. Lecture – 1h, laboratory work – 3h.
Spirits, technology, evaluation, relationship with food. Lecture – 1h, laboratory work – 2h.
Milk and milk products. Lectures – 4h, laboratory work Separation of milk, pasteurization of cream and skimmed milk. Making Midsummer cheese - 4 h.
Cereals and bread. Lectures – 4 h, laboratory work Baking different types of wheat bread, quality assessment – 4 h.
Fruits and vegetables. Lectures – 4 h, laboratory work Evaluation of the quality of fruit and vegetable products – 4 h.
Meat and meat products. Lectures – 4 h, laboratory work Evaluation of meat freshness, sausage preparation and quality evaluation – 4 h.
Independent work - Food products and their production
In part-time studies:
Introductory lecture on food production in Latvia. Insight into food legislation - regulation of quality indicators, labelling of food products. Lecture – 1 hour
A component of quality control – sensory evaluation of food. Basics of sensory physiology. Sensory assessment methods. Organization of sensory assessment. Lecture – 3h, laboratory works – 5h.
Beverage production technologies. Types of soft drinks, technological process, evaluation. Lecture – 1h, laboratory work – 1h
Types of beer, technological process, evaluation, connection with food. Lecture – 1h, laboratory work – 1h.
Types of wine, strong alcoholic beverages, technological process, evaluation, relationship with food. Lecture – 1h, laboratory work – 2h.
Milk and milk products. Lectures – 2h, laboratory work Separation of milk, pasteurization of cream and skimmed milk. Making Midsummer cheese - 2h.
Cereals and bread. Lectures – 2h, laboratory work Baking different types of wheat bread, quality assessment – 2h.
Fruits and vegetables. Lectures – 2h, laboratory work Evaluation of the quality of fruit and vegetable products – 2h.
Meat and meat products. Lectures – 2h, laboratory work Evaluation of meat freshness, sausage preparation and quality evaluation – 2h.
Self-employment - Food products and their production
Part-time extramural studies: All topics specified for full-time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one-half of the number specified in the calendar.
The grade of the study course exam depends on the grade of the exam task and the cumulative grade of the study course tests, practical, laboratory and homework assignments.
A student can get a passing grade for the test and exam if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
All 3rd test papers must be passed (rating at least 4 points).
All laboratory work must be completed and defended.
One independent thesis was developed and defended
The purpose of the independent work is to choose suitable food products for the hospitality company. At the beginning of the study course, a hospitality event is chosen (wedding, birthday banquet, lunch, breakfast at a hotel, etc.), and study course participants must choose three appropriate commercial products (within the group, they must choose products from different categories – milk, fruit, vegetables, bread, drinks, etc. ). The assortment, offer, price range, components, compliance with the product definition of the relevant product group must be evaluated. The work must be submitted in the form of a presentation and defended. The presentation should include: the nutritional value of the products, ingredients, price, expiration date, packaging and sensory evaluation. The work is developed in a group of 2-3 people
Attended, developed and defended all laboratory works.
Successfully written theoretical tests.
Submitted and successfully defended independent work.
Latvijas likumdošana -
Eiropas Savienības likumdošana -
Ciproviča I., Kunkulberga D., Grāmatiņa I., Kampuse S., Kārkliņa D. Pārtikas produktu ražošanas tehnoloģijas: digitālais mācību līdzeklis. Valsts izglītības satura centrs. , 2021. pPieejams:
Galoburda R., Muižniece-Brasava S., Ķince T. Pārtikas rūpniecības tehnoloģiskās iekārtas: digitālais mācību līdzeklis. Valsts izglītības satura centrs. , 2021. pPieejams:
Strautniece E. (2004) Pārtikas produktu sensorā novērtēšana. Jelgava, LLU PTF, 2004. 89 lpp.
Sensory analysis for food and beverage quality control: A practical guide. eEdited by David Kilcast. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing ;Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010. 373 p. Tiešsaistes resurss pieejams tiešsaistē LBTU datortīklā un ārpus LBTU ar LBTU IS lietotājkontu: )
Feiner G. Meat products handbook. England: Woodhead publishing limited, 2006. 648 p
Papildliteratūra Meilgard M.,Civille G.V.,Carr B.T. Sensory Evaluation Techniques. Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, Inc., 2007. 464 p.
Meilgard M. Sensory evaluation techniques. 3rd ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1987. 176 p. Tiešsaistes resurss pieejams tiešsaistē LBTU datortīklā un ārpus LBTU ar LBTU IS lietotājkontu:
Innovative Technologies in Beverage Processing. Ed. I. Aguiló-Aguayo, L. Plaza. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. 314 p.
Boulton C. Encyclopaedia of brewing. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. 707 p.
Handbook of Brewing. Edited: G. G. Stewart, I. Russell, A. Anstruther. 3rd Edition. Location Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017. 797 p.
Tiešsaistes resurss pieejams tiešsaistē LBTU datortīklā un ārpus LBTU ar LBTU IS lietotājkontu:
Toldra F. Handbook of meat processing. USA: Publishing by Wiley-Blackwell. 2010. 566 p.
Labelling and nutrition
Wine in EU
Spirit drinks
Compulsory course in the first cycle professional bachelor's programme Catering and Hotel Management