Course code BūvZM014

Credit points 8

Theoretical Substantiation and Mathematical Processing of Geodetic Measurements

Total Hours in Course200

Number of hours for lectures36

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes28

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours152

Date of course confirmation12.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developer

author reserch

Aivars Ratkevičs

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

BūvZ6045, Geodetic Support System I

Replaced course

BūvZ5056 [GBUV5056] Theoretical Substantiation and Mathematical Processing of Geodetic Measurements

Course abstract

The study course aims for students to acquire knowledge that allows them to understand the methodology of geodetic measurements, the nature of their mathematical processing and their application in solving practical and scientific issues. Students get acquainted with the essence of the origin of the theoretical substantiation of the organization of geodetic measurements and the significance of their application in practice, as well as with the basic knowledge of mathematical processing of the results of geodetic measurements;
Acquires the basics of applying the theoretical basis of various geodetic measurements in practice by choosing to use measurement methods and their requirements, as the initial skills in the mathematical processing of the performed measurements.
Gains knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the organization of geodetic measurements, such as mathematical models of the earth, theoretical surfaces, the basis of their representation on planes and cartographic projections. Understanding of the organization of the connection of theoretical, mathematical models of the earth with the real surface of the earth, geodetic networks, the principles of their formation, methods, as well as the performance of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After the course the student :
1. knows the theoretical foundations used in geodetic measurements, their basic conditions and parameters, the principles of connection organization with the real earth surface when creating geodetic support systems, networks and their types, as well as choosing the construction methods to take into account specific network tasks, accuracy characteristics and terrain effects. Knows the basics of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements and the implementation of practical implementation. - tests
2. can apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in connection with the performance of specific practical geodetic tasks, independently performing accurate angle, distance, elevation and GNSS measurements, as well as mathematically process the measurement results and evaluate the obtained accuracies. Application skills are confirmed in the development of independent work. – practical works
3. is able to apply the acquired knowledge to independently, rationally organize and perform the required accuracy of geodetic measurements, to create geodetic networks or their systems, choosing the most appropriate methods and tools for their implementation, depending on the task. Understands the practice of applying theoretical principles, professional ethics, is able to evaluate the impact of one's professional activities on the environment and society. – practical works

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Understanding of Geodesy and its theoretical basis, development, division, application tasks, objectives and parameters, their connection with the basics and accuracy of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements; (1h)
2. Parameters of earth mathematical models, earth shape and size, reference ellipsoids, their representation in planes, their mathematical substantiation, coordinate systems; (1h)
3. Problems of connection of theoretical - mathematical land models with the real shape and surface of the earth and methods of their realization, reference systems, basics of their accuracy and use; (1h)
4. Geodetic reference systems, their types, tasks, historical context of development and significance in the national economy. Interdisciplinary role in the national economy and in the context of the development of geodetic reporting systems. (1h)
5. Basics of determining the Earth coordinate system and different orientation directions. Geographical and orthogonal coordinate systems. Latvian coordinate system LKS 92 and international coordinate system UTM, their mathematical theoretical foundations, development and practice. (1h)
6. Land projections and their use in geodesy and cartography, representation in plans and maps. Scales and their role in the visualization of geospatial information, as well as the relationship with display accuracies; (1h)
7. Grid networks, their use and basics of transformations between different coordinate systems. Display of rectangular and geographical coordinates of points as well as determination on maps and plans. (1h)
8. Horizontal distances and angles, in maps and plans, principles of profiling. Absolute and relative measurement errors. Approximate operations. (1h)
9. Geodetic support systems and geodetic reference systems, their differences and mutual hierarchy. Basics of designing geodetic support systems, structure, connection of design with development tasks, available resources, technologies and deadlines; (1h)
10. Test - 1 (1h)
11. Understanding of geodetic networks, their division, structure, types and tasks. Basics of geodetic network design. (1h)
12. Understanding of horizontal measurements and networks in geodesy. Design and deployment of horizontal geodetic networks. (1h)
13. Understanding of vertical measurements and networks in geodesy. Design of vertical geodetic networks. (1h)
14. Understanding of geodetic gravimetry, its place, meaning and application in geodesy, organization and execution of gravimetric measurements. Gravimetric measurements and networks, basics of their design; (1h)
15. Understanding of geodetic magnetometry, its place, meaning, application in geodesy and cartography, magnetometric measurement instruments and work organization. Magnetometric measurements, their systems and networks, design basics; (1h)
16. Understanding of astronomical-geodetic measurements, their place, meaning, history of application in geodesy, measuring instruments, technologies and work organization. Astronomical measurements, their systems and networks, design basics; (1h)
17. Seismic measurement and monitoring systems in geodesy, their tasks and role in maintaining geodetic support; (1h)
18. GNSS geodetic and navigational instruments and equipment, their operating principles, systems, classification, application in geodesy and national economy, accuracy of measurement results; (1h)
19. GNSS base station and station network systems and their use, operating principles and accuracies; (1h)
20. Test - 2 (1h)
21. Geodetic instruments, their operating principles, accuracy, classification and basics of application. (1h)
22. Application of GNSS geodetic instruments in surveying works, measurement results and accuracy, mathematical processing of results and connection with the chosen technology; (1h)
23. Photogrammetry technologies for the performance or control of geodetic measurements, their application to the solutions and performance of various geodetic tasks, technologies for the creation or renewal of geodetic points and networks, conditions for the performance of works, requirements and accuracy; (1h)
24. Geodetic surveying and network surveying technologies. (1h)
25. Principles, methods and requirements for processing the results of geodetic measurements, quality assessment processes and criteria; (1h)
26. Theory and practice of processing data arrays of geodetic measurement results, classical methods and their use; (1h)
27. Programming of processing of results of geodetic measurements, computer programs of manufacturers, practice and peculiarities of their application, methods of evaluation and control of results (1h)
28. Basics of geodetic points (elements) installation, division, construction and creation criteria, design, history, theory and practice of geodetic network points (1h)
29. Basics of work process organization in installation and measurement of geodetic reporting systems. (1h)
30. Test - 3 (1h)
31. Basics of designing geodetic networks, organization of calculations based on the set criteria (application of GIS and remote sensing possibilities in planning procedures); (1h)
32. Determination and calculation of parameters for the maintenance regime of geodetic support and reference systems. (1h)
33. Processes for the development of project proposals for the development of a geodetic reference system, their comparison, evaluation and selection of the optimal variant, development and justification of project work variants. (1h)
34. Definition of project criteria for the development of a geodetic support system, proposals and calculations of solution variants, justification of the choice and development and justification of the work variant. (2h)
35. Standards in geodesy, surveying and construction. (1h)

Practical works (28h)
1. Measurement of coordinates, distances, areas, directions and angles on maps and plans; (8h)
2. Execution of elementary geodetic measurements and tasks with instruments, calculation and presentation of measurement results; (6h)
3. Development of geodetic network project; (6h)
4. Development of geodetic support system project; (6h)
5. Design, complete of a report on design works. (2h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

The exam consists of:
• oral exam on the theoretical part;
• practical work is included;
• independent works have been developed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students are required to complete two homework independently, following the requirements defined in the lectures:
1. homework.
Describe the justification for the establishment of a geodetic reference (network) system for the assigned territory (volume at least 15 pages, submitted electronically, presented).
2. homework.
Description of the geodetic support system for a specific country (Presentation volume at least 20 slides).

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the exam depends on the cumulative assessment of the semester, the percentage distribution of which is as follows:
• oral exam - 40%
• Practical work - 40%
• Independent work - 20%.

Compulsory reading

1. Bikše J. Augstākā ģeodēzija. Mācību līdzeklis, [tiešsaiste] Rīga, RTU, 2007. skatīts 25.02.2022.] Pieejams:
2. Žagars J., Zvirgzds J., Kaminskis J. Globālās navigācijas satelītu sistēmas (GNSS). Ventspils Augstskola, 2014, 231 lpp.
3. I, II un III klases nivelēšanas instrukcija VZD 2001.

Further reading

LR un EU normatīvie regulējumi saistībā par ģeodēzisko sistēmu uzturēšanu un kalibrāciju.

Periodicals and other sources;;;


The course is included in limited choice (B section) in the master's study program Environmental, Water and Land Engineering (VUZI) specialization Geodesy