Course code BūvZM013
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures20
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours76
Date of course confirmation12.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvZ6045, Geodetic Support System I
BūvZ5055 [GBUV5055] Development and Maintenance of a Geodetic Support System
The aim of the study course is to introduce students to the importance of the geodetic support system in the successful development of the national economy, the principles of their expansion, long-term protection and preservation. Gets acquainted with the cartographic projections of the Earth's ellipsoid surface on a plane, geodetic networks and their formation methods. Local network surveying methods, reconstruction works, regulatory documents, organization of local network works. Students learn the theory of geodetic measurement errors and smoothing, their application in the smoothing of integrated geodetic networks. Knowledge is acquired about the tools used in the surveying process, the use of computer programs in the processing of measurement data, document design.
Knows the types of geodetic networks, their construction methods taking into account the intended network tasks, accuracy characteristics and the nature of the terrain. Procedures for testing and adjusting geodetic instruments, methods and specifics of surveying geodetic networks, compilation of graphic materials and mathematical processing of geodetic measurements. - exam
Is able to apply knowledge independently by performing accurate measurements of angles, distances, elevations and GNSS, mathematically process the measurement results, visualize them and evaluate their accuracy - practical works
Is able to apply the acquired knowledge rationally to organize the development of an integrated geodetic network system of the required accuracy, choosing the most appropriate methods and tools depending on the task of the network. – practical works
1. Substantiation of design of geodetic support system. (1h)
2. Geodetic support system design calculations. (1h)
3. Design of the structure of the geodetic support system. (1h)
4. Development and justification of work variants of the geodetic support system project. (1h)
5. Basics of geodetic network design. (1h)
6. Design of horizontal geodetic networks. Design of vertical geodetic networks. (1h)
7. Design of gravimetric, astronomical and magnetometric geodetic networks. (1h)
8. Determining the parameters of geodetic network maintenance modes. Integrated geodetic networks. (1h)
9. Justification of the local geodetic network. Local network surveying accuracy. (1h)
10. Technical task for the reconstruction and improvement of the local network. (2h)
11. Evaluation and identification of the existing geodetic support system. (2h)
12. Geodetic signs, their types and application. Basics of installation of geodetic network points (elements). (1h)
13. Surveying technologies of geodetic networks. (1h)
14. Geodetic instruments and basics of their operation. Processing of geodetic survey data arrays. (2h)
15. Basics of work process organization in installation and surveying of geodetic networks. (1h)
16. Quality assessment of the established geodetic systems. Impact of a poorly functioning geodetic support system on the national economy. (2h)
Practical work (12h)
1. Development of an integrated geodetic network project for a given territory. (12h)
The exam consists of:
• oral exam on the theoretical part;
• practical work is included;
• independent works have been developed.
Students must select Literature and regulations and prepare for practical work.
Preparation of descriptions of practical works after the development of their practical part.
Preparing for the oral exam.
The assessment of the exam depends on the cumulative assessment of the semester, the percentage distribution of which is as follows:
• oral exam - 40%
• Practical work - 40%
• Independent work - 20%.
1. Bikše J. Augstākā ģeodēzija. Mācību līdzeklis, [tiešsaiste] Rīga, RTU, 2007. [skatīts 25.02.2022.] Pieejams:
2. Žagars J., Zvirgzds J., Kaminskis J. Globālās navigācijas satelītu sistēmas (GNSS). Ventspils Augstskola, 2014, 231 lpp.
3. I, II un III klases nivelēšanas instrukcija VZD 2001.
4. Introduction to Geodetic Datum and Geodetic Systems, 2014, 328 lpp.
5. Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems: Proceedings of
the IAG Symposium GGHS2012, 346 lpp.
LR un EU normatīvie regulējumi saistībā par ģeodēzisko sistēmu uzturēšanu un kalibrāciju.;;;
The course is included in limited choice (B section) in the master's study program Environmental, Water and Land Engineering (VUZI) specialization Geodesy