Course code BūvZB062
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures22
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes22
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation12.03.2024
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvZ1038 [GBUV1038] Surveying
Students gain knowledge about the type and size of the Earth, coordinate systems used in geodesy, about the types of geodetic measurements, mathematical processing of measurements and accuracy of measurements, about the representation of the earth's surface in plans and maps. Learns the measurement of angles and magnetic azimuths. Students gain knowledge about distance measurement and leveling. Students gain an understanding of how GNSS works, aerial photography, laser scanning and GIS.
1. Is familiar with the inspection and adjustment of geodetic instruments, types of geodetic measurements and their execution, horizontal and vertical surveying methods, compilation of graphic materials, design in them and mathematical processing of geodetic measurements.(test)
2. Is able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice - to install and measure horizontal, vertical and topographic survey support network, to perform situation and terrain, as well as road route surveying by various methods, to evaluate the obtained measurement accuracy, process measurement results and compile situations, terrain, topography plans and profiles, work carefully and accurately, work both independently and in a team, draw up measurement logs, plans, profiles and other documents in accordance with the requirements; (test)
3. Is able to independently obtain, select and analyze information necessary for the performance of work in practice, and use it, make decisions in accordance with his / her competence and solve problems related to the work to be performed, understand professional ethics, be able to assess the impact of professional activities on the environment and society . Able to critically evaluate their knowledge and skills and understand the need for further education, bears responsibility for the quality of their work.(test)
1 The subject of geodesy and its connection with other sciences. Calculation of closed theodolite stroke coordinates. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
2 Type and size of land. Coordinate systems. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
3 Gaussian and Mercator projections. LKS-92. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
4 Horizontal projection of the earth's surface. Plan and profile. Scales. Map, its differences from the plan. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
5 Orientation. Azimuths, directional angles and hubs. (5 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
6 Types of surveying. Types of measurements, measurement accuracy and errors. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
7 Getting acquainted with the computer program ArcGis, creating a situation plan using ArcGis features. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
8 Measurement of horizontal, vertical angles and magnetic azimuths. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
9 Direct and indirect distance measurement. Distance measuring tools. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
10 Road track longitudinal profile leveling log. Compilation and design of a longitudinal profile. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
11 Leveling the surface, drawing up a relief plan. (1 h lecture, 2 h laboratory work)
12 Geometric and trigonometric leveling. (1 h lecture, 2 h laboratory work)
13 GNSS operating principle, GP receivers, their possibilities, advantages and disadvantages. (2 h lecture, 2 h laboratory work)
14 The concept of aerial photography and laser scanning. (2 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
15 The concept of the Geographic Information System, the basic principles of its development. (2 h lecture, 2 h laboratory work)
16 Simple survey methods. Special work in forest management. (1 h lecture, 1 h laboratory work)
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
All planned laboratory works must be worked on, the planned three tests must be written and an exam must be taken at the end of the semester.
Independently study the available literature, prepare for the exam.
All laboratory works have been completed, tests have been positively assessed, and an exam has been passed.
1. Helfriča B., Bīmane I., Kronbergs M., Zuments U. Ģeodēzija. Latvijas ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra. Rīga: 2007. 262 lpp.
2. Helfriča B.Mērniecība: mācību līdzeklis. 1. un 2.daļa. Jelgava, 2004.
3. Helfriča B.Mērniecība III: mācību līdzeklis.. Jelgava, 2005.
4. Horizontālā uzmērīšana. Metodiskie norādījumi. Jelgava, 2012. 32 lpp.
1. Drēska A. Meža autoceļi. Mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem un nozares speciālistiem. Jelgava, 2014. 121 lpp.
2. Freijs V., Jakubovskis O., Kronbergs M., Zuments U. Ģeodēzija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1993. 383 lpp.
1. Interneta lapa
Compulsory study course for MF professional higher education bachelor study program Forest Engineer in full-time and part-time studies and academic education bachelor study program Forest Science.