Course code BūvZB061
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes32
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation12.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZB061, Engineering Geodesy
BūvZ1016 [GBUV1016] Engineering Geodesy
Students acquire the geodesy application theory and practice for solving various engineering geodesy problems, learn to perform precise measurements for research, design, construction and operation process of civil engineering structures, using as usual as well as the special geodetic instruments and measuring methods.
Knows geodetic methods, geodetic tools used in the construction of various structures.
Is able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. Is able to independently obtain, select and analyze the information necessary for the performance of the required geodetic works, and use it, make decisions in accordance with his / her competence and solve problems related to the work to be performed. Knowledge is tested with the help of a test. There are two tests to test the knowledge of the course. Skills assessment is tested by performing laboratory work. The final test is an exam.
1. Type and size of land. Coordinate systems - 2h
2. Orientation. Azimuths, hubs and directional angle - 2h
3. Elevation systems used in engineering geodesy. Plans and maps - 3h
4. Types of geodetic measurements. Angle measurement - 3h
5. Theodolites and their tests - 3h
6. Methods of measuring horizontal and vertical angles. Magnetic azimuth measurement - 3h
7. Determination of perpendiculars. Distance measurement with measuring tapes, stripe rangefinders, and electro-optical light rangefinders - 3h
8. Leveling. Level check. Leveling of technical accuracy class - 2h
9. Geometric, Trigonometric, and hydrostatic leveling - 3h
10. Geodetic networks - 2h
11. Horizontal surveying and topographic surveying - 3h
12. Geodetic survey data processing - 2h
13. Compilation of a topographic plan - 3h
14. Determination of distance, angles, coordinates, and slope in the topographic plan. Reading the plan - 2h
15. Geodetic inspections of the structure - 2h
Performance measurements and preparation of performance measurement plans - 2h
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
Written exam on the theoretical material acquired in the study course.
All tests and laboratory work must be included.
Successful assessment in the exam.
Students need to independently perform laboratory work, guided by the requirements defined in lectures.
During the semester, 2 tests are taken. In each test, a total of 4 theoretical questions and one practical task are asked. Up to 5 points can be obtained for each test. Successfully passed test if at least 3 points are obtained. A student is allowed to take an exam if both tests are written successfully. If a student has scored 7 or more points in both tests, he / she can receive an entry without taking the exam with the assessment given in the table or take it to improve the assessment of the exam.
Exam evaluation according to points:
5 Average - 5
6 Almost good - 6
7 good - 7
8 Very good - 8
9 excellent - 9
10 excellent - 10
1. Helfriča B., Bīmane I., Kronbergs M., Zuments U. Ģeodēzija. Rīga: LĢIA, 2007. 262 lpp.
2. Andersons G., Siņajeva R. Autoceļu projektēšana. Jelgava: LLU, 2000. 31 lpp.
3. Žagars J., Zvirgzds J., Kaminskis J. Globālās navigācijas satelītu sistēmas (GNSS). Ventspils: Ventspils Augstskola, 2014:, 231 lpp.
1. Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 30. jūnija noteikumi Nr. 334 "Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 005-15 "Inženierizpētes noteikumi būvniecībā"".
2. Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 16. jūnija noteikumi Nr. 325 "Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 305-15 "Ģeodēziskie darbi būvniecībā"".
3. Ministru kabineta 2012. gada 24. aprīļa noteikumi Nr. 281 "Augstas detalizācijas topogrāfiskās informācijas un tās centrālās datubāzes noteikumi". Latvijas Vēstnesis, 65, 26.04.2012.
The study course is intended for the professional higher education bachelor study program Construction