Course code BūvZB045

Credit points 3

Computer Graphics in Land Management and Surveying III [Z.ier. un mēr., p(b)]

Total Hours in Course

Number of hours for lectures8

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes6

Number of hours for laboratory classes18

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation10.01.2025

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developers

author lect.

Jolanta Luksa

Mg. sc. ing.

author lect.

Kārlis Veiss

Mg. paed.

Prior knowledge

BūvZB047, Computer Graphics in Land Management and Surveying II

Course abstract

Students aina n in-depth look at one of the leading drafting programs used in the industry. Students learn drawing and design of specific surveying documents.

Basics of programming
The purpose of the study course is to acquire skills in creating simple programs using the Python programming language. Students learn the basic elements of the language - data types, variables, conditional statements and cycles

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knows the specific drawing palettes of the MicroStation program. Knowledge is assessed during the development of laboratory work.
2. Can, using the specific drawing palettes, draw the graphic part of the land development project, land cadastral survey plans. Skills can be assessed during tests and laboratory work.
3. Able to constantly solve tasks and, when faced with problems, solve them independently. Competences can be assessed in the performance of independent works and control works.

Basics of programming
Knowledge - knows the basic principles of programming in Python (defense of practical works);
Skills – know how to create program code and debugs programs, test work);
Competencies - to create program code and make its debugs for performing simple data processing tasks (defense of practical works, test work).

Course Content(Calendar)

Full-time studies:
1. The palette of the land cadastral survey of the MicroStation computer program and the options it offers. (lecture – 2h, laboratory work – 2h)
2. The MicroStation land facility design palette and the options it offers. (lecture – 2h, laboratory work – 2h)
3. Preparation of the graphic part of the land development project (laboratory work – 4h)
4. Application of the land cadastral survey palette when preparing a land boundary plan (laboratory work – 2h)
5. Application of the land cadastral survey palette, preparing a situation plan (laboratory work – 3h)
6. Application of the land cadastral survey palette when preparing the encumbrance plan (laboratory work – 3h)
7. Application of the land cadastral survey palette, preparing the specially prepared border file (laboratory work – 2h)

Basics of programming
1. Program elements and data types (Lecture – 1 h).
2. Operators and implementation of mathematical functions (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 2 h)
3. Conditional statements (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 2 h)
4. Cycle instructions (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 2 h)
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

Each part ended with a passing (fail) grade, the final result - a passing grade must be obtained in both parts.
All laboratory works must be completed and independent works and a passed test must be passed.

Basics of programming
Must have passed practical work and successfully completed test work.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Development and design of the land development project of a freely chosen land unit or development and design of a land boundary plan, situation plan, encumbrance plan of a freely chosen land unit.

Basics of programming
Completion of tasks started during practical lessons until the next lesson. Preparation for test work.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The test is formed as a cumulative assessment from the average assessment of independent work (70%), the average assessment of laboratory work (20%), the assessment of the test work (10%). At least 70% must be obtained.

Programming Basics

The test is a cumulative assessment from two parts – practical work (50%), assessment of the test work (50%). At least 60% must be obtained for both parts together.

Compulsory reading

1. Bīmane I., Platonova D., Brants A. MicroStation pamati. Metodiskie materiāli. LLU. Jelgava, 2012. 65 lpp.
2. Digitālās topogrāfiskās uzmērīšanas tehniskā instrukcija. Mērogi 1: 250; 1: 500; 1: 1000. Latvijas Republikas VZD, Rīgā, 2003 [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 17.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
3. Digitālā virsmas modeļa veidošana ar Bentley PowerSurvey. Rīga, 2006.
4. Apvidus topogrāfiskā uzmērīšana. Metodiskie norādījumi. Latvijas Mērnieku biedrība, Latvijas Kartogrāfu un ģeodēzistu asociācija, A. Auziņš, M. Reiniks. Rīga, 2014. 79 lpp. [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 17.03.2020.]. Pieejams:

Programmēšanas pamati
1. Pyton Tutorial [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.10.2023.].

Further reading

1. Apzīmējumi topogrāfiskai kartei mērogā 1: 50 000. LR VZD Kartogrāfijas pārvalde. Rīga, 2000.
2. Apzīmējumi topogrāfiskajai kartei mērogā 1: 10 000. Latvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra. Kartogrāfijas departaments. Rīga, 2007. Topogrāfiskās kartes [tiešsaiste]. Latvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
3. Zemes kadastrālās uzmērīšanas noteikumi. Pieejams:
4. Zemes ierīcības projekta izstrādes noteikumi. Pieejams:


Professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” for full-time and part-time studies