Course code BūvZB043
Credit points 7
Total Hours in Course64
Number of hours for lectures38
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes38
Independent study hours113
Date of course confirmation10.01.2025
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZ3135, Geodesy I
BūvZ3138, Geodesy II
JurZ2028, Rights of Land I
JurZ2036, Cadastre of Real Property
JurZ4034, Rights of Land II
BūvZ3077 [GBUV3077] Land Cadastral Survey
Provides the necessary knowledge to potential land cadastral surveyors and future industry specialists on the determination of the real estate object, its historical development, legal and geodetic justification. The study program includes work with the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia and their application, preparation and analysis of cadastral survey documents, application of computer programs in processing of measurement data and execution of cadastral survey documents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
1. Manages the potential performers of land cadastral surveying and future specialists of the field on the determination of the real estate object, its historical development, legal and geodetic substantiation - independent, laboratory works
2. Is able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, working with the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia, preparation and analysis of cadastral survey documents, application of computer programs in measurement data processing and design of cadastral survey documents in accordance with regulatory enactments, work carefully and accurately, work independently - independent, laboratory works
3. Is able to independently obtain, select and analyze information necessary for the performance of work in practice, and use it, make decisions in accordance with his / her competence and solve problems - independent, laboratory work
Full-time studies:
1. Study course program and requirements for study course acquisition (2 h)
2. Normative documents regulating cadastral land surveying (4 h)
3. Terminology of land cadastral survey (4 h)
4. The concept of land cadastral survey, purpose, tasks (2 h).
5. Land use (3 h)
6. Initiation and activities of land cadastral survey (3 h)
Test 1 - Basic activities of land cadastral survey (2 h)
Laboratory work 1 - Initiation and activities of land cadastral survey (4 h)
7. Feasibility study, survey, renewal (6 h)
Laboratory work 2 - Feasibility study, survey, renewal (8 h)
8. Preparation of encumbrance plan (2 h)
Laboratory work 3 - Preparation of encumbrance plan (6 h)
9. Preparation of the boundary plan (2 h)
Laboratory work 4 - Boundary plan preparation (6 h)
10. Preparation of the situation plan (2 h)
Laboratory 5 work - Preparation of situation plan (6 h)
Test 2 - Procedures for delimitation, survey and restoration of land units (2 h)
11. Preparation of land cadastral survey file (4 h)
Laboratory work 6 - Preparation of the land cadastral survey file (8 h)
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
The exam evaluation consists of:
• Successful written exam
In order for a student to take the exam, the following must be credited:
• laboratory work,
• independent work
• for successful tests: 1) Basic activities of land cadastral survey 2) Procedures for determining, surveying and restoring the boundaries of land units.
Preparation of descriptions of the progress of laboratory work.
For the acquisition of professional competencies of the study course. the necessary studies of the scientific and study literature (monographs, scientific articles and their collections, conference and seminar materials, specialized scientific periodicals) indicated by the lecturer.
1. The assessment of the examination shall be received after the examination of knowledge in the work of the written examination at the end of the study course and by summarizing the results of the laboratory work in the study course.
2. After elaboration of laboratory works and preparation of their descriptions, it is evaluated whether students demonstrate knowledge and skills to independently perform land cadastral survey activities, and whether they are able to evaluate land cadastral survey problems and eliminate shortcomings.
1. Paršova V., Zgirskis M. Normatīvo aktu piemērošana zemes kadastrālajā uzmērīšanā. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 91 lpp.
2. Ģeodēzija. B. Helfriča u.c.; galvenais redaktors U. Zuments. Rīga: Valsts aģentūra "Latvijas Ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra", 2007. 262 lpp.
3. Zemes kadastrālās uzmērīšanas noteikumi [tiešsaiste]: MK noteikumi Nr. 1019. Pieņemts 27.12.2011., stājas spēkā 27.01.2012. Pieejams:
4. Noteikumi par nekustamā īpašuma objekta noteikšanu [tiešsaiste]. MK noteikumi Nr.182. Sājas spēkā 01.05.2007.; zaudējis spēku 02.06.2011. ar grozījumiem. Pieejams:
1. Helfriča B. Mērniecība III daļa: Horizontālā, vertikālā un topogrāfiskā uzmērīšana. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava, LLU, 2007. 77 lpp.
2. Helfriča B. Mērniecība I daļa: Vispārīgās ziņas. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2006. 55 lpp.
3. Paršova V. Normatīvo aktu piemērošana nekustamā īpašuma formēšanā. 1.daļa: Zemes īpašumi. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 65 lpp.
1. Portāls Pieejams:
2. Latvijas Mērnieku biedrība. Pieejams:
3. Valsts Zemes dienests. Pieejams: hhtp://
Professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time and part-time studies