Course code BūvZB037

Credit points 2

Building Structures II-3

Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures10

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours32

Date of course confirmation14.11.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer

author lect.

Jānis Fabriciuss

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

BūvZ2043, Basic Theory of Structures II

BūvZ3094, Basic Theory of Structures III

BūvZB027, Basic Theory of Structures I

BūvZB038, Building Structures II-1

Replaced course

BūvZ2050 [GBUV2051] Building Structures II-3

Course abstract

Aim of study course are gain knowledge aout basic principles of reinforced concrete / masonry structures are acquired. Gain information about importance of reinforcement in concrete structures.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowladge - Students gain knowledge about the types of reinforced concrete and masonry structures, the design methods, and rules for detailing and drawings – examination.
Skills – students will be able to design reinforced concrete beam, floor and column and will understand efficiently for different type of reinforcement – examination.
Competence – students will be able give opinion about reinforcement location in simple beam, floor and column – examination.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time:
1 Lecture: Cocrete slabs and design principles. (2h)
2 Lecture: Beams: types and design principles. (2h)
3 Lecture: Prefabricated concrete structures. (2h)
4 Practical work: Simple hollow core panels design according to loads and manufacturer created tables. (2h)
5 Lecture: Rules for detailing of concrete structures. (2h)
6 Practical work: Durability in concrete structures.(2h)
7 Lecture: Masonry structures. Material properties. (2h)
8 Lecture: Failure modes of masonry structures. (2h)
9 Practical work: Simple masonary wall calculation (2h)
10 Practical work: Introduction of independent work, real examples and discussions (6h).

Nepilna laika neklātienes studijās:
1 Lecture: Cocrete slabs and design principles. (1h)
2 Lecture: Beams: types and design principles. (1h)
3 Lecture: Prefabricated concrete structures. (1h)
4 Practical work: Simple hollow core panels design according to loads and manufacturer created tables. (1h)
5 Lecture: Rules for detailing of concrete structures. (1h)
6 Practical work: Durability in concrete structures.(2h)
7 Practical work: Simple masonary wall calculation (1h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

The assessment procedure of the student’s competence takes place during the entire semester that ends with the examination. The following order in the assessment procedure is compulsory:
1. Lectures must be attended (80% or more); course project must be completed and defended (BūvZ2049).
2. Then students are allowed to take the exam.
The course is passed when the exam is passed successfully.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent works. Students carry out detailed drawings of reinforced concrete structures designed individually.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The examination consists of one topic from content of the current study course. Student fails examination, if he/she cann’t demonstrate the basic knowledge and understanding on course content.
The attendance of the lectures must be at least 80%. If a student is late for an activity or his/her absence is justified, 50% of attendance is assigned. If the total attendance of a student is less than 80% of the maximum possible, an independent work will be assigned.

Compulsory reading

1. LVS EN 1992-1-1:2005. 2. Eirokodekss: Betona konstrukciju projektēšana. 1-1. daļa: Vispārīgie noteikumi un noteikumi ēkām. Rīga: LVS, 2005. 225 lpp.
2. Brauns J. Stiegrota betona konstrukcijas: Eirokodekss EC2 konstrukciju projektēšanā, Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 173 lpp.
3. O'Brien E., Dixon A., Sheils E. Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Design to EC2: the complete process, London: Spon Press, 2012. 524 p.
4. Brauns J. Monolītā betona konstrukcijas: Projektēšana saskaņā ar EC2, Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 72 lpp.

Further reading

1. Reynolds C.E., Steedman J.C. Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook. London etc.: E. & F.N.Spon, 1997. 436 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Structural Concrete. Journal of the fib, Thomas Telford Ltd. ISSN 1464-4177.
2. Steel and Composite Structures. TechnoPress. ISSN 1229-9367 3. Engineering Structures. Elsevier. ISSN 0141-0296.


Compulsory Course for the First level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”