Course code BūvZB036

Credit points 2

Roads and bridges I

Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures8

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes14

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours32

Date of course confirmation14.11.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer


Guntis Andersons

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

BūvZB026, Geotechnics

ĢeolB001, Engineering Geology

Replaced course

BūvZ2057 [GBUV2058] Roads and bridges I

Course abstract

The course introduces students to general concepts of motor roads, the technical design of roads, road classification, movement specifics of cars on a road, planning of roads, longitudinal profile of a road, the types and appropriate parameters of transverse profiles of a road.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: basic knowledge on motor roads, their classification and the content of the technical design.
Skills: ability to perform the calculations of main parameters.
Competence: familiarity with the technical design of roads, longitudinal and transverse profiles. Credit test with a mark.

Course Content(Calendar)

In part-time correspondence studies:
1. A general description of motor roads. Classification of motor roads. (2h)
2. The movement of vehicles. Vehicle stopping distance. (2h)
3. Design of motor roads. (1h)
4. Road cross sections and their elements. (2h)
5. The plan of a road. The route of a road. (3h)
6. Centrifugal force of vehicles on horizontal curve. (3h)
7. The widening of roads pavement. Horizontal curves of roads. (2h)
8. Banking of a road and its construction. (2h)
9. Sight distance on a road and its determination. (2h)
10. The longitudinal section of a road. Vertical curves of roads. (3h)
11. Roadbed. The structure of a (road pavement) carriageway. (2h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Passed practical works and test.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. practical work: Selection of the route of a road in a plan.
2. practical work: The selection of the normal profile of a road.
Preparation for the test on the theoretic materials.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The knowledge and skills shown on practical works and the test.

Compulsory reading

1. Naudžuns J. Autoceļu projektēšana. Trases plāna, garenprofila un ceļa klātnes izveidojums. Rīga, 2006.
2. Zariņš A., Naudžuns J. Autoceļu projektēšanas pamatkurss. Metodisks materiāls. Rīga, 2007. 119 lpp.
3. Middleton C.R., Fidler A., Vardanega P.J. Bridge monitoring: a practical guide. London: ICE Publishing, 2016. 120 lpp.

Further reading

1. Drēska A. Meža autoceļi. Jelgava, 2014. 121 lpp. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 06.04.2018.]. Pieejams:
2. Andersons G., Siņajeva R. Autoceļu projektēšana: palīglīdzeklis studentiem. Jelgava: LLU, 2000. 31 lpp.
3. . Wright P. H. Highway engineering. 6th ed. New York etc.: John Wiley & Sons, cop. 1996. 680 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. LVS 190-1:2000. Ceļu projektēšanas noteikumi. 1.daļa: Ceļa trase.
2. LVS 190-2:2007/A2:2013 LV. Ceļu projektēšanas noteikumi. Normālprofili.
3. LVS 190-3:2012 LV Ceļu projektēšanas noteikumi. 3. daļa: Vienlīmeņa ceļu mezgli.
4. LVS 190-5: 2011. Ceļu projektēšanas noteikumi. 5. daļa: Zemes klātne.


Compulsory Course for the First level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”