Course code BūvZB034
Credit points 4
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures18
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes26
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation14.11.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZ1034, AutoCAD Aided Design
BūvZB033, Engineering Geodesy
HidZ2005, Hydraulics
MašZ2010, Descriptive Geometry, Technical Drawing
BūvZ3101 [GBUV3101] Engineering Systems I
Content of course is directed to give knowledge about development history of water supply and sewerage systems, importance for society life, possible solutions of networks constructions, basics of projecting, sewerage network and purification facilities, special features of rainwater sewerage, project documentation.
Learning of course will give students skills of projecting simple internal water supply and sewerage systems of buildings, calculations of them, evaluate safety of systems exploitation, possible effects of system malfunction, planning sequence of building works, safety of realization and quality control. Assessment of knowledges occurs during project defense procedure and evaluating of answers of offsetting questions.
In part-time correspondence studies: hours
1. Short survey of water supply and sewerage systems history. 2
2. Water abstraction sources 2
3. Water quality parameters, possibilities improving them 2
4. Elements of water supply system, water consumption norms. 2
5. Basic data for projecting of building water supply and sewerage system. 2
6. Water network necessary pressures. 2
7. Hydraulic calculations of network. 6
8. Water transportation devices. 2
9. Elements of sewerage systems, functions of them and design. 4
10. Pipe materials, requirements to them. 2
11. Calculation of sewage flow, hydraulic calculation of sewerage network. 2
12. Design of site sewerage systems. 2
13. Rainwater sewerage systems. 2
14. Mechanical and biological sewage purification. 3
15. Sewage purification facilities for small objects. 4
16. Required project documentation, agreements. 1
Student should defense course work and acquire successful valuation in theoretical offsetting.
After receiving of individual course work task students get to know content of it and basic project data and plan of carrying out. On drawings designed by plumbing devices, create schematic 3D drawings of networks, study requirements of standards, normative and manuals. In process of course work students get skills to make simple calculation of building networks. Afterward students must be able to create complete system using separate elements and fittings, evaluate possible effect of malfunction each section, sequence planning of building works, control of safety and quality.
Final project defense procedure.
Course assessment will be:
10 (brilliant), if trainer don’t show any unmet requirement in course work and student answers offsetting questions correctly
9 (excellent), if there are minor errors and inaccuracies in course work and student answers offsetting questions correctly
7 good), if there are minor errors and inaccuracies in course work and student answers offsetting questions almost correctly
6 (almost good), if there should be made serious corrections in course work and student answers offsetting questions almost correctly
5 (mediocre), if there should be made important corrections in course work and student answers to one offsetting question correctly
4 (almost mediocre), if there should be made essential corrections in course work and student answers to one offsetting question almost correctly
3 and less (unsuccessful), in course work exist override of requirements of normative and significant errors and student’s answers don’t match theme, what a about offsetting questions are.
1. Tilgalis Ē. Ūdensapgāde. Jelgava: LLU, LIF, 2008. 184 lpp. 2. Tilgalis Ē. Notekūdeņu savākšana un attīrīšana. Jelgava: LLU, LVAF, 2004. 239 lpp.
1. Packevičius A., Šalna S. Santehniķa rokasgrāmata. II papildinātais izdevums, Vilnius, Supernamai, 2022. ISBN 978-609-8270-08-2
2. Profesijas standarts. Reģistrācijas numurs PS 0040 Profesija Sanitārtehnisko iekārtu montētājs. Tiešsaiste. Pieejams:
3. Tilgalis Ē. Aku ierīkošana un ekspluatācija. Rīga: Avots, 1991. 172 lpp.
4. Auziņš A., Zunde J. Ūdensvada un kanalizācijas sistēmu ekspluatācija un remonts. Rīga: Liesma, 1975. 440 lpp.
Pieejamā nozares informācija internetā, būvniecības izstāžu materiāli.
Compulsory Course for the First level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”