Course code BūvZB024
Credit points 2
Total Hours in Course80
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours32
Date of course confirmation12.12.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZ1034, AutoCAD Aided Design
BūvZ3111, Construction Technology I
BūvZB054, Building Materials
BūvZ3111 [GBUV3111] Construction Technology I
The goal of the course is to teach about labor work organization methods, technological maps of work sequence, labor-consuming characters, and construction site layouts. Also, this course provides knowledge of rational material and technical resource planning, optimal selection of devices and mechanisms for the main construction works, warehousing, temporary buildings and roads, energy solutions (services), and appropriate building technology choices based on technical and economic calculations of rational construction machinery.
After the course studies the student has the theoretical and practical knowledge about the legislation in the construction field, construction regulations; construction work processes, technology, construction work planning, organization, and management on the construction site. Can develop a project of the organization (performance) of construction works (calendar plan of construction works, general plan of construction works, technological scheme of construction works, and quality assurance plan) and knows the acquired skills in organization of construction works on construction sites. Able to develop a project for the performance of planning and management of the construction process and comply with the technology for the performance of work by construction standards, prepare and complete executive documentation, as well as determine labor protection measures. Able to monitor the construction process, and know the technical and quality control of the work performed. Knows the accounting of completed work, can check the covered work, and can control the executive documentation. Evaluation of results in the exam.
1. Work organization of workers in construction, basic forms of organization, management of work in objects. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
2. Design of construction works, and development of technological map. Calculation of labor intensity. Determining a rational team. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
3. Transport works for construction work. Temporary roads. Selection and justification of assembly mechanisms. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
4. Acceptance, storage and assembly of timber structures on site. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
5. Concrete and reinforced concrete works - acceptance, storage, and assembly of structures on the construction site. Molds, Hinges, Structure Gripping Devices. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
6. Acceptance, storage, and assembly of metal structures. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
7. Technology and organization of single-story, multi-story, framed, and non-framed buildings. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
8. Construction works in the reconstruction of functioning buildings. Dismantling Technology (Mechanical, Chemical, Hydraulic). The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
9. Projects for the organization and execution of construction works. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
10. Methods of organizing work - sequential, parallel, and flow. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
11. Calendar of construction works and their design. Resource Schedules - Time, Workers, Transportation, Material. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
12. Preparatory work. Principles of forming technological sets. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
13. General Plans of Construction Sites and their Design. Warehouses, temporary buildings, and roads. Cranes. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
14. Supply of construction objects with energy resources - electricity, warm/cold water, compressed air, natural gas. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
15. Quality, control, and commissioning of construction works. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
16. Modern technologies in the development and monitoring of the implementation of the calendar of works. Industry news. The estimated study time is 1.5 h.
Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.
At the end of the study course, the student must pass an exam. It includes independent individual work in the classroom, where the student develops a technological map for the types of construction work considered in the program, calculates the workload, and compiles a calendar time schedule, including the load schedule of construction workers and construction machines. Answer the exam questions
Independently gets acquainted with the construction legislation applicable in Latvia, as well as with the application of State standards regarding the quality of construction works, studies the latest books, periodicals and Internet resources.
Course assessment will be:
10 (brilliant), if the trainer doesn’t show any unmet requirement in the exam and the student answers offsetting questions correctly
9 (excellent), if there are minor errors and inaccuracies in the exam and the student answers offsetting questions correctly
7 good), if there are minor errors and inaccuracies in the exam and the student answers offsetting questions almost correctly
6 (almost good), if there should be made corrections in the exam and student answers offsetting questions almost correctly
5 (mediocre), if there should be made important corrections in the exam and the student answers one offsetting question correctly
4 (almost mediocre), if there should be made essential corrections in the exam and the student answers one offsetting question almost correctly
3 and less (unsuccessful), in exam, exists override of requirements of normative and significant errors and student’s answers don’t match the theme, what about offsetting questions are.
1. Bērziņš E., Kārkliņš P., Lejnieks I. Būvdarbu tehnoloģija un organizēšana. Rīga: Zvaigzne. 1993. 446 lpp.
2. Chudley R., Greeno R. BuildingConstructionHandbook. 10th edition. Routledge, 2014. 966 p. ISBN13: 978-0-415-83638-8
3. Chudley R., RogerGreeno R. AdvancedConstructionTechnology. I4th edition. Harlow, England: 2006. 632 p. ISBN-13 978-0-13-201985-9
4. Стаценко А.С., Тамкович А.И. Tехнология и организация строительного производства: Учеб. пособие. 2-е изд. Минск.: Выш. шк.. 2002. 367 с. ISBN 985-06-0741-6
1. Būvniecības likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2014. [Skatīts 10.11.2023.]. Pieejams:
2. Vispārīgie būvnoteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr.500 [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 19.08.2014. [Skatīts 10.11.2023.]. Pieejams:
3.Ēku būvnoteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr.529 [tiešsaiste]. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2014. [Skatīts 10.11.2023.]. Pieejams:
4. Peurifoy R., Schexnayder C.I., Shapira A. Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods. 7th edition. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
4. Дикман Л.Г. Организация строительного производства. Учебник для строительных вузов. Москва: Издательство Ассоциации строительных вузов, 2006. 608 с.
1. Latvijas Būvniecība: ceļvedis būvniecības nozares virzītājiem. Rīga: Lilita. ISSN 1691-4058.
2. Būvinženieris. Rīga: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienība. ISSN 9771-0008
3. Būvniecības informācijas sistēma. Būvniecības joma [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.11.2023.]. Pieejams:
4. Būvniecības valsts kontroles birojs. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 10.11.2023.]. Pieejams:
Compulsory Course for the First level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”