Course code BūvZB017

Credit points 5

Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Number of hours for laboratory classes8

Independent study hours79

Date of course confirmation12.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developers

author prof.

Ulvis Skadiņš

Dr. sc. ing.

author lect.

Jānis Fabriciuss

Mg. sc. ing.

author lect.

Mareks Bokta

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

BūvZ2048, Basic Theory of Structures

BūvZ3094, Basic Theory of Structures III

BūvZB018, Structural Analysis I

BūvZB019, Structural Analysis II

Replaced course

BūvZ4137 [GBUV4137] Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures

Course abstract

The aim of this study course is to provide knowledge about materials and their properties used in reinforced concrete and masonry structures. The students will learn about and acquire skills in the analysis, design and detailing of main structural members of reinforced concrete buildings. Also, the basis of structural behaviour and principles of limit state design of pre-cast concrete, pre-stressed concrete, and masonry structures are included. An experimental load tests of reinforced concrete beams are included, which will allow to compare the theoretical calculations with the actual load bearing capacity.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Students will gain knowledge about the materials and their properties used in reinforced concrete and masonry structures – 1 test, final test, and examination.
2. Students will gain knowledge about the basics of limit state design and structural analysis in case of reinforced concrete structures – 3 tests, final test, and examination.
3. Students will gain knowledge about the types of reinforced concrete and masonry structures, the design methods, and rules for detailing and drawings – 5 tests, final test, and examination.
4. Students will have conception of the basic design principles and detailing rules for prefabricated and pre-stressed concrete structures – final test.
5. Students will have skills to do the limit state analysis for reinforced concrete structures and its components – practical work (problems) 1 to 10, examination.
6. Students will be able to manufacture reinforced concrete beam specimens and evaluate the experimental test results – laboratory work.
7. Students will gain the skills to obtain and present the test results, to draw up the test report and make conclusions – laboratory work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction. Design of reinforced concrete structures – overview. Materials and their mechanical properties. (3h)
2. The role of the reinforcement in concrete structures subjected to external loading. (2h)
Laboratory work: Planning of the test. (1h)
3. Types of reinforced concrete buildings. Load paths and lateral stability or concrete buildings. (3h)
4. Loads and load combinations. Limit state design in concrete structures. Moment redistribution in multi-span beams. (2h)
Laboratory work: Production of the specimens. (1h)
5. Beams: types and design principles. Section analysis. (3h)
6. Shear in beams. Design of shear reinforcement. (2h)
Laboratory work: Structure of the test report. (1h)
7. Serviceability limit state. Crack control. Deflection control. (3h)
8. Concrete floor slabs: types and design principles. Punching design. (2h)
Laboratory work: Loading test of the beam specimens. Strength of the concrete used in the beam specimens. (1h)
9. Design of columns and walls. Slenderness of columns and second order effects. Analysis of section subjected to axial force and bending. (3h)
10. Concrete foundations. Design of strip foundation and isolated footing under columns. (2h)
Laboratory work: Preparation of the test protocol. (1h)
11. Masonry structures. Material properties and classification. Design principles. (3h)
12. Failure modes of masonry structures. Design of unreinforced masonry walls under compression. (2h)
Laboratory work: Theoretically determined load bearing capacity of the beam specimens (1h)
13. Detailing rules of concrete structures. Drawings of reinforced concrete structures. (3h)
14. Prefabricated concrete structures. (2h)
Laboratory work: Final remarks on test report, summary of the results and conclusions. (1h)
15. Pre-stressed concrete structures: basic principles and requirements for materials. (3h)
16. Design of pre-stressed concrete structures according to the limit state method. Losses of stresses in pre-stressed concrete structures. (2h)
Laboratory work: Defence of the test report. (1h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

The evaluation process of students will take place during the whole semester that will end with the final test and the examination. The following order in the evaluation process is compulsory:
1. First the tests and practical works (design problems) must be completed; lectures must be attended (80% or more); the report of the laboratory work must be prepared and successfully defended; course project must be completed and defended (BūvZ4109).
2. Then students are allowed to take the final test.
3. After the final test is passed, students are permitted for examination.
The course is passed when the examination is passed successfully.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Practical works. The design problems are available only in a particular computer room of the Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering. They must be completed independently and submitted in e-learning course page.
Tests must be completed independently and submitted in e-learning course page. They are available also outside the University network.
Independent works. There is no independent work required for students in this course. Nevertheless, students can do an Independent work to compensate the lacking attendance. In this case one must prepare a learning aid for the next year students. The work can be done independently or in groups. Options for the work: created or improved a wiki page in the e-learning course site; virtual detailed 3D models for reinforced concrete structures; small scale physical models for concrete structures; specimens for advanced laboratory testing, etc. The independent work must be first confirmed by the responsible university lecturer.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1) The attendance of the lectures must be 80% or more. If a student is late for an activity or his/her absence is justified, 50% of attendance is assigned. If the total attendance of a student is less than 80% of the maximum possible, an independent work(s) will be assigned.
2) Laboratory work: student must attend all the activities in which the specimens are prepared and tested in the loading machine. One must prepare and successfully defend the report of the laboratory work.
3) In the final test the minimum necessary knowledge will be evaluated (it is around 50% of the whole learning material), therefore the score must be 80% or more of the maximum possible. The test can be retaken until it is passed, but not more than once a week.

4) The examination consists of a comprehensive design problem. Any printed source may be used. Students must solve the problem and defend it orally. Additional questions from the whole course material, especially those related to the particular problem, can be asked. The grade depends on the calculation results and the level of knowledge presented during the examination. A student fails the examination, if a serious mistake in the calculations is made (if the mistake would lead to a possible failure of the designed structure), and/or if he/she is not able to explain the meaning of the calculations performed by him/her.

Compulsory reading

1. LVS 1992-1-1, Betona konstrukciju projektēšana. 1–1.daļa: Vispārīgie noteikumi un noteikumi ēkām.
2. Brauns J. Stiegrota betona konstrukcijas: Eirokodekss EC2 konstrukciju projektēšanā. Jelgava: LLU, 2007. 173 lpp.
3. O'Brien E., Dixon A., Sheils E. Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Design to EC2: the complete process. London: Spon Press, 2012. 524 p.
4. Brauns J. Monolītā betona konstrukcijas. Projektēšana saskaņā ar EC2. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 72 lpp. I

Further reading

1. Hall W., Koren L. Concrete. London: Phaidon, 2010. 2012., 235 p.
2. Hendy C.R. Designers' guide to EN 1992-2: Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures, London: Thomas Telfor, 2007., Sēj. 1-2.
3. Reynolds C.E., Steedman J.C. Reinforced Concrete Desiner’s Handbook. London etc.: E. & F.N.Spon, 1997. 436 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Structural Concrete In Architecture. Journal of the fib. Thomas Telford Ltd. ISSN 1464-4177.
2. Steel and Composite Structures. TechnoPress. ISSN 1229-9367
3. Engineering Structures. Elsevier. ISSN 0141-0296.


Compulsory Course for the Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Civil Engineering”