Course code BūvZB013

Credit points 2

Water Supply and Sewerage

Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures14

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours32

Date of course confirmation10.02.2025

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developers

author lect.

Mārtiņš Metāls


Vilis Upīte

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

BūvZB061, Engineering Geodesy

FiziB010, Physics II

HidZ2005, Hydraulics

MateB009, Mathematics I

Replaced course

BūvZ3146 [GBUV3147] Water Supply and Sewerage part II

Course abstract

Water supply & sewerage engineering networks are of primary importance for each building where people are living, remain for a longer time, or make economic activities. In the course students should get knowledge about the history and development of water supply and sewerage systems, the content of these modern systems, problems of sewage utilization and solving of them as well, constructions of devices and working principles of them, required project documentation for realization

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - familiar with theoretical issues related to water supply and sewerage systems. Skills - can make the selection of water supply and sewerage system elements. Competence - can calculate, and evaluate the consequences of possible incorrect operation of systems, can plan the sequence of system construction works, safety, and perform quality control. Assessment- test.

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Short survey of water supply and sewerage systems history. Water abstraction sources. 1 hr
2 Water quality parameters, possibilities improving them. 1 hr
3 Elements of the water supply system, and functions of them. 1 hr
4 Water consumption norms. Hydraulic calculations of the network. 1 hr
5 Water network pressures. Regulating devices and facilities. 1 hr
6 Water transportation devices. 1 hr
7 Pipe and facilities materials. 1 hr
8 Water supply for agriculture and animal production. 1 hr
9 Elements of sewerage systems and their functions. 1 hr
10 Calculation of sewage flow. 1 hr
11 Hydraulic calculations of sewerage network. 1 hr
12 Pumping of sewage flows. 1 hr
13 Mechanical sewage purification facilities. 1 hr
14 Biological sewage purification facilities. 1 hr
15 Rainwater sewerage systems, purification of them. 1 hr
16 Required project documentation of water supply and sewerage networks. 1 hr
Part-time extramural studies: All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Students should acquire successful valuation in theoretical offsetting.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students should acquire sufficient knowledge using presentations given in lectures and study of additional professional literature.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Course assessment will be:
10 (brilliant), if the trainer doesn’t show any unmet requirement in course work and the student answers offsetting questions correctly
9 (excellent), if there are minor errors and inaccuracies in course work and student answers offsetting questions correctly
7 good), if there are minor errors and inaccuracies in course work and student answers offsetting questions almost correctly
6 (almost good), if there should be made corrections in course work and student answers offsetting questions almost correctly
5 (mediocre), if there should be made important corrections in course work and student answers to one offsetting question correctly
4 (almost mediocre), if there should be made essential corrections in course work and student answers to one offsetting question almost correctly
3 and less (unsuccessful), in course work exists override of requirements of normative and significant errors and student’s answers don’t match the theme, what about offsetting questions are.
To get credit, the rating must be at least 6.

Compulsory reading

1. Tilgalis Ē. Ūdensapgāde. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 183 lpp.
2. Tilgalis Ē. Notekūdeņu savākšana un attīrīšana. Jelgava: LLU, LVAF, 2004. 239 lpp.

Further reading

1. Packevičius A., Šalna S. Santehniķa rokasgrāmata. II papildinātais izdevums, Vilnius, Supernamai, 2022. ISBN 978-609-8270-08-2
2. Profesijas standarts. Reģistrācijas numurs PS 0040 Profesija Sanitārtehnisko iekārtu montētājs. Tiešsaiste. Pieejams:
3. Tilgalis Ē. Aku ierīkošana un ekspluatācija. Rīga: Avots, 1991. 172 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

Kompāniju Gustavsberg, Hansgrohe, Uponor, Rehau, Pipelife, Evopipes, Gratz&Bohm, Onninen, August, EkoStandarts u.c. internetā pieejamie katalogi.
Pieejamā nozares informācija internetā, būvniecības izstāžu materiāli


Course included in professional higher education bachelor’s program "Construction"
Short-level professional higher education study program "Civil Engineering"