Course code BūvZB012

Credit points 3

Soil Mechanics and Foundations

Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8

Number of hours for laboratory classes8

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation14.11.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing

Course developer


Guntis Andersons

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

BūvZ2007, Building Materials I

BūvZ3093, Actions on Building Structures

BūvZB018, Structural Analysis I

BūvZB019, Structural Analysis II

ĢeolB001, Engineering Geology

Replaced course

BūvZ3104 [GBUV3104] Soil Mechanics and Foundations I

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to acquire knowledge about the physical and mechanical properties of soils, the main regularities of soil mechanics, stresses in the base soil massif and their determination, determination of base deformations. To acquire knowledge about shallow, piled and deep foundations and their application to buildings and technological equipment, principles of designing foundations and foundations, peculiarities of foundation renovation design, optimization of foundation solutions and application of computer programs in foundation design. Computer programs MS Excel, AutoCAD, MatCAD, GEO5 are used in the design.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students learn skills in determining soil properties and evaluating results. Laboratory works. Students know how to practically use theoretical knowledge in the design of building foundations. Practical works. Students know the types of foundations and know how to apply them according to the geotechnical conditions of the foundation and the loading of the foundation. Exam.

Course Content(Calendar)

In full-time face-to-face studies:
1. Content, task and implementation of the study course (1h).
2. Physical and mechanical properties of the soil. Types of special (specific) primers (3h).
3. Determining the name of sand and clay soil - Laboratory works 1 and 2 (4h).
4. Determining the strength and deformability (compressibility) characteristics of sand soil - Laboratory works 3 and 4 (4h).
5. Theory of soil limit equilibrium and phases of soil stress state (2h).
6. Vertical effective stresses from soil weight and effective additional stresses in the base soil massif; their determination (2h).
7. Foundation design according to Latvian Building Code - LBN 207-15 Geotechnical design and 7. Eurocode (1h).
8. Classification of foundations (shallow, pile and deep foundations) and application. Foundations of machines and technological equipment (2h).
9. Calculation values of load and foundation soil strength characteristics for determination of foundation strength and deformability. Determination of base strength and settlement (3h).
10. Inspection of the weakest layer of the base. Determining the influence of an adjacent foundation (1h).
11. Calculation of pile foundations, evaluating the negative friction - Home calculation work (2h). 12. Artificially enhanced building foundations. Designing foundations on artificial foundations (3h).
13. Foundation design in specific geotechnical conditions. Thermal design of foundations (1h).
14. Partial and complete elimination of the mutual influence of adjacent building foundations (1h).
15. Reconstruction of foundations and bases of buildings (1h).
16. Joint operation of the structure, foundation and base. Optimization of building foundations.
Application of computer programs in foundation design (1h).

Requirements for awarding credit points

The 4 laboratory works mentioned in the course plan have been developed, the results have been processed, presented in writing and in paper format to the department, and a positive result of the discussion has been obtained for each of the works.
A calculation work was submitted to the department, completed according to the task, presented in paper format and a positive result of the discussion on the submitted work was obtained.
Successfully passed the exam. Before the exam, you must get a positive evaluation for the laboratory and calculation works, as well as develop and get a positive evaluation for the course project BūvZ3106 Soil Mechanics and Foundations.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. laboratory work. Determining the name of sand soil. Prepared description and calculation in paper format.
2. laboratory work. Determination of the name of clay soil. Prepared description and calculation in paper format. 3. laboratory work. Determination of the strength characteristics of sand soil. Prepared description and calculation in paper format.
4. laboratory work. Determining the deformability characteristics of sandy soil. Prepared description and calculation in paper format.
Calculation work. Calculation of pile foundations considering negative friction. In accordance with the issued task, a calculation was made and a description was prepared in paper format.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Laboratory works are counted if the description and calculations are correct and at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
The calculation work is counted if it is completed correctly and at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
There are 3 questions in the exam ticket. The exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic mean of three evaluations. Qualitative evaluation takes place according to a 10-point scale for evaluating study results.

Compulsory reading

1. Filipenkovs V., Tūna M., Grabis J. Ģeotehnikas pamatkurss: lekcijas un praktiskās nodarbības. Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. Būvniecības fakultāte- Rīga: RTU, 2006. 166 lpp.
2. Bitainis A., Rosihins J. Praktiskā gruntsmehānika: mācību līdzeklis augstskolu celtniecības specialitātes studentiem. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1985. 300 lpp.
3. Barnes G. Soil mechanics: principles and practice. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 549 p.
4. Moler G. Geotechnik. Grundbau. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2006. 498 p.

Further reading

1. LBN 207-15 Ģeotehniskā projektēšana.
2. Eirokodekss 7: Ģeotehniskā projektēšana 1. Daļa: Vispārīgie noteikumi; [LVS EN 1997-1+A1+AC: 2015 (LV)].
3. Eirokodekss 7. Ģeotehniskā projektēšana. 1. daļa: Vispārīgie noteikumi. Nacionālais pielikums [LVS EN 1997-1:2005/NA: 2019 (LV)].
4. Далматов Б.И. Механика грунтов, основания и фундаменты. Ленинград: Стройиздат, 1988. 414 cтр.
5. Baban, Tharwat M.: Shallow foundations: discussions and problem solving /Tharwat M. Baban. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2016., 736 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Būvinženieris: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienības izdevums. Rīga: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienība. ISSN 1691-9262.
2. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. ISSN 1392-3730.
3. Latvijas Būvniecība. ISSN 11691 - 4058.


Compulsory Course for the Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Civil Engineering”