Course code BūvZB007
Credit points 7
Total Hours in Course160
Number of hours for lectures38
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes38
Independent study hours113
Date of course confirmation10.01.2025
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZ3135, Geodesy I
BūvZ3138, Geodesy II
BūvZ3139, Engineering Geodesy and Topographic Surveying I
BūvZ3142 [GBUV3142] Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
The Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and practical skills to choose, apply and use modern remote sensing and photogrammetry technologies in various situations in their prospective professional activities in surveying, construction, land management, forestry and in agricultural sectors.
Know and understand modern photogrammetric and remote sensing data acquisition methods, the nature of methods, application possibilities, data processing and spatial analysis.
Is able to orientate oneself in the issues of identification of photogrammetry and remote sensing application possibilities and definition / ordering and realization of work tasks while performing one's professional duties;
Is able to apply the acquired basic skills to work with remote sensing data, using photogrammetry and remote sensing methods and techniques, their application in modern applied aspects and research directions.
Assessment: Written exam, covering the issues of the whole course of the subject; laboratory works and students' independent work.
In full-time studies:
1. Definitions, classification, historical development of remote sensing and photogrammetry (2 hours)
2. Basic principles of photogrammetry and remote sensing technologies, product application. Electromagnetic radiation. Characteristics of remote sensing data (4 hours)
3. Remote sensing and its relationship with photogrammetry, the unifying and different. Remote sensing and photogrammetry instruments and technologies. Selection of sensors. (2 hours)
4. Remote sensing and the relationship of photogrammetry with photography, photographic basics, and photographic equipment. Passive (optical) scene acquisition sensors (2 hours)
5. Work with photo scenes, measurement, and interpretation (decryption), spectral analysis technologies. (2 hour)
6. Coordinate systems in photogrammetry. Scene orientation and scene orientation elements. The essence of aerotriangulation (Phototriangulation), (2 hours)
7. Basics of planning and implementation of photogrammetric aerial photography works (2 hours)
Test (theory) (1 hour)
8. Theory of comparison (matching) of digital scenes. Epipolar limitations of scenes. (2 hours)
9. Development of orthophoto maps. Accuracy of orthophoto maps. (2 hours)
10. Digital 3D and elevation models. (2 hours)
11. UAV technologies in remote sensing and photogrammetry. Selection of technological solutions. (2 hours)
12. Planning and organization of photography processes. Support point planning. (2 hours)
13. Active sensors – Laser scanning (LiDAR), data processing and application (3 hours)
14. Active sensors - Earth surface radar (Synthesized Aperture Radar (SAR) basic principles and data processing) (2 hours)
15. Relation of remote sensing, photogrammetry with land surface mapping and Geographic Information Systems. (2 hours)
16. Possibilities of telemetry and photogrammetry technological solutions in GIS software (Arc GIS pro) (2 hours)
Exam – written, covering the questions of the entire subject course, according to the received exam ticket. (2 hrs.)
Laboratory work (38 hours):
The works are performed using remote sensing/photogrammetry techniques and appropriate free or LBTU available software.
1. Photogrammetric processing of aerial photo scenes - surface model generation; (6 hours)
2. Photogrammetric processing of aerial photo scenes - orthophoto generation; (6 hours)
3. Photogrammetric processing of terrestrial scenes – panorama/scale orthophoto development; (5 hours)
4. Planning of photography works for the purposes of photogrammetry (for aerial photography or use of an unmanned aerial vehicle); (5 hours)
5. Working with 3D point cloud data (LIDAR); (5 hours)
6. Freely available (Sentinel) satellite data processing and product generation; (5 hours)
7. Designing the course work; (6 hours).
In part-time studies:
All topics indicated for full-time attendance are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the number of hours indicated.
Assessment: 1. Written Exam, covering the questions of the whole subject course, according to the received exam ticket.
2. Test on course theory issues.
Successfully completed and defended practical work tasks:
3.1 Practical work - aerial and terrestrial image processing, 3D point cloud and orthophoto generation using photogrammetric techniques.
3.2 Practical work - processing of freely available (Sentinel) satellite data and generation of relevant products using remote sensing techniques and freeware.
4. Student independent practical work
Students' independent work - using the skills and abilities acquired during laboratory work:
- perform continuous photogrammetric data acquisition with your everyday camera,
- to process obtained data using freely available software,
- draw up a report on the results of practical work in written form (volume at least 6 pages, submitted in electronic form).
The evaluation of the study course depends on:
1. assessment of exam answers.
2. cumulative assessment of test papers and permanent work of the study course.
A student can get a passing grade for a test or exam if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
The performance of permanent papers and exam tasks is assessed according to the established 10-point grading system.
The grade of the final exam is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the marks of the written exam and the student's independent work.
1. Vanags V. Fotogrammetrija. VZD. Rīga, 2003. 275 lpp.
2. Kraus K. Photogrammetry: geometry from images and laser scans. Walter de Gruyter, 2011.
Kraus K.. Photogrammetry. Vol.1: Fundamentals and standard processes. Köln: Dümmler, 2000. 397 p. 2000.g.
3. Mūsdienu Latvijas topogrāfiskās kartes. Autoru kolektīvs A. Zelmanis ... u.c. Rīga: VZD, 2001.
4. Štrauhmanis J., Ģeomātikas pamati., Rīga: RTU, 2006.
5. Stūrmanis E. Ģeoinformācijas sistēmas. Jelgava: LLU, 2006.
1. Konecny, Gottfried. Geoinformation: remote sensing, photogrammetry and geographic information systems. CRC Press, 2014.
2. Luhmann, Robson S., Kyle S., Boehm J. Close-range photogrammetry and 3D imaging. Berlin ;Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013.
3. Airborne and terrestrial laser scanning. Edited by G. Vosselman, H. G. Maas. Dunbeath : Whittles Publishing, CRC press. 2010. 318 p. Grāmata pieejama LLU FB abonētajā datubāzē eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) universitātes tīklā un ārpuss tīkla ar LLU IS parolēm
1. Copernicus Open Access Hub. Pieejams: (Sentinel 1-2 data);
2. The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
3. EuroSDR National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies with Research Institutes and Universities in Europe [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies