Course code BūvZB002
Credit points 7
Total Hours in Course200
Number of hours for lectures34
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10
Number of hours for laboratory classes32
Independent study hours113
Date of course confirmation14.11.2023
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvZ3170 [GBUV3172] Geodesy
The aim of the study course is to gain knowledge about the type and size of the Earth, coordinate systems used in geodesy, types of geodetic measurements, mathematical processing of measurements. Get acquainted with optical and digital instruments and other measuring tools used in geodesy. The structure and operating principles of geodetic instruments are practically mastered. The classification of geodetic instruments according to the application, construction and accuracy parameters is mastered. Gets acquainted with the composition of global positioning, the general structure of the system and the principles of operation. Students learn to use GNSS tools in operation with different surveying methods. Learn to apply various GNSS real-time positioning systems - GIS, cartography, construction, agriculture, forestry and other sectors of the economy and evaluate the accuracy of the obtained measurements
1. Knows the types of geodetic measurements and their execution, surveying methods and mathematical processing of geodetic measurements. Knows the development of geodetic networks, their types and construction methods depending on the task, accuracy and terrain of the planned network. – Test 1
2. Is able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice - to perform geodetic measurements, evaluate the accuracy of the obtained measurements, process the measurement results and compile a situation, relief and topographic plan, draw up measurement logs, plans and binding documents in accordance with the requirements. Has the skills to choose geodetic instruments of appropriate accuracy according to the set purpose of the work. The student demonstrates his / her skills in the independently developed laboratory works.
3. Is able to independently obtain, select and analyze the information necessary for the performance of the necessary geodetic works, make decisions in accordance with his / her competence and solve any problems related to the work to be carried out. The student demonstrates practical ability to assess the technical condition of geodetic instruments and other measuring tools and their compliance with the set requirements. There is an understanding of the importance of geodetic reference systems in various sectors of the national economy. – Test 2.
Full-time studies:
1. Introduction to the subject of geodesy. The subject of geodesy, its tasks, historical development and significance in the national economy. Relationship of geodesy with other sciences. (3h)
2. Earth shape and size, reference ellipsoid, horizontal distances and angles, map, plan and profile. Scale. (5h)
3. Coordination of coordinate systems and lines. Geographical and orthogonal coordinate systems. Latvian coordinate system LKS 92. Coordinate networks in the world. Determining the orthogonal and geographical coordinates of points on a map. (6h)
4. Classification and classification of geodetic instruments. Basic principles of the structure and operation of the Global Positioning System. Global Positioning Systems in the World (5h)
5. The simplest steps and methods of horizontal surveying. Construction and application of optical theodolites and digital tachymeters in the acquisition of geoinformatics and remote sensing materials. (5h)
6. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles. Principle of measuring horizontal angles. (4h)
7. Surface leveling methods. Terrain. General information about terrain in maps and maps. Optical and digital levels, their construction and application in the acquisition of geoinformatics and remote sensing materials. (4h)
8. Types and elevations of point heights. Ellipsoidal height. Orthometric height. Normal height. Relative height. Promotions. Height systems. (5h)
9. GNSS satellite prototypes and their development history. GNSS measurement methods and accuracy of results. (4h)
Test 1 (1h)
10. Factors influencing the accuracy of global positioning measurements. (4h)
11. Range of instruments used in global positioning measurements, their accuracy according to the set goal. (4h)
12. Global Positioning Measurement Methods. Application of the obtained results in the performance of geoinformatics and remote sensing tasks. (4h)
13. Testing and verification stands for geodetic instruments, procedure and requirements. Normative documents and standards governing the conformity of surveying instruments with the measurement requirements. (3h)
14. Compilation of a topographic plan. Tasks in the topographic plan. (6h)
15. Determination of areas. Methods of determining areas, their comparative evaluation. (6h)
16. Synergy of classical and latest digital technologies in improvement of geodetic reporting systems. (6h)
Test 2 (1h)
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
Written type of examination ending with a mark.
The test task consists of:
- test on the theoretical subject acquired in the study course;
- a practical task on the topics acquired in the practical work of the study course and homework.
All practical work, tests, homework must be passed.
Students are required to complete two homework independently, following the requirements defined in the lectures:
1. homework. Research and description of the development and accuracy of geodetic instruments for specific instrument groups (volume at least 15 pages, submitted electronically, presented);
2. homework. Surveying of geodetic network points, execution of global positioning control measurements, analysis of results using available database information. (Presentation volume at least 20 slides).
The evaluation of the study course depends on the evaluation of the solution of the theoretical questions and the task of the examination, and the cumulative evaluation of the tests and homework of the study course. All planned laboratory work must be completed and credited. Attendance at lectures must be at least 75% of the total.
A student can receive a passing grade if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly.
1. Bikše J. Augstākā ģeodēzija. Mācību līdzeklis., Rīga:, RTU, 2007. E-grāmata
2. Žagars J., Zvirgzds J., Kaminskis J. Globālās navigācijas satelītu sistēmas (GNSS). Ventspils: Ventspils Augstskola., 2014., 231 lpp.
3. I, II un III klases nivelēšanas instrukcija. VZD. 2001.
LR un EU normatīvie regulējumi saistībā par ģeodēzisko sistēmu uzturēšanu un kalibrāciju.;;;
Professional higher education bachelor’s study programme “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” in full-time studies and part-time studies