Course code BūvZP165
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Independent study hours81
Date of course confirmation19.01.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Mg. sc. ing.
The aim of the study course (study practice) is to provide practical understanding and knowledge of the planning, organization, execution and acquisition and documentation of photogrammetric activities. Students will get acquainted with the performance of photogrammetric tasks, possibilities, techniques and process of obtaining results. In the course of study practice students will acquire skills and knowledge about the course, sequence and acquisition of photogrammetry work within the selected target task, starting from the task understanding, continuing with solution planning, as well as spatial information acquisition and processing until obtaining the results of a specific task solution (product).
1. Is familiar with the practice, essence, content, development of solutions for photogrammetry solutions in accordance with the planned task and goals of use, preparation and execution of their implementation using the possibilities of photogrammetric drone - activities in study practice
2. Is able to orientate in the planning, organization and execution of photogrammetric work procedures for a specific task in the interests of development of geospatial solutions, determination of their quality criteria and preparation of specific solutions. Is able to use photogrammetric drone control, data acquisition and processing software for acquisition of spatial output data for preparation of various geospatial developments - activities in study practice
3. Is able to practically evaluate the compliance of the use of photogrammetric data acquisition systems with the solutions of specific tasks, their goals and to know the specifics of their work in practice. Able to perform appropriate quality photogrammetric spatial data acquisition, processing and product preparation tasks - activities in study practice.
Full-time studies:
1. Calculations (determination) of aerial photography parameters - in accordance with the requirements and needs of the received task. Aerial photography (photogrammetric drone) flight task preparation, planning - using appropriate planning software
2. Preparation of the aerial photography kit (drone + camera + navigation + control unit) for operation and technical readiness tests. Planning and execution of the control test flight, preparation of the readiness report
3. Preparation and approval of the project for the establishment (or supplementation / arrangement) of geodetic (aerotriangulation) support for the work area
4. Surveying, arranging, marking of geodetic (aerotriangulation) points
5. Planning and surveying of geodetic (aerotriangulation) points, checking and processing of survey results - alignment, compiling a list of coordinates
6. Receipt of a flight permit - registration
7. Planned area reconnaissance - test flight organization and comparison of results with the planned flight, examination of the presence of obstacles and selection of the planned flight altitude
8. Project data entry in drone automated (autonomous) control system, performance testing procedures. Location at the place of departure of the flight, verification of the adequacy of the meteorological situation;
9. Execution of automated flight program, operational control of operation. Initial assessment of the flight data obtained (during the flight and immediately after its completion) - identification of possible unacceptable deviations, if any
10. Executes the resulting shooting image and associated navigation information on the data carrier. The drone is prepared for transport
11. The obtained photographic information shall be entered into the processing computer and the data opening and review procedures shall be performed. Performs the spatial arrangement of the obtained images according to the shooting coordinate points and spatial orientation, checks the quality and resolution of the image overlays;
12. Instructs the software to perform automated pre-processing of image information - phototriangulation and visually evaluates the result. A 3D elevation / height model is obtained as a by-product;
13. Performs the control of the geodetic accuracy of the obtained result - enters the data of the previously created geodetic support points - coordinates, recognizes the markings of these points in the images and measures the detected deviations between the found locations in the images and the postponement of these locations by coordinates. Calculates the mean deviation and error calculations for the entire shooting unit;
14. Prepare new - precision aerial triangulation - the locations of the support points identified in the images are aligned with the locations of the corresponding measured coordinates. After matching the support points in the scenes - gives the program to perform repeated, geodetic adjustment of aerotriangulation and re-checks the measurement of the support points and their display deviations, calculations of the average deviation
15. Performs visual processing of images expanded in the coordinate plane - transformation into a single orthophoto image and cut off the image - deletes unnecessary inaccurate edges
16. In parallel with the expansion of the plane, a new 3D model is obtained, for which the quality control procedures are also performed, the obtained model is saved on a data carrier
17. Executes the created orthophoto and height model in accordance with the requirements of spatial raster and network data, develops and adds metadata information
18. Prepare a report - a report on the performed task and the obtained quality results
19. Following the instructions of the practice manager, the quality inspection acceptance procedures shall be performed for the execution and submission of the other team and the acceptance results report shall be prepared
20. Combines the created 3D model with an orthophoto image - creating a 3D image - video demonstration panorama
21. Prepare a report and presentation of the work performed
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
The student receives a credit if all practical assignments have been completed; practice review prepared and practice defended.
Development of study practice works - in accordance with the topic and tasks of practical work development received by the student team.
Training practice assessment will depend on the practical skills test results and practical running of the results obtained and the evaluation of the presentation. - Must have fulfilled all the training practice tasks.
1. Ģeomātikas pamati., Rīgas Tehniskās universitāte . Rīga, 2006. 66 lpp.
2. Mūsdienu Latvijas topogrāfiskās kartes. Autoru kolektīvs A. Zelmanis. Rīga: VZD, 2001. 203 lpp.
3.Ģeotelpiskās informācijas likums. [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 17.12.2009. Stājas spēkā: 13.01.2010. [skatīts 01.02.2022.]. Pieejams:
1. Kraus K. Photogrammetrie, Band I, Grundlagen und Standartverfahren, Dummler/Bonn, 1998., 450 p.
2. Kraus K.. Photogrammetry. Vol.1: Fundamentals and standard processes. Köln: Dümmler, 2000. 397 p. 2000.g.
3. Štrauhmanis J. Kartogrāfija: Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: RTU, 2004. , 109 lpp.
The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Pieejams:;;
žurnāls “Mērnieks”. ISSN 1407-7124.
Professional higher education bachelor study programme “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” in full-time studies and part-time studies