Course code BūvZ3161

Credit points 6

Spatial Organization of Crisis Management

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for laboratory classes32

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation19.01.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developers

author Zemes pārvaldības un ģeodēzijas institūts

Gunārs Silabriedis

Dr. sc. ing.

author reserch

Aivars Ratkevičs

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to provide a theoretical and practical understanding of the place and role of spatial planning of geoinformation support in the processes of monitoring, managing and managing various crises, supporting the structures and personnel involved in crisis management. Students are introduced to the experience of geoinformation support organization and enforcement, supporting the organization of countermeasures for the development of various types of crises, minimizing and overcoming their negative consequences, as well as geoinformation specialists supporting crisis management organizations and structures and development and practice. The laboratory acquires skills in the development of various geoinformation products and types of support in accordance with the scales and types of specific crises, using spatial information to predict their development and consequences. Developing practical skills for the spatial forecasting of possible crisis identification and development, as well as supporting crisis development mitigation, localization and management measures in the calculations and basics of their implementation.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Manages the crises spatial organization of geoinformation support according to their types, forecasts of their consequences according to origin, as well as spatial planning support organization in crisis development forecasting, management, localization and prevention, focusing on its theory and practice - tests
2. Is able to orientate in the basics of crisis management spatial planning organization and implementation, is able to correctly identify the need for geoinformation support and opportunities to support specific types of crisis management organization, including the development of possible crisis planning and development forecasts - tests and laboratory works
3. Is able to rationally assess the threats and development of the crisis to define the necessary geoinformation support, its tasks, products and deadlines for their development. In accordance with the development of the crisis, to forecast the need, possibilities and amounts of future spatial support measures and products (coverage of territories and volumes of products). Define support product quality criteria, raw materials to be used, applicable technological and technical solutions, execution time limits and reproduction formats, volumes, users and their specific needs according to the crisis management tasks - tests and laboratory works

Course Content(Calendar)

Full-time studies:
1. Principles of crisis management, organization and understanding of the spatial situation; (1h)
2. Crisis management work cycles, the place and role of spatial planning in them; (1h)
3. Understanding of the scales of crisis management and overcoming, their relation to the scales and volumes of geoinformation required for use; (1h)
4. Geoinformation support for forecasting and planning processes, their role in overcoming the optimal regime crisis; (1h)
5. Crisis management work cycle planning, management and geoinformation; (1h)
6. Structure of geoinformation provision for crisis management; (1h)
7. Types and structure of crisis management geoinformation products; (1h)
8. Military crisis planning and management documents, place and significance of spatial planning; (1h)
9. Military Crisis Management Geoinformation Support Structure; (1h)
10. Types and structure of military crisis management geoinformation products; (1h)
1. Test; (1h)
11. Crisis management, preparedness preparation and spatial support for geoinformation; (1h)
12. Preparation of geoinformation spatial planning support capabilities for crisis management; (1h)
13. Military crisis management, preparedness and spatial support for geoinformation; (1h)
14. The place and specifics of geoinformation support in crisis management processes; (1h)
15. The place and specifics of geoinformation support in military crisis management processes; (1h)
16. Principles and bases for the establishment of technical support for crisis management geoinformation support; (1h)
17. Geoinformation Support Support Units (GIS) and teams - their basic types and structure; (1h)
18. Geoinformation GIS units (data processing, analysis and product reproduction) (1h)
19. Geoinformation acquisition and pre-processing (including remote sensing / photogrammetric) teams and units; (1h)
2. Test; (1h)
20. Crisis management of geoinformation materials and data; (1h)
21. Geoinformation data (spatial information), their formats and significance of availability; (1h)
22. Available / existing GIS systems of institutions and organizations and their application to crisis management; (1h)
23. Overview of geographic information data available on the network (freely available and registered access), their sets and suitability for crisis management; (1h)
24. Spatial databases with restricted or authorized access, existing spatial information and solutions for its extraction; (1h)
25. Acquisition and use of general, classical IT database information, transformation possibilities for use in GIS formats; (1h)
26. Technical equipment and technologies for the acquisition of spatial information - for work in the course of crisis management; (1h)
27. Principles, structure and content of acquisition, circulation and processing (preparation for use of GIS) of military area and situation intelligence information; (1h)
28. The place and role of 3D modeling in crisis management processes, operating principles and teams;
29. Work organization with restricted access, sensitive spatial information and documents; (1h)
3. Test (1h)

Laboratory works:
1. Preparation of crisis management (work planning) map (database) according to the situation of a specific task - event; (2h)
2. Determining the impact of the crisis and the territories necessary for overcoming it, depicting their borders, zones and situation; (1h)
3. Support for crisis management staff - development of a calculation map for spatial forecasts (versions) of crisis development; (3h)
4. Creation of a data layer on the availability of crisis management resources and their location; (2h)
5. Calculations of the forecasts of the impact of crisis threats - using the available information on the population, their location in the space, economic objects, their locations in the risk areas, as well as threats to the safety of their activities (3h)
6. Development of variants of evacuation plans for the population and material resources at risk on the map; (1h);
7. Development of a spatial plan (map) for the relocation of crisis management resources, including the impact of time factors, development of a road use deconstruction map; (2h)
8. Maintaining the topicality of crisis situation development monitoring data (maps) and development of cartographic annexes to situation reports (2h)
9. Preparation of spatial products (maps and their data sets) and calculations of the amount of their reproduction for issuance to crisis management personnel and structures; (2h)
10. 3D modeling in the interests of crisis monitoring and management - spatial calculations and their preparation for demonstration; (2h)
11. Operational integration of new information (incl. Obtained with drones, satellites, etc.) into the developed spatial products for crisis management; (1h)
12. Development of the basis for a military crisis management planning map; (1h)
13. Military Intelligence Information, Remote Sensing Results and Threat Forecast Map; (2h)
14. Map for the development of military threat prevention, response, localization and liquidation plans; (2h)
15. Development of business cards and plans of military service chiefs; (1h)
16. Military operation geoinformation support provision plan (on the map); (1h)
17. Development of geo-information provision products for specific tactical measures (according to specifically defined tasks) (2h)
18. Defense of laboratory works. (2h)

Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

Upon completion of the course, students obtain a cumulative exam grade from 3 assessments of test papers and laboratory work or take a written and oral exam.
Assessment of test papers and laboratory work on a 10-point scale. Independent work is assessed in accordance with the assessment procedure specified in the practical and individual work assignment.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent works are developed in connection with and in sequence, coordinating them with the tasks and schedule of laboratory work.
- identify the areas and extent of the damage caused by the disaster (crisis), display it in a spatial document;
- To make crisis development forecasts using the impact of the spatial situation of the area and to display it in a spatial document;
- To determine the calculations of the inhabitants and materials to be evacuated from the endangered territories, to prepare their evacuation plan on the map (determining the collection points, evacuation routes, the amounts of necessary transport and support);
- to plan support for crisis management geoinformation and to develop samples of crisis management spatial products, to organize geoinformation acquisition activities with remote sensing methods, as well as to search for and appropriately prepare spatial information available on the Internet and databases

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. Laboratory work must be completed, submitted and defended;
2. Positively assessed test results.

Exams on a 10-point system.
The exam grade can be adjusted, taking into account the test scores and the laboratory work defense score.
Provided that the laboratory work score is 10 points and two test scores are also 10 points and the third test score is not worse than 8 - the exam grade can be received without taking the test.

Compulsory reading

1. Nacionālās drošības likums: LR likums. [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 14.12.2000. Stājas spēkā: 12.01.2001. Pieejams:

2. Krīzes vadības padomes nolikums: MK noteikumi Nr.42 [tiešsaiste] Pieņemts: 18.01.2011. Stājas spēkā: 21.01.2011. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. AJP-3.17, Allied Joint Doctrine for Geospatial Support, 2016 Pieejams:
2. The NATO Lessons Learned Handbook, NATO, Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre, 2022. Pieejams:
3. STANAG 5524 (Edition 2), NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP), 2023. Pieejams:
4. Rada J. Smart defence: Joint geospatial support in NATO. 2019, GeoScape 13(2):98-105. Pieejams:"
5. Valsts aizsardzības plāns [tiešsaiste]. Spēkā ar 26.08.2020. Pieejams:
6. Nacionālās drošības koncepcija. Pieņemts: 02.11.2001. Pieejams:
7. Nacionālās drošības likums: LR Likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 14.12.2000. Stājas spēkā 12.01.2001. Pieejams:

8. Civilās aizsardzības un katastrofas pārvaldīšanas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 05.05.2016. Stājas spēkā 01.10.2016. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources


Professional higher education bachelor’s study programme “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” in full-time studies and part-time studies