Course code BūvZ3153
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for laboratory classes32
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation19.01.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Mg. sc. ing.
The aim of the study course is to create an understanding of the basic principles of defining, evaluating and ensuring the quality of geospatial data. To master quality determination methods and orientate oneself in reports on international geospatial information standards. Tasks: to learn methods of defining, evaluating and ensuring data quality.
1. Knows and understands methods for defining, evaluating and ensuring the quality of geospatial data and international standards for geospatial information - tests
2. Is able to independently define the dimensions of geospatial data quality, apply geospatial data quality assessment and assurance methods - tests and laboratory works
3. Able to define, evaluate and ensure the quality of geospatial data - tests and laboratory works
Full-time studies:
1. Geospatial data, their origin and the role of quality in the use of GIS (1h)
2. Understanding the basic / general positions of geospatial data quality (1h)
3. Spatial (geodetic) and mathematical / geometric accuracy of data (1h)
4. Correspondence of data models to the terrain situation and completeness of data (1h)
5. Actuality of data, its meaning (1h)
6. Specific geospatial data quality items and their origin (1h)
7. Raster data quality items and criteria (1h)
8. Network data quality items and criteria (1h)
9. Vector data quality positions, criteria and expressions (1h)
10. Definition of data quality requirements, measurement principles and practices (1h)
1. Test (1h)
11. Geospatial data acquisition and processing processes, technologies (1h)
12. Sources, types, dimensions and manifestations of geospatial data errors (1h)
13. Basics of data quality assurance, methods, techniques (1h)
14. Data production technological lines and quality management (1h)
15. Geospatial data quality assurance planning and development (1h)
16. Metadata as data quality media (1h)
17. Understanding of the International Geospatial Information Standards Set (1h)
18. Geographic information standards ISO 19113, 19114, 19115 (1h)
19. INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (1h)
2. Test (1h)
20. Development of geospatial information systems in Latvia and data quality (1h)
21. Latvian legislation and geospatial data quality requirements (1h)
22. Possibilities for independent acceptance, determination and evaluation of the quality of geospatial data (1h)
23. Principles and methods of data quality assessment (1h)
24. Geospatial data evaluation techniques and processes (1h)
25. Raster data quality assessment and determination of conformity of use (1h).
26. Determining the quality of network data and determining the appropriateness of use (1h)
27. Determining the quality of vector data and determining the conformity of use (1h).
28. Universal data set quality assessment solutions (1h)
3. Test (1h)
29. Final report of the course and evaluation of results (1h)
Laboratory works:
1. Determination of geodetic, mathematical accuracy of geospatial data (5h)
2. Determining the suitability of geospatial data for the terrain - completeness of data (5h)
3. Assessment of the topicality of geospatial data (5h)
4. Search for freely available data on the web and perform a search for their quality indicators (according to the full program) - based on the information available on the data supply site. (5h)
5. A new data set is created from the individually selected data sets - with the transformation of the use scale, and at the end of the work the determination and design of the new (obtained) quality parameters is performed. (5h)
6. A laboratory work file shall be formed from the previously performed laboratory works - by drawing it up in the format of visual documents with maps and activities created for each previously performed work, as well as textual parts of the obtained results. (5h)
7. Presentation of laboratory work results (2h)
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
The exam is taken in writing (after the ticket) and orally - by answering questions.
Independent works are related to the course of laboratory work - acquiring additional knowledge (studying the literature, searching for information on websites) and practical experience for the successful solution of specific tasks.
The exam is taken in writing (after the ticket) and orally - by answering questions.
Admission to the examination is when:
- The laboratory works of the quality control, comparison and determination of geospatial data has been developed and presented;
- All tests have been passed with a positive result
1. Devillers R., Jeansoulin R. Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality, ISTE Ltd, 2006. 309 p.
2. Envirotech, Ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmas. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 26.01.2022.
3. Veregin H. Data Quality Measurement and Assessment, NCGIA Core Curriculum in Geographic Information Science Envirotech. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 26.01.2022. 11.02.2013.] Pieejams:
1. LV EN ISO 19113:2005 - Ģeogrāfiskā informācija. Kvalitātes principi (Geographic Information - Quality principles) [skatīts 26.01.2022.] Pieejams:
2. LV EN ISO 19114:2005 -Ģeogrāfiskā informācija. Kvalitātes novērtēšanas procedūras (Geographic information - Quality evalution procedures) [skatīts 26.01.2022.] Pieejams:
3. LV EN ISO 19115:2005 - Ģeogrāfiskā informācija. Metadati (geographic information -Metadata) [skatīts 26.01.2022.] Pieejams:
Professional higher education bachelor study program “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” in full-time studies and part-time studies